power and color

Chapter 232 Opportunities Are Wasted!

Seeing that he had so much money, Wang Piwen was very surprised: "Where did it come from? It couldn't have been stolen, could it?"

It should be noted that in the mid-80s, the average job per capita was only [-] to [-]. Su Zijian had not worked for a long time, and he had to live, and he had parents. Even if he did not eat, he could not save so much money, so he suspected that the source of the money was unknown.

"Yes! Seeing how hard it is for you to raise a child, I can't earn any money. If I don't grab it, how can I get so much money?"

"Fuck you, what nonsense are you talking about?" She cursed with a smile, then hugged the two of them and rolled onto the bed together. Every time Su Zijian came, she had to pester him to enjoy the most wonderful moment of her life.

After all, apart from this, what else is there for adults to have fun with? The township is going to show a movie or something, and it only happens once or twice a month, so there are very few recreational activities. Adults only eat and sleep. , Going to bed at night is just for this, anyone who has tasted it knows that this thing is really hard to get tired of.

Su Zijian's arrival added a lot of fun to her life, and she raised the child to be white and fat, which made Su Zijian very grateful to him. He really didn't know what else to do except work harder on the bed.

Three days passed by in a hurry, and early in the morning of the third day, he ran from the store to the road to wait for the bus, in order to avoid unnecessary troubles caused by encountering acquaintances. ~~~ The elegant "Urban First Mix" is very exciting, don't miss it~~~

When he came back to work in the county, Ji Shichun asked him as soon as he saw him: "Chief Su! Where have you been?" After finally meeting him to take a break, I really wanted him to be alone with his daughter in order to cultivate a relationship. Unexpectedly, he disappeared without a trace, which is a great disappointment. In addition, Du Wenyue also wanted to find a time to get together after hearing that he came back. Tong Yibei from the Finance Bureau also wanted to meet this rumored capable person. Unexpectedly, no one knew his whereabouts. In the 80s, there were no advanced communication equipment such as mobile phones, and it was just a broken phone. You had to dial the switchboard to transfer to the unit you were looking for. It was really troublesome and inconvenient, and it also caused the search for someone. difficult question.

"It's rare to have a vacation. I'll go back to my hometown to visit my family." He said vaguely, this visit to his family is true, but it's not his parents, but his lover and son, but his words will not arouse Ji Shichun's suspicion How could he have imagined that he would have such a fortune and legend, and it was not easy for several women to bear children for him.

"Oh! So I went home." It's rare for someone to have such filial piety, and it's not convenient to say anything.

"Director Ji, are you busy?" He stared at him, guessing that he was looking for him probably because of the food bureau.

"Seeing that you have been busy for half a month, I know that you are too busy. I'm not worried that you will ruin your body. I asked my lover to make some delicious dishes at home and I want you to try them."

"Oh! There are delicious dishes. Auntie's fried dishes are very good. Last time I was so happy, I always think about it."

"So Section Chief Su has time?" Ji Shichun beamed with joy, and he was very happy that what Fan Xiujuan asked him to do was finally done, so he would have a lot of time to be alone with his daughter.

"Haha! Even if you don't have time, you have to squeeze out this time."

Ji Shaomeng went with him when he got off work, and Ji Shichun went back early in his stylish jeep and waited.

Su Zijian wanted to buy some fruit, but Ji Shaomeng didn't allow him to buy it. There is a father who is the director of the Agricultural Bureau, and special fruit products are indispensable at home. From time to time, someone will come to his door to invite him to taste and enjoy. The benefits of being an official.

In order to spend a little longer time alone with him, Ji Shaomeng was not in a hurry to rush home, but walked together on foot, so that he could spend a lot of time talking with him.

Of course, this is only limited to work matters, but she can't say anything about personal matters. She had already thought about a lot of things when she was at work, but when it came time to speak, she couldn't open her mouth. Secretly scolding myself is useless.

Fortunately, Su Zijian is a very talkative person, and he talks a lot, otherwise, how could so many women be fascinated by him, and even give their bodies to him. This cannot but be attributed to his talkativeness and bearing.

The two of them didn't come to her house until eight o'clock in the original 10-minute journey. Fan Xiujuan couldn't wait and couldn't contact them, so she had to sit and wait. After the two returned home, She pulled her daughter into the room and asked, "Where did you go, why did you take so long to come back?"

"I didn't go anywhere, I just walked slowly, that's why I came back a little slower." She blushed a little embarrassed, even though the person in front of her was her own mother, she still felt embarrassed.

"Oh! That's it, have you told him all about it?"

"what did you say."

"You don't know what I'm talking about, do you?" Fan Xiujuan said a little angrily.

"He... this... what do you want me to say about this on the street?"

"I said you, you, you have wasted a lot of time, and you didn't even mention it when you took such a good opportunity. What do you call this?" I couldn't help feeling a headache for this daughter, and also It's a little too reserved, I don't say what should be said, but I just want to be shy, and I can't call her a mother so hard that I almost drop my pants.

"Although we are staying with him, it depends on the timing. You can't just say something like this for no reason, let alone on the street, how can I..." I shook my head slightly, feeling the same in my heart. A little helpless.

"What's wrong with the street, maybe you're going to be an old lady forever." Fan Xiujuan couldn't help rolling her eyes, very annoyed.

"Mom!" Ji Shaomeng grabbed her mother's sleeve coquettishly and shook it, but she was extremely embarrassed to tell her mother.

"If you still treat me as your mother, you have to tell him clearly tonight, otherwise if he is robbed tomorrow, don't cry in front of me."

"Hmm! I see, can this work?"

"Don't be sloppy with me. When it's time to make a move, you have to make it clear. If you're too reserved, who knows what's on your mind."

When the mother and daughter came out, Ji Shichun looked at them both puzzled and said, "Where did you go? The guests are all hungry."

Ji Shaomeng blushed slightly, with an unnatural expression on his face, and didn't say much when he sat down, while Ji Shichun and his wife kept asking this and that, and finally asked about who was in his family and other topics .

"There are only two parents in the family, and they are farming."

"Section Chief Su's environment is better now, why didn't he take the second elder out to take care of him?"

"Isn't it stable yet? I'll make this plan after I stabilize my footing." You were in the county seat first, but Li Keqiang took him to a small mountain village, and then you went to Dongying Town, and it was only a few days before you returned to the county seat. In the past month, the trajectory of life fluctuated too much, and there was no stability at all. I couldn't call my parents to keep up with me, so I didn't plan to take the two elders to live together.

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