power and color

Chapter 1151 Your Husband Is Very Loving

That's why she had to carry out a surprise attack twice when she came to D City, just to see if there were any other women in her husband's room, then she could come and catch them.

As for how to deal with this matter after being caught, I didn't think much about other aspects for a while.

After the train arrived at the station, there was a lot of passenger traffic. There were many people blocking the train, but she couldn't stop the train anyway. Just when she didn't know what to do, she saw a person walking towards him, hehe He smiled and said, "Ah! Isn't this Ms. Dong, the wife of President Su of Junhao Company?"

Dong Jiahua was taken aback, and asked, "You know me?"

"Hehe! I know, how can I not know each other." Then he said: "I am Yang Hongye, the general manager of Hongye Company, and I have a long-term cooperative relationship with Mr. Su. Didn't Ms. Dong come to City D last time? I've met Ms. Dong, but you didn't dare to recognize me when I saw it just now? After asking, I found out that it was really Ms. Dong." Yang Hongye said politely with a smile on her face.

"Oh! So it's Mr. Yang from Hongye Company." In fact, she can't remember at all what kind of shit Hongye Company is. She has known her in the past, but there are many people she doesn't know. The general wife, a high-ranking person, naturally has to be looked up to by others. People know her, and she doesn't care about things that often happen when she doesn't know others.

"What! Where's President Su? Has he come yet?" Yang Hongye glanced deliberately.

"I didn't inform him, he didn't know that I had arrived in City D."

"Oh! Ms. Dong means to stop the car." Seeing her nodding, she immediately said: "It's hard to get a car now, why don't Ms. Dong take my car to Junhao Company?"

Dong Jiahua took a look, and indeed, apart from her, there were quite a few people waiting to stop the car, even if they waited for half an hour, they didn't know if they could be stopped.

"I just dropped by the way, just in time to have a cup of tea with Mr. Su."

Dong Jiahua thought for a while, and said: "Okay." She was also a little helpless, who knew that this car was so difficult to drive.

Yang Hongye smiled and took her luggage, and the two came to the parking lot together, put the luggage in the trunk, and Dong Jiahua sat up.

Yang Hongye drove the car out of the parking lot, and then drove towards the city.

"Ms. Dong! Why did you come to City D so suddenly?"

"My husband has a company here, and I haven't been here for a long time, so I came to take a look." Dong Jiahua said lightly, and looked at Yang Hongye, seeing that this person was polite enough, but he didn't know Why, she suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart, she frowned unknowingly, and thought to herself: Am I right or wrong to get in this car?

"Haha! Ms. Dong was raped, right?" Yang Hongye suddenly laughed.

Dong Jiahua couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words: "Catch... What kind of rape is caught? What do you mean?"

"Ha! Su is always a flirtatious person. There are as many as ten lovers in City D. This is something that everyone in the business community of City D knows. Ms. Dong, you suddenly came here without notifying President Su. , this is something so obvious, why don't you still want to hide it from me?" Yang Hongye laughed without any scruples.

"Two..." The expression on Dong Jiahua's face suddenly changed. When she heard Yang Hongye's tone was exaggerated, although she didn't really believe Yang Hongye's words, she still believed in her heart that Su Zijian would not be serious outside other than his wife. There is no love-person matter, and she usually feels uncomfortable. If he is a big man, she can bear it like this. She doesn't believe it at all. It's just that there is no evidence all the time, and it's hard for her to say anything. When Shi heard Yang Hongye's words, she was frightened immediately.

Twenty lovers!What kind of concept is that?

"Mr. Yang! You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately." Dong Jiahua said coldly. Although she didn't really believe that her husband could endure a life without sex, Yang Hongye's words were too unreliable. It's over, twenty lovers, she gets dizzy just thinking about this number, let alone what kind of situation it is.

Yang Hongye turned to look at her, and said with a smile, "You don't believe me?"

Hearing what he said, Dong Jiahua couldn't help but startled, thinking: Is what he said true?

"Empty words have nothing to do with it. If there is no evidence, Mr. Yang, please don't talk nonsense." She is not a stupid person. It is obvious that Yang Hongye has just met her and spoke ill of her husband in front of her. intention.

"So, Ms. Dong will not believe it until she sees the evidence." Yang Hongye said mockingly.

"Mr. Yang! Please stop the car in front, and I'll get off there." She could see that this Yang Hongye was obviously running towards her. Maybe the meeting at the train station was not a coincidence?It is better to respect such people from a distance and ignore them.

