power and color

Chapter 1141 This is the pit I dug

To say that several people share this man at the same time is unbelievable, and it is even more unbelievable to say that they still live together. It is really impossible to imagine how this kind of life is. At first, Cheng Xiaodie only thought that they lived separately. In his own home, Su Zijian would go to their home when he was free, and live a married life together, but he knew that they would live together in groups, so he couldn't imagine it, and thought to himself: Do you sleep together when you go to bed? ?

Of course, she was embarrassed to ask this question, but looking at that expression now, I am afraid that it is true, and she also understands that it will be known tonight. It is too late. They still haven't gone back. We are going to sleep together.

But here comes another problem, with so many people, the bed is not big enough, so how can we sleep in it?

It's just that she thought again, they have lived together for such a long time, and they must have done the convenient work on this matter long ago, and she probably doesn't need to worry about this, wait and see You will know what arrangements to make.

Several people drank tea together and chatted. They all asked him about his arrest, but Su Zijian didn't want to talk about it, and said, "Junhao Company will come to you in a few days." A big earthquake, so I didn’t intend to hide this matter from you, one more person knows the risk, I will do it perfectly, without any mistakes.”

Fang Ying is a hard-working person in the business field. He knows that business opportunities are confidential matters. If only one or two people know about them, his sisters know each other and know each other. Now that there is one more person, Cheng Xiaodie, I don't know who this person is. But it’s unreliable, if the heart is outward, it won’t ruin his big business, so I don’t advocate inquiring about his company’s secrets: “We can’t get involved in your business affairs, and it’s useless if we know about it. That's all, it's just why Mao Shengdao put you together, this matter must be made public, right?"

When Cheng Xiaodie heard it, the hand holding the cup trembled, and almost spilled the tea in the cup. If Su Zijian made it clear, all this was a battle between the Qinglong Gang and the Tattoo Gang, and then If the Public Security Bureau intervened and put Su Zijian together, wouldn't it damage her image in their eyes? She looked at Su Zijian anxiously, a little worried.

"This is a play I arranged and designed. It's meaningless to talk about it now. After a few days, you will know what's going on?" He smiled and didn't talk too much.

When Cheng Xiaodie heard this, her heart was relieved, and she couldn't help being secretly grateful, if it wasn't for this man, she really couldn't imagine what she would be like now, I'm afraid it would be too late even to jump off the building to seek death.

"You designed it?" The girls became even more interested when they heard this.

"Hey! Now the family is your woman, can't you tell me about this?"

"Did you stop treating us as your women, and don't say anything, really."

"I said, why don't you just tell me the truth? Wouldn't it be better to share such a big event with one person?"

After all, Fang Ying is the eldest sister, so she had to stand up and use her spare power at this time, saying: "Don't embarrass him, they say it was designed, the time is up, it's too late to say it, let's be patient Wait a few days."

When everyone heard what she said, they had no choice but to let it go. Fang Ying was their eldest sister, and her words were very important. She usually made a fuss, but it still played a role when it came to Guan Jian, so she stopped embarrassing him now.

Fang Ying said again: "Xiao Die is one tonight. Anyone of you who is interested can sign up. If you feel tired and don't want to do that, forget it." What she said meant that she would sleep with her man tonight. Now there are too many monks and too few porridge. If everyone fights desperately to compete, this matter will be difficult to handle.

Although Su Zijian is very strong in ability, it can't make him tired, as long as he doesn't overdo it.

Seeing that they were silent, Fang Ying said, "Since you don't talk, I'll divide it up. Lao Zhou and I plus Xiaodie will be fine. Liu Xu and Fei Fei just fought last night. Rest for a while and talk about it in a few days."

When she said this, the few people had no objections at the moment, so Cheng Xiaodie was secretly surprised: Isn't it a bit too much for the three of them to do this?Besides, with so many people, can he handle it?

"Okay, that's the deal." Saying that, she got up to put the child to bed. It was past nine o'clock, and it was time for the child to sleep.

The girls also went about their own business. Cheng Xiaodie also put the child to sleep, and then went to take a bath. Zhou Xin smiled and said, "Didn't you take a bath? Why..."

Cheng Xiaodie blushed and said, "It's not that he sweated after drinking tea just now, I'm afraid he won't be happy smelling it."

"Hmm! It's good to love cleanliness, so many people have to pay attention to hygiene." Then he asked: "Everyone lives with him, and you should do a good job in hygiene. You have done a good job in this regard."

