power and color

Chapter 241 Get rich and bring us.

"Hmm! County Magistrate Jia and Deputy County Magistrate Chen don't worry, you two understand how I cultivated things very well, so I will do something like this to embarrass you two."

"It's best for you to think like this. After all, this matter is really a big deal. It would be great if you didn't scare the two of us to death." Jia Dongbao heard his analysis, and it was very reasonable, and the same one could Bribing such a large project, in other words, his money may not come from unknown sources.

"Then what are you going to do with this money?" Chen said, pondering for a while, and kept guessing.

"Currently, the state has repeatedly emphasized that state-owned enterprises can be privatized. Whether it is businessmen from Hong Kong and Taiwan, or some private companies can also participate in the joint operation of state-owned enterprises. What am I going to do with this in mind?"

"Oh! Can you tell me more about it?" Jia Dongbao asked with a smile of interest when he heard it. Until then, his heart began to brighten.

"Isn't the county construction company always in a state of loss? There are too many people there and the company's funds are insufficient, which has caused a lot of idle people to sit and eat. I mean, I want to rebuild an affiliated company."

"Affiliated to the company." Both Jia Dongbao and Chen Bing frowned, thinking about the meaning of his words.

"The reason why the county construction company is losing money, after my investigation, is mainly due to poor management and inadequate management. This is one reason, and the other reason is that many people have too much mentality to eat from the big pot. It is beneficial to the healthy development of the company to form a competitive relationship of pros and cons with it.”

"Okay! Xiao Su, I really saw the right person. Your plan is right." Jia Dongbao slapped his thigh and couldn't help but praise him.

Chen Bing didn't live there either.

"It's one thing to say about these things, but it's another thing to do it. It depends on the management ability of the managers and whether the funds are sufficient. Combining many aspects, it seems that it is not difficult to run a company. Sometimes, in some places, the county magistrate Jia and deputy magistrate Chen may need to help."

"Xiao Su! Just let go and do it. If you need me, just tell me, and I will help you as much as I can." Jia Dongbao immediately made a promise. It's really not much, I can't help but be tempted by what he said, and think it's feasible.


Su Zijian worked out the rough rules for establishing an affiliated construction company, and it took him several days to spell out the details one by one. After the establishment of the company, affiliated with the construction company in the name, it was actually starting from scratch. Of course, he did not completely break away from it. After leaving the construction company, we still need to use the workers of the construction company. These workers will be paid by their own company, including details such as retirement in the future. The company will take over the construction industry in the county and pay a certain amount to the construction company every month. fees and more.

After completing these preconditions, he handed over the completed construction document to Jia Dongbao, and asked him to read it before negotiating with the construction company.

The construction company has been in a loss-making situation for a long time and cannot make ends meet. Many workers often have disputes with the company because they cannot receive wages, and they have great opinions.

It seems that this is the first case in the county where a private enterprise uses the name of the company to be attached to the name of the company. There are many people who do not understand, especially when it comes to issues such as pension and retirement wages, and workers have little confidence.

The construction company has a total of more than 100 construction workers. Su Zijian's new company will remove more than 20 workers from the construction company, thereby reducing the pressure on the construction company from overcrowding. It is a great thing for the construction company Because of the lack of understanding of the workers, no one was willing to go to the private company for a while, and it took a lot of effort for this.

Su Zijian thought about it for a while, and finally decided to increase the wages of the workers by 20% on the basis of the original construction company. There is still some gap between his needs of more than [-] workers.

During this period, Su Zijian had already taken over the staff housing project of Du Wenyue's Grain Bureau. Although there were few workers, he could only make do with it.

Su Zijian was involved in this project for the first time, and his budget was not in place, so he might make mistakes, so he borrowed from Jia Dongbao and borrowed 20 yuan from the bank, so that he would have sufficient funds.

Considering the workers' doubts about the company, he paid the wages to the workers if the progress of the project was less than one month. According to the contract agreement, he paid each worker [-]% more wages. I think his trick worked. As a result, one after another workers came to other companies to sign contracts and officially became workers in private enterprises.

The total construction cost of the Grain Bureau's housing was more than 80 yuan, which was considered a large project in the [-]s. This was because of his relationship with Du Wenyue, so he received the project very smoothly.

He is a restless person. As soon as the project was picked up, he chose a good day and auspicious day, and the project was in full swing. On the day of ribbon cutting, Jia Dongbao, Chen Bing and several leaders of the county showed up. Some officials who had good friends with him The friends on the scene did not miss the celebration, and when they saw this scene, those workers who were still hesitant to sign a contract with the company came here one after another. ~~~ The elegant "Urban First Mix" is very exciting, don't miss it~~~

At this time, Su Zijian didn't want to work with them anymore. Later, he signed the contract according to the original salary, and there was nothing to talk about. At this time, the latecomers regretted it too much.

The company that was originally worried about the shortage of workers is now overcrowded and no longer signs contracts. If there are subsequent projects, they can sign temporary contracts in the form of temporary workers. Of course, the treatment should be given more.

One day, half a month after the project started, three people broke into the temporary command office set up on the construction site. As soon as they met, they couldn't stop shouting: "Boss Su! You don't call us when you run to make a fortune." , It’s so uninteresting.” He sat down angrily.

Su Zijian saw that these three people were actually Liu Xuesen, Wang Guofu, and He Yang, and he couldn't help but smiled and said, "I'm doing hard work, can the three of you do it?"

"You can endure hardships, so what are we afraid of?"

"Are you really not afraid?" Su Zijian asked again.

"Why don't you give us a job as a director or some kind of supervisor. It doesn't have to be a coolie." He Yang murmured unknowingly. Class work still has a certain pressure.

"Haha! Construction work is this kind of coolie work. This kind of work is not something you can do. Even if you want to be a director or supervisor, you must have qualifications, otherwise, if the project has a quality problem , that would be serious."

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