power and color

Chapter 138

Then Xu Huizhen told him about her one by one. It turned out that after the two separated, her parents forced her to abort the child in her stomach, but after going to the hospital for an examination, it was because of some reason in her body. , if the child is aborted, it will inevitably cause infertility in the future, no matter how difficult it is to conceive a child, her parents had no choice but to acquiesce in her giving birth to the child. It is a big deal to have a child at the end of the 80s , if it is spread by others, it is absolutely impossible to remarry, so her parents arranged for her to hide in a relative's house and give birth secretly, and the child could not be brought with her, which made her extremely painful, which is why He Kaili secretly told She Su Zijian came to the provincial capital because she would come to see him.

Hearing her story, Su Zijian was in a very sad mood and had no words to comfort her for a while, but he held her tightly in his arms and kept kissing her eyes, nose and lips to show his love.

The two of them hugged tightly in their arms like this. After a long time, they gradually became conscious again, and unknowingly began to do adult exercises again. They did it several times in a row until their physical energy was almost exhausted before giving up.

It should be known that after being separated for so long and loving each other deeply, it is rare to have such an opportunity to stay together, so it is inevitable to do this.

After lying on the bed for an unknown amount of time, he got up, dressed and opened the door. It was already noon, Su Zijian checked out of the guest room, and took her to a small shop outside for dinner.

"Can I see the child?" After thinking for a long time, Su Zijian finally couldn't help but speak out what was in his heart.

"This..." Xu Huizhen's face was troubled, and she couldn't say the following words.

"what happened?"

"Oh!" Xu Huizhen sighed deeply, and continued, "Don't say it's you, it's even me who wants to see the child."

Su Zijian was taken aback, and asked in puzzlement, "What's going on?"

"After the child was born, my mother handed over the child to others to be raised. Only she knows who the child is now, so I haven't even seen the child since it was born." Speaking of this, I was so sad Tears flowed down like rain, and I couldn't stop them.

Only then did Su Zijian understand what was going on, and said sadly, "It's all my fault. I can't even protect you and the child. It's really useless."

"I am the mother of the child, and I haven't been able to meet the child. I really don't know what to do now."

"How about I go see your mother." Su Zijian pondered for a while, feeling that he had to take up this responsibility.

Xu Huizhen shook her head and said, "It's useless."

"How can it be useless?"

"You haven't seen my mother before. No one can beat her to what she is sure of. Even my father has to raise his hand and surrender. Do you think this will work?" Glancing at him, he asked Said: "Do you want to take over the child and raise it?"

"Yes." Su Zijian nodded his head, expressing his determination, but meeting such a difficult mother as her is really hard to deal with.

Xu Huizhen thought that she could not raise this child, so his father would raise him. This is the best solution, and she thinks it is feasible. The only problem now is that her mother refuses to let go. If you don't move, it will be difficult.

"At any rate, let me see her. Even if she refuses, I will go to your house. After all, this child is mine. I don't think she will be so heartless, right?"

After hearing what he said, Xu Huizhen could only smile wryly: You have never met my mother, so how do you know what kind of person she is? It really doesn't work with your identity.

"You take me to your house tonight, and I want to see her."

Xu Huizhen smiled wryly and said, "Forget it." She was afraid that after Su Zijian arrived at her house, he would not be able to stand her mother's cynicism, and would even insult her loudly. This was not what she wanted to see.

"No! Even if she refuses to hand over the child to me, I still want her to meet me and know what kind of person I am."

"Oh! You really want to see me." Now she couldn't even smile bitterly.

"Do you think I'm joking?" ~~~ "The No. [-] Mixer in the City" by the elegant layman is very exciting, don't miss it! ~~~

"Oh! Okay! But you have to be mentally prepared. Not only will you not be able to receive the child, but you will also have to..." At this point, I stopped the next sentence. No matter how much the mother is, she is still her own mother. speak ill of her in front of her.

"Don't worry about that. No matter how bad-tempered I am, Su Zijian, I still won't be as knowledgeable as her."


The sky was getting darker.

In front of the building blocks, a young man and woman walked in slowly, holding hands.

The two stopped in front of a small two-story western-style building.

"You've got to think about it." Xu Huizhen stared at him, her eyes full of worry.

"You lead the way." His tone was very firm. Now that things had happened, there was no way out. Even if it was a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, he, Su Zijian, would have to step over.

Stepping up to the door, she took out the key to open the door, and let Su Zijian walk in with her.

Xu Huizhen is the third eldest, and above her are two elder brothers who have already married. The two sisters-in-law and nephew live in this small western-style building, and their parents also live in it. The whole family sits in the living room and waits for her. When they came back to have dinner together, but saw that she suddenly brought a man back, they were all surprised, puzzled, and looked at her in surprise.

Her mother, Wang Yingjie, is an elderly woman in her early fifties. The seriousness on her face shows that she doesn't like to talk and laugh. She is the only one who has the power of life and death in everything. She has the final say in everything in this house, even if it is her husband. Or the two sons, no one dared to disobey her every word, because she is a symbol of power, and she also represents power, so no one can allow others to refute her every sentence.

This is her, that's who she is.

It's no wonder that she has held important positions in government agencies all her life. From the end, no one dared to speak big words in front of her or challenge her authority. Slowly, she developed a bad habit. It is this habit Let her not only allow her to not allow a presumptuous person to be born not only in the work unit, but also at home.

Ever since her daughter got pregnant at the end of marriage and came back with a big belly, this incident took a hit on her face and really made her dizzy. After finally getting this matter settled, she gradually calmed down No one knows what happened, even so, she is very sensitive to this daughter now, especially when she sees her staying with every man, she will have to question her, let alone a man It's a huge event.

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