power and color

Chapter 290 This is Coke.

"Just leave like this?" Song Min said extremely dissatisfied.

Bi Wenqing didn't say a word. He is not a person with long hair but short-sightedness. This manager Su Zijian seems to have come to deal with him with a plan. If he really insists on fighting with him, he may suffer losses, and maybe he will be jailed. What's more, it's not that he doesn't understand what Su Zijian did in the past, and even the director of the Public Security Bureau was dismissed because of him. Thinking of these, Bi Wenqing is not afraid.

So, what he does now is to stay away from such people. Once he catches his eye, even if he doesn't go to jail, the fate will not be much better.

Even though he dragged his wife out, his heart was still shivering with cold, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and his body trembled slightly.

Su Zijian's words had a shocking effect in his heart, and they also had a deterrent effect.

Thinking about what he said is very good, if you really want to involve the Audit Bureau or the people from the Correction Office, it will undoubtedly be a fatal blow, even if you don't go to jail at that time, you may not be able to do it.

The current him, apart from fleeing in embarrassment with the fox's tail between his legs, he doesn't know how to face the mighty Su Zijian.

After all, it's not a wise move to fight against the company's top leaders.

Seeing Bi Wenqing leaving in a panic, the staff in the office realized that Su Zijian was not just a simple person. Because of the amazing ability in general, one can't help but look at him with admiration. Knowing that this person will have a certain effect in the company, it is impossible to say that he may make the company that is like a puddle of mud come out of the sun, and has the ability to revive the dead.

At this moment, the employees couldn't help but feel respect and admiration in their hearts, not daring to underestimate this young manager.

No wonder even the county-level leaders are optimistic about the person. They have no reason to be a worthless person. If they underestimate him, there is a big problem with this person's brains. , now it's time for him to look good.

"Master Li, I heard that there used to be an accountant named Yan Shishi in the company, is she still in the company?" The so-called Master Li in Su Zijian's mouth is a person in the communication room who cleans the office, boils water, delivers The old man from the newspaper, who was about fifty years old, heard Manager Su's question and hurriedly responded.

"It's still there. It should be in the 3rd group of buildings." The 3rd group of buildings is currently half-suspended and half-built. Worried about salary, Master Li briefly explained the situation.

"Now, please convey it to me, ask Yan Shishi to come back to the company, and let her temporarily take over the accountant's work."



"Okay! I'll go find her now." Hearing Su Zijian give orders, Master Li didn't dare to be negligent. Even Song Min was kicked down by him. As the "director" of the office, he Unhappy in his heart, he raised his brows, and he went home to retire in the same way.

About half an hour later, they walked in with the two of them. The person who accompanied Master Li was Yan Shishi. When called, he was still dirty.

She looked confused. After seeing Su Zijian, she couldn't help but her heart jumped wildly. After all the hard work last night, could it be rewarded today?

"You are Comrade Yan Shishi, right?" Su Zijian pretended not to know her, so as not to make Bi Wenqing or other people think that a related family stepped in again, and the influence would be bad.

"Yes." Yan Shishi was not stupid, after hearing Su Zijian's words, she pretended to be stupid even if she didn't understand what he meant.

"I heard that you used to be an accountant in the company, is there such a thing?"

"After working for a while, then..."

"That's it, you can go back to this job and work from now on."

"This... this..." Yan Shishi's face twitched for a while, and she immediately showed ecstasy, and she was so excited that she couldn't continue speaking.

This is also understandable, if someone is replaced and has the opportunity to return to this position, if this kind of mood is not excited, unless it is a god, it will be so calm.

Seeing her like that, all the members of the office smiled: I'm happy now, I'm good now, I don't have to look at Song Min's annoying face anymore.

Su Zijian handed Song Min a bunch of keys she had left behind, and said, "From now on, the accountant in the company is yours." Then he said, "But you have to show your skills, If you can’t do this, then you have to go back to the construction site, understand?” ~~~ The elegant "The First Mix in the City" is very exciting, don't miss it~~~

"Understood! Understood!" After receiving the bunch of keys, Yan Shishi nodded happily.

Song Ping looked at Su Zijian, then at Yan Shishi, her face was slightly flushed and pale, she was not as aggressive as her sister Song Min, she was timid and afraid of getting into trouble, especially her brother-in-law The absence of Bi Wenqing and her sister Song Ping made her even more uneasy.

"Listen to me, everyone. I came to the construction company not to swell my pockets, but to bring everyone a job. I can have a good salary after work. Among them, if anyone is found wanting to fish in troubled waters, I will mercilessly tell him to leave."

After giving Bi Wenqing and his wife a bad blow, he didn't forget to give the employees a prestige under the tree and cast harsh words, thinking that the company has become like this, mixed with dragons and snakes, and the good and the bad are uneven. It is inevitable that some of them are passed There are people present here who got involved with Bi Wenqing's relationship. If they really find out about those people, then there will be something to talk about.

As he expected, he even dared to take down Bi Wenqing's wife. Just because of this, the employees knew that he was not joking. , for a while, everyone restrained their idle mentality, and worked seriously, lest if they were not careful, this bad luck would be their turn.

It has to be said that Su Zijian's move was a heavyweight blow. It immediately exploded in the construction company and became a hot topic behind all the employees. They all said that this manager Su was ruthless, and he couldn't do it normally. The first manager, Bi Wenqing, didn't even dare to snort under his hands, so he left in despair, which is really heart-warming.

In the past, the employees of the construction company had big opinions on Bi Wenqing, but they dared to get angry and dare not speak out. He was the top leader of the company, and he could do whatever he wanted, never caring about the psychological feelings of the employees.

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