Although she is reckless, she does many things without going through the brain. After all, she is not a fool. This Yang Hongye obviously came with other purposes. I don't care about people like you.

If this was in the provincial capital, she would have had an attack a long time ago, and she would have smashed your head. Now that she doesn't even know who she is here, and she is a woman, she will not be the one who suffers if there is a conflict. .

It is said that a woman's wisdom grows on her face, and there is nothing in her brain. She still wants to get this.

"Then there's no need to be in such a hurry. I happen to have something to go over to visit President Su and his lover, so let's go there together." Yang Hongye not only didn't stop the car, but increased the accelerator and left in a hurry.

Dong Jiahua's face couldn't help changing color, and only then did he know that the situation was really bad.

"Mr. Yang! What do you mean?" Dong Jiahua yelled sharply, hoping to shock the other party, and he had some scruples.

"Haha! Dong Jiahua, it's useless. Su Zijian is eating and drinking outside, and women have played a lot. Are you so willing?" Turning to look at him, he said with a smile: "Didn't you want Evidence, that's very good, I'll take you there right now, and take a good look at how Su Zijian hides his beauty in his golden house, and how many beauties are hidden in his golden house."

Dong Jiahua gradually calmed down, pretending to be steady and said: "President Yang! Is this necessary?" She secretly thought about what she should do to get out. .

Yang Hongye looked at her, quite surprised, he only thought that Dong Jiahua must have been frightened into softening by such a move, and kept begging for mercy, but Dong Jiahua's performance was too unexpected, he He snorted and said, "Even if you don't believe me now, I have to let you see with your own eyes what kind of person your good husband is, or you'll think I'm lying to you."

"My husband is so good, it's okay if some dubious women fall in love with him." She looked at Yang Hongye and sneered, "Could it be that my husband fell in love with your woman and you planned to kidnap her?" mine?"

Yang Hongye's forehead became hot from what she said, and she said angrily: "Bastard, that bastard Su Zijian has no strengths other than playing with women. I just don't like it, and it's not worth it for you."

Dong Jiahua chuckled twice, and said coldly: "Really! If that's the case, then why are you angry?"

"Fart! That bastard Su Zijian played with his woman is none of my business, why am I angry?" Yang Hongye said angrily, and almost yelled at Dong Jiahua.

Seeing this situation, how could she not understand, this person must be her husband's enemy, but how could he know herself?How did he know that he was coming to City D?Still come to intercept halfway?It really makes people wonder?

"Really! It turns out that Mr. Yang is not angry. That's very good. Could you please stop the car in front?" At this time, she didn't want to anger this man, and she didn't know if he would do some extreme behavior. , don't hurt him.

Yang Hongye looked at her, sneered a few times, and suddenly shouted: "No."

At this time, Dong Jiahua was speechless, regretting secretly in his heart, blamed himself for getting into the car of the villain without knowing it for a while, and now he had no choice but to kidnap him.

Seeing that Yang Hongye's expression was abnormal, it was not impossible for her to yell for help outside the car window, but in this way, she was afraid that he would do something to hurt her, so she endured it.

Furthermore, she saw that the car was heading towards the city, and it would be worrying if it went out of the city, so she thought that she had to play by ear, and ran away if she had the chance.

The difference between a woman and a man is that if he slaps you, you can't bear it, and it's even worse if you provoke him and throw a knife at each other. The more you know how to protect yourself at this time, the more she will It's been a while, so when I saw that the situation was not good, I calmed down and waited for the opportunity.

Yang Hongye glanced at her and said with a smile, "That's right! It's Su Zijian's woman after all. She is really different. She can calm down at this moment. I have to admire her."

Dong Jiahua said with a sneer: "Will you let me go if I make a big noise?"

"will not."

"That's it. Instead of that, why don't I calm down and see what you are going to do?"

Yang Hongye was very surprised, looked at her again, and said: "My target is Su Zijian, I just want to take advantage of his woman, of course, if you have any resistance, then I don't mind coming Some tough measures, understand what I mean?"

"Understood!" After saying that, Dong Jiahua's heart still sank.

Yang Hongye has already expressed his attitude, he actually wants to deal with her husband, or use herself, Dong Jiahua frowned, thinking secretly: Let's see where he takes me before making any plans, since he dares to If you come to arrest me alone, it must be a fight, and I probably won't be able to escape. What should I do?

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