There is a hoe under the tomb, the hoe is full of rust, and I don't know when it was thrown here.

The tomb is made of stone blocks, each of which weighs tens of catties, and even half a block is not a problem for him, but it is difficult to get down the whole tomb, but it is very strange, his lower body swells It was uncomfortable, and I had indescribable strength all over my body, and it didn't take much effort to lift it up.

After a while, the stone was removed, revealing the wooden coffin.

Su Zijian opened the wooden coffin with a hoe, and there was a Sleeping Beauty lying inside. He was afraid that the corpse inside would only be a pile of bones, but he didn't know that Sleeping Beauty not only had her skin intact, but also seemed to be a living person. The face is similar to that of the female ghost, but the female corpse in this coffin seems to be younger.

He remembered the female ghost's words, carried her out and put her on the stone, looked at her sleeping posture dynamic and charming, ignored all that for a while, took off all her clothes, and looked at the two balls on her chest , while raising the gun, vigorously exercising.

Seeing that the dead body is like a living person, it is very moisturised, and there is no difficulty in exercising, he is secretly happy: If I had known it was such a good thing, I would have come a long time ago, why bother to make so many things.

I don't know how long it took, only to see the dead body move, and with a wow sound, a foreign object flowed out of her mouth.

When Su Zijian saw it, he hurriedly inserted a twig into her mouth slowly, and picked out the foreign objects. At this moment, he suddenly sprayed hot bullets, all of which were sprayed inside. Feeling a little scared in his heart, he secretly said: : This female ghost can't be pregnant, right?

Dare not to do it any more, put the clothes on for her, put her back in the coffin, and saw that there were many treasures in the coffin, thinking: I have worked so hard, you must give some benefits.

I took a few pieces at random, covered the coffin, and put the stones back one by one. After finishing all this work, I saw that the sun was westward, and it was impossible to go down the mountain at this time.

He was no longer afraid, thinking that this female ghost must come out tonight to thank me.

Sure enough, as he expected, after midnight, the female ghost arrived as expected, and she threw herself into his arms as soon as she saw her. Very happy.

Afterwards, the female ghost said: "You can take those treasures, it's useless to keep them in the coffin."

"Ah! Why didn't you say it earlier." If you said it, I wouldn't have taken all of it. Wouldn't it be troublesome to open the coffin now?

The female ghost said: "This is your fate. I can't tell you. You can get as many as you can. You must not open the coffin to get it. It will be bad for you." The two works of "The First Mix in the City" and "Drizzling Rain Startled the Dragon" are very good!relative!Did you read it?Don't miss it! ~~~

Su Zijian was taken aback and asked, "Is there anything bad?"

"Yuantian has its own destiny, and some things cannot be forced."

"Fate is determined by fate!" Su Zijian looked at her in surprise.

"Yes, do you think we met by chance? It was destined."

"How do you say this?" Su Zijian was extremely puzzled, and wanted to ask for clarification.

The female ghost smiled and said: "Before I not only looked for other people, but also the old Taoist, I wanted to ask them for help, but the people who came here were not only unable to help, but also cost their lives. The old Taoist saw through the mystery and let me Patiently waiting for someone with predestined relationship to come out, and it was only when you appeared that I could help me fulfill my wish."

"Ah! I understand." Su Zijian suddenly understood, slapped his forehead, and said repeatedly: "I'm so stupid."

The female ghost asked puzzledly, "What's wrong?"

Su Zijian said: "It turns out that the old man gave me that book for some other purpose, and it's all because of you." At this moment, he understood everything. You can't do your best, you need not only the strange book, but also the strange fruit. The strange fruit is to help him improve his energy so that he doesn't stop the fire before he achieves the effect, and those wild boars are also threatened by her. Do it or not, all of this is in her expectation, and only she doesn't know it.

The female ghost smiled and said, "You're pretty smart, I've figured this out for you too."

"I told you earlier, why hide it from me?"

"Do you know what secrets cannot be revealed? Some things cannot be said casually."

"Okay! You're right, but now I know all about it."

"Hehe! You guessed it yourself, and it's none of my business."

"Ha! I don't want to do anything with you, I have to do it~ I will kill you." Holding her in his arms, he became happy again. After taking the strange fruit, he was full of energy, and he also had the skill of unloading girls. The difference really made the female ghost extremely happy and tender.

Seeing that the sky was getting brighter, the female ghost got up and put on her clothes, and said: "I will not come back after I leave, but since then you have had good luck, so it can be regarded as a repayment for your help."

Soon after the female ghost left, the sky became bright.

The little bird led him down the mountain, and he learned to be smart. As soon as he found the way, he would pick some herbs first. If he was away from the village for two days, there must be many people looking for him. If he asked, he would have an excuse. Justification.

As he expected, when he returned to the food station, the old head Zhang asked in surprise: "I said, Xiao Su, where have you been? Are you going home to hug your wife again?" I thought You kid is too much, it’s been a few days since you asked for leave to go back, why do you miss your wife again, it’s better to be young, this energy just has endless energy, we are old, this time half a time I also raised my spirits, if I was not careful, I would be scolded to death by my wife, I am a dead waste, it makes people feel painless, it is really terrible!

"Hey! The people in this village have been pestering me all the time, insisting that I pick more herbs to cure them. What do you think I should do?" Shaking his head again and again, he couldn't stop sighing.

Old Zhang thinks so too, since the boy showed his skills, the people looking for him have been continuously, not looking at this and that, it's always endless, and when he gets busy, he puts aside the business of the food depot, and he Frowning, he said, "You are a national employee after all. You should help people in the village when you have time, but you can't always leave your work and run away."

"What the director said is that I know about it."

"It's good to know, I won't say much about you, just figure it out for yourself." Patting Su Zijian on the shoulder, he walked away with his head down.

Su Zijian breathed a sigh of relief, first took the treasures to the room and put them away. He saw that it was a ring and some jewelry, and he didn't know how much they were worth. Then he took the herbs and washed them and put them in the sun to dry.

Not long after, a villager came in to look for him, wanting to ask him to see a doctor, but Su Zijian shied away and said, "I don't have time now, I have to work, let's talk about it when I have time."

The villager looked at him in amazement, Su Zijian went as soon as he was called, and came as soon as he was passed on. This is a well-known thing, how did he know that the changes have changed so much today?It made him very puzzled.

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