Cheng Xiaodie was extremely bold when she heard her words, even though she was a dabbler in the Tao, and she acted in the wind and rain, she was not as bold as them in this matter, and she didn't know what to say when she heard this. something good.

Zhou Xin smiled: "Now you will feel embarrassed. After a long time, you will gradually see it openly, and you will not think so."

Cheng Xiaodie nodded her head, indeed, this is all over, what can she say?It would be better not to say anything, but to slowly adapt to this situation and accept it.

When the four of them lay on the bed together, she still felt very shy, but when it was done, she let it go, seeing the three of them so crazy, she couldn't just hide away Let's watch the fun.

When she got up early in the morning, she saw that Liu Xu and Ning Xiaofei had already prepared breakfast and food for the children. Cheng Xiaodie was very surprised. Then, he actually took on the task of cooking.

"Wake up." Ning Xiaofei smiled faintly, and said to her, there was no strange expression on her face, she was used to this matter for a long time, and she didn't take it seriously at all.

Cheng Xiaodie's face became slightly hot, she was not as thick-skinned as the others, although it was not a matter of a day or two for each other to become husband and wife with this man, but this matter was unimaginable after all, Ning Xiaofei Under the watchful eyes, I still feel embarrassed.

"Why does Sister Fei wake up so early?" Cheng Xiaodie asked her while brushing her teeth with a toothbrush.

"The situation in our family is like this. Those who accompany him at night can sleep in. Those who are idle have to get up early to prepare the dishes and breakfast, as well as the children's breakfast. You didn't know this when you first came. You have to remember it in the future gone."

Cheng Xiaodie was stunned for a while, sweating on her forehead, what is it called, but it is understandable, people who have been tossing all night at night can get up early the next day, so those who are idle will be able to get up early the next day. Taking on these housework, but she has always stretched out her hands with her clothes, and opened her mouth with her meals. The leader of the Qinglong Gang, that is a very powerful name. Those big brothers on the road have to respect her when they see her, and now she is suddenly wiped out She, the boss of the Qinglong Gang, has also stepped down from her position. Of course, facing such a life is very strange.

Originally, it was unbelievable to let her accompany Su Zijian with all the daughters, but let her learn to cook in the future. This is embarrassing, but everyone does it. , now it’s nothing, just a boss of a gang that has been wiped out, do you still want to enjoy life like before?

For a while, she felt secretly worried. It is a pain if you don't know how to do housework. Even if you don't live with the girls, you can't hire servants to do these things, because she is not a big and precious woman. Miss, you have to be self-aware about this.

She thought to herself: How about letting Xiao Su buy me a villa, where my mother and son will live, and not be with them, but I also have to cook in this way, what should I do?

She brushed her teeth, washed her face, and walked out of the bathroom.

Ning Xiaofei said: "We adults will eat breakfast later, and the children's porridge is already cooked, and I will also serve you a bowl on the table. When it gets cold, you can feed the children."

Cheng Xiaodie was very touched: what is a good person, this is the real one. After the Qinglong Gang was wiped out by the Tattoo Gang, I don’t know how many people disliked me. Those traitors even wanted to deal with me, and none of them were Sincerely to me, then Ning Xiaofei and I are also Xiaosu's lover, this should be a rival in love, but she doesn't care at all, she has done so much for me, it is really rare.

"Why, are you very touched?" Ning Xiaofei smiled when she saw her eye circles turn red.

"Sister Ning! How could you be so kind to me?" Cheng Xiaodie asked in bewilderment.

"We sisters who are also his women, if we don't agree, if there is a quarrel, think about it, can we live on?"

Cheng Xiaodie nodded when she heard the words, thoughtfully.

"So, I didn't mean to treat you well or not on purpose, I just did what I should do, and you are the same. Sometimes there are some tasks that can be done by yourself, so I do my best to do it. Don't let your man have any worries, tell me about such a day, can you still live happily?"

"Yes! Sister Ning, what you said is reasonable, I agree." It is undeniable that she has nothing now, and she just wants to spend the rest of her life in peace. I'm afraid I won't be happy either.

Besides, in terms of Su Zijian's character, if you want to fight and grab, he probably won't pay attention to someone like you. After all, she lived with Su Zijian for a while, and with such a domineering person like him, how can she tolerate someone like you? These women are fighting for favor.

"If you want to keep a man, it's not to fight for it, but to make him feel happy, and he will naturally be willing to stay with you, otherwise you just grab him by force. It will take two days, probably Lost him too."

Cheng Xiaodie nodded repeatedly, and kept saying: "Yes, I know what to do."

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