power and color

Chapter 140 was cheated.

Xu Shaoqiang was very helpless, sighed, and retreated.

"Old Xu, I don't want to see him if you drive this kid out." After saying that, she retreated to the room, she was so dizzy with anger that she didn't want to eat.

Xu Zhiming breathed a sigh of relief, stepped forward, and said to Su Zijian, "Young man, you should go back first, and we will talk about this matter slowly."

"Uncle, you can just return the child to me. Why do you want to do this? It's not good for both of us."

"Things are not as simple as you think. This matter has to be considered in the long run, understand?"

Su Zijian was very puzzled and asked, "Why?"

"You can't ask this question any better, because it's hard to answer you, so you have to know that this matter is indeed difficult, now you go back and wait for us for a few days, and then see how to solve it .”

It makes sense for Su Zijian to think about it. People already have big opinions on you, and they have this big problem as soon as they come to the door. If you want them to agree to you immediately, this is really difficult for them. You should give them a time to relax and think about it. Well, thinking of this, he nodded his head: "Okay, I'll just wait for you to give me a satisfactory answer."


In the guest house, Su Zijian calmed down, lying on the bed and just sleeping.

When I went to Xu's house to make such a fuss, they must have some concerns, maybe they would hand over the child to me, that would be great, after all, it is my son, let him be raised outside, if this is a good family That's all, if he ran into a bad family, the unlucky one would be the child. If this were the case, it would be very distressing, so he would try his best to get the child back.

Of course, it is not an easy task to get the child back. He can see through Xu Huizhen's mother Wang Yingjie's expression at a glance, but she is not a person who compromises easily, so it will cost a lot Kung fu is not enough, in short, I have to have that patience, and everything must be carefully calculated and well-designed.

When the Xu family made a fuss, he believed that even if he stopped going to the Xu family, people from the Xu family would definitely come to him. It would be a heartache of the Xu family if this matter was not resolved.

As he expected, Xu Shaoqiang came to see him the next night and asked him to go out to pick up the children. Su Zijian was so happy that he almost laughed: he really forced them out.

Xu Shaoqiang took him to a remote and uninhabited place, and kept turning his head and looking around anxiously, as if he was afraid of being caught.

This is also understandable. After all, this matter is not a glorious matter for his Xu family. Of course, it has to be done in a concealed manner, and it is possible to be known by others as much as possible.

Even so, Su Zijian still laughed at him for being timid and fearful.

Unexpectedly, after waiting for a long time, I saw a few figures shaking from a distance.

Su Zijian was overjoyed: After all, it's still here.

Thinking of seeing his own son in a short while, he couldn't help but feel ecstasy in his heart. He was so excited that even his hands and feet trembled slightly.

Xu Shaoqiang waited for those people to arrive, and immediately ran behind them to hide.

Su Zijian was taken aback, wondering what his move meant.

But I heard Xu Shaoqiang yelling: "That's the boy, give me a hard lesson, if you don't kill him, or at least make him disabled, let him crawl back to the countryside and never dare to go to the province again." Come to the city, grandma, you’re going to make trouble for me, you’re full, aren’t you?”

Hearing this, Su Zijian understood a little bit: this kid obviously refused to give his son to him, that's all, but he called his helper Wei Ou himself, this is too abominable.

Su Zijian sneered secretly in his heart: If that's the case, don't blame me for being rude to you.

As soon as those strong men heard Xu Shaoqiang's words, they immediately came up, and when they were about to punch and kick Su Zijian, one of them suddenly noticed that something was wrong, and stopped the others: "Wait, wait."

"what happened?"

"What are you doing?"

"Aren't you scared?"

The man who stopped several people looked at Su Zijian intently for a while, and couldn't help exclaiming: "Ah! It's that kid."

The people who came with him heard what he said, and they also looked at Su Zijian. They felt that this person looked familiar, and they couldn't help being shocked. They turned around and fled away in a panic.

When Xu Shaoqiang saw it, for no reason, he yelled: "Hey! Brother Long, what do you mean? Is this the end? It's too funny." Don't miss out! ~~~

Su Zijian is not an idiot. When he saw this scene, he didn't understand why. He thought to himself: These boys must be members of the Qinglong Gang or the Dragon Tiger Gang. Their bosses are scared of being beaten by us. If you have to escape for your life, then dare to come up to die.

Xu Shaoqiang was very helpless, he didn't dare to fight alone with Su Zijian, no matter what he said, he was also a person of status, and it would be a loss of status to scuffle with someone like Su Zijian, besides, he was afraid of being hurt by him, so he could only follow him The gang ran behind.

After catching up, he was about to complain a few words, but saw the man he called Brother Long grabbed his bra, slapped him with his backhand, and cursed: "###, want to It’s impossible to harm Lao Tzu.”

Xu Shaoqiang touched his painful face and asked in a daze, "What's wrong, Brother Long?"

"Do you know who this kid is, and you dare to ask us to touch him?" Brother Long scolded fiercely.

"I only know his name is Su Zijian, and I don't know anything else." Indeed, he, Xu Shaoqiang, only knew the name Su Zijian and didn't know anything else. That's why he was beaten for no reason. Monk Zhang Er couldn't figure it out, and he thought that Brother Long had gone crazy. Woolen cloth.

"Do you know, this kid beat our boss so badly, he is still lying on the bed and can't get up? You still dare to ask us to touch him, isn't it a sincere international joke? He still intends to punish us ?” As he spoke, he punched Xu Shaoqiang in the chest, causing Xu Shaoqiang to fall to the ground.

Hearing what he said, Xu Shaoqiang was really surprised. You must know that he invited the brothers from the Qinglong`s gang. He is a famous player on the road, and he was afraid of who would come. They made others into a mess. As for the people who fight the Qing~Long~ Gang, they haven't been born yet, but Su Zijian is so bold that he not only dares to fight the members of the Qing~Long~ Gang, but even Lao Jun, the boss of the Qing~Long~ Gang. Howe was also bedridden by him. It's really a dream that Su Zijian has such a great ability, and who is it based on?He thought to himself: No wonder the kid likes this kid. It turns out that this kid has other backgrounds, he is not an ordinary little character, but I underestimated him.

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