power and color

Chapter 256 Introducing a handsome guy to you

At this time, a jeep stopped in front of the door, and a man and a woman got out of the car. They were Su Zijian and Ji Shaomeng.

Su Zijian's career has just started, and the funds are not very abundant, so he didn't buy a car for the time being, and this jeep is Ji Shichun's special car. He loves his daughter very much. Whether this suburb is close or far away, Therefore, the driver was asked to drive the two of them here.

Crossing the bluestone paved road, looking around, there are more than 100 people standing in front of the central stage of the park at this time, many of them are gathering together to communicate, and most of the people present are young people, although some of them are on the stage. Those who are younger are just the leaders of the county party committee of the county organizer.

It is thought that if all the personnel arrive at the end, the meeting will not begin.

The two walked in hand in hand, the woman was beautiful and the man was unrestrained, it was a perfect match at first glance.

Stopping in the crowd in front of the stage, Su Zijian turned his head and looked around, trying to find Cai Shaofu from the crowd. Since this person wanted to find him, he must have something important to do.

Due to the large number of people, when Cai Shaofu was not found, someone found him.

"Tsk tsk tsk! I said who is this?"

"Ha! Isn't this our Comrade Ji Shaomeng?"

"Hee hee! I finally brought my boyfriend on stage."

Hearing the voice, you don't need to look to know who is saying this, it must be Ji Shaomeng's friend Xiao Taimei who met in Yangming Hotel.

Turning around and looking, as expected, three beauties came to meet them. The three of them were dressed in tight clothes, presumably they wanted to show their beauty on this occasion, so they dressed extremely It's a firestorm.

When Ji Shaomeng saw it, he couldn't help frowning, feeling very helpless.

"Ha! The three of us met again. I don't know what advice I can give you." Su Zijian replied very politely.

The three of them looked at Su Zijian, their eyes were full of curiosity, and a woman said: "Tsk tsk! I changed into the clothes, and they look pretty good."

"Yes, I also find it strange. This person is a bit..." Su Zijian's work clothes were a little dirty a few days ago, so he didn't look very good. Clothes depend on clothes, people rely on gold clothes, it's true, although Su Zijian's first impression of them was not good, but at this moment it made their eyes shine.

The three of them couldn't help muttering to themselves: Who is this?

"Shaomeng! Are these all your friends? Why don't you introduce them to me." Su Zijian said with a smile.

Ji Shaomeng was very helpless, and had to speak in this situation.

Among the three, Su Zijian knew that one was named Hu Lifen in the hotel, but the other two did not. Only through Ji Shaomeng's introduction did he find out that one of them was Bai Yunbi, the daughter of county party secretary Bai Qianquan, and the other It is Yu Nan, the daughter of the county standing committee member.

When Su Zijian heard that these three people had such a background, he couldn't help thinking to himself: No wonder they are so dragged, so they are all prostitutes.

"Oh! So it's Secretary Bai's daughter. I've heard the names of the three fathers for a long time."

"This is Su..." Ji Shaomeng hadn't said Su Zijian's name yet, but Bai Yunbi waved her hand to show that she was not interested in Su Zijian, and she didn't want to know his name even more. In this way, Ji Shaomeng could only stop the following words with a wry smile.

Bai Yunbi took Ji Shaomeng's hand and walked a few steps, said: "Shaomeng, there are many young and promising handsome guys from the provincial capital. I know several of them. I don't know if you are interested. Do you want me to talk to you?" Let me introduce you a few." Although Su Zijian was dressed differently from the day before yesterday, she still thought that Su Zijian was not good enough for Ji Shaomeng, and planned to introduce a better one for her.

"They say this is my old classmate, why don't you believe it?"

"Whether he is your boyfriend or your classmate, there are many handsome guys here now, if you don't take the opportunity to meet a few as a backup, that day-you will regret it after breaking up, it will be too late." She did this purely for good luck Shaomeng is good, my friend is warm-hearted.

"Thank you very much, I don't need it yet." Ji Shaomeng said calmly.

"You really don't regret it?" Bai Yunbi stared at her and asked.

"I'll tell you a few times before you understand."

"Okay! Don't say I didn't persuade you. Now the opportunity is for nothing. You must know that there is no such shop after passing this village. If you kneel down and beg me tomorrow, I will ignore you."

"Okay, okay! I'm afraid of you, okay, it's okay to end this matter."

Bai Yunbi was extremely unhappy, shook off Ji Shaomeng's hand, stepped forward two steps, and said to Su Zijian: "If you want to be good for Shaomeng, I would like to advise you." It's very exciting, don't miss it~~~

"Please tell me." Su Zijian had already guessed what she was going to say at this time, he smiled slightly, and said to himself: This woman is really domineering, she seems to have the same effect as Dong Jiahua.

"Leaving Shaomeng, this is what you can do for her, not for her."

"Thank you for your kind words, I will think about it." Su Zijian didn't look angry at all, calm and polite.

The three of Bai Yunbi couldn't help being startled when they saw how calmly he was dealing with him: This person is not angry at all about what we said, could it be that he is really Shaomeng's boyfriend?

It turned out that they deliberately said these ugly words for a purpose, to make Su Zijian retreat in spite of difficulties, and to be ashamed in front of a group of friends. If he was a man, he would definitely not be able to bear it. Not too cute.

After all, if a man lost his dignity in front of his girlfriend and friends, it would be very difficult for him to hold his head up in the future, so they wanted to force Su Zijian with force.

However, Su Zijian's calmness was surprisingly good, she had never seen it before, such a person was the best, they couldn't help raising their brows, and couldn't help but taunt again.

"I said you guys are endless, so why come here to make trouble with me if you have nothing to do." Ji Shaomeng took Su Zijian's hand and was about to leave.

"Shaomeng! I've persuaded you. Whether you listen or not is up to us. This friend's heart is exhausted. I hope you really don't regret it." Seeing the two of them running away, Hu Lifen couldn't help but raised her voice.

Ji Shaomeng blushed and hurried past, and replied vaguely: "Got it."

Ji Shaomeng also felt embarrassed as the two walked away.

"Hehe! I really can't see that your friend is very enthusiastic." Su Zijian looked at her and smiled.

"They're just like that, don't take it to heart." Looking at him, she couldn't help feeling a little flustered, and her heart was inexplicably hot.

"Oh! What if I take it personally?" Su Zijian said with some teasing.

"You..." Ji Shaomeng was still blushing, stomped his feet for a while, and complained to him: "What time is this, you still tell this joke, let them listen to it, and there is something to talk about."

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