power and color

Chapter 36 Here I come!

With the scent of perfume, a person came in, and it was Wang Miwen from behind. She felt thirsty after entering the room, and poured water from the teapot on the table into a cup to drink, and suddenly felt that there were hands hugging her from behind. Come, hugged her chest, this shock was no small matter, the cup in his hand dropped out of shock.

With a crackling sound, the cup shattered into pieces after falling to the ground and scattered in all directions.

Wang Ningyi was so shocked that his bones were terrified, and he never dreamed that there would be someone hiding in his room. This person came to hug him so boldly, so you can imagine what will happen next without guessing, although She is lonely and unbearable, but not everyone can have sex.

Just when she was about to open her mouth to yell loudly, she felt that those hands were so familiar, she couldn't help being startled, and lowered her head to have a look. At this time, she knew who it was without having to guess.

She cursed angrily and softly: "It's you damn ghost, why did you scare me when you came here? Are you trying to scare me to death?" She slapped his hand vigorously, dissatisfied that it took him so long to visit her once, This waiting is really hard.

"I just wanted to give you a surprise, why are you angry?" Su Zijian said with a smile, stroking the soft place with both hands dishonestly.

Wang Ningyi groaned softly. She had been waiting for this day for a long time. At this moment, the feeling of loneliness was released, and her body and mind were soft and comfortable. She closed her eyes slightly and leaned her head against his neck. .

"Why did you come to see me after you've been away for so long?" Wang Nieyi was happy, but also a little sour in his heart. The feeling of loneliness, waiting anxiously, looking forward to the day and the moon, really hopeless, this hatred is endless. During this period, the complicated feelings cannot be described in words.

"This person has to work if he wants to live. I really can't help it. I finally caught an opportunity so I ran to you." He said as he strengthened his arms and hugged her tightly. After a while, he straightened her body back, hugged her face to face, lowered his head and kissed her on the lips.

At her wolf-like age, she is no longer comparable to those young people, so there is no need to be shy, and she walks honestly and unceremoniously on Su Zijian's body.

"Miss me?" Seeing that she was so passionate, it was obvious that she had been nourished by love for a long time, and the fire in her heart was burning fiercely.

"What do you think?" He anxiously pulled him onto the bed, and the two of them rolled up together.

Su Zijian stripped off all the clothes on her body as quickly as possible, and said, "I'm here!"

"Well! Come on!"

Su Zijian didn't say much either, knowing that she was dry and rainy for a long time, it would be superfluous to say anything at this time, only by enriching the loneliness in her heart would she be able to live happily.

Su Zijian didn't need to make any moves, he went straight to the topic, the two fell in love together, a series of unethical feelings between Hu Tian and Hu Di were staged in this small shop room, the intercourse between human and sex When they got together, they couldn't tell whether it was love or something else. The two just wanted to empty each other's body, and they didn't stop until they were exhausted.

It's really tiring.

This is a coolie's job, and a lot of hard work has been put in, so that there will be rewards. This harvest is pleasant and comfortable, and the whole body and mind are released. Unabashedly showing it in front of Su Zijian, it is like an old couple who have been familiar with each other's body for a long time, so familiar with each other, and have such a tacit understanding.

When Su Zijian met a woman who could give himself to him sincerely, he also gave her his most precious things without reservation. Although she was much older than him, this was from his wife Li Xiaoqian. An indescribable joy.

But when interacting with Ou Yanmei, it was a thrilling state, without a sense of security, as if sneaking and shady like a thief, here he can do whatever he wants, roaring loudly, without any scruples Doing what he wants to do, the joy of body and mind is brought into full play, and the excitement is incomparable, wave after wave, wave after wave, endlessly, as if he never gets tired.

Venting emotions is the best way to vent your body and mind. It can not only make you look radiant, increase your mental courage, but also make you full of vitality and look very sunny. ~~~ The two works of "The First Mix in the City" and "Drizzling Rain Startled the Dragon" by the elegant layman are very good, dear!Have you read it?Don't miss it! ~~~

The frown that had been frowning for a long time was finally stretched at this time, but it was only temporary. You must know that far water cannot save the near fire, although it was released and relieved at this time. After all, Su Zijian will leave one day. Maybe tomorrow he will leave this small town and return to the world that belongs to him. At that time, he will return to the original state. The days of sexless and loveless, it makes me sad to think about it, even though I have gained emotionally at this time. Sufficient, thinking about the days to come is still inexplicably sad.


When the sun rises, the earth returns to the beginning.

The magpies landed on the treetops and kept calling, as if they were welcoming guests from afar.

The spring scenery in the house is infinitely good, only for those who are destined to cultivate the afterlife.

The vehicles on the road came and went, and it was a little busier than before.

The sun was getting high, and the door of the inn, which usually opened early, was so late today. It was almost ten o'clock before I saw the proprietress, Wang Nie, opened the door, and the acquaintances passing by asked puzzledly. Said: "Is the sister-in-law just getting up now? Is there a visitor at home?"

"No! How could there be relatives here?" Wang Ningyi said embarrassedly, and his face turned red before he spoke, which made people feel suspicious and puzzled at the first sight.

She didn't dare to show her face too much in front of people. She went to the store to buy groceries and then went back to the store, trying to avoid meeting acquaintances.

Seeing her flustered expression, Su Zijian asked in puzzlement, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing!" Shaking his head slightly, it is inconvenient to say this clearly, for fear that he will be too preoccupied and dare not come again, and he will be the one who suffers.

"Really!" Su Zijian questioned, he is not stupid, although he doesn't understand why she is like this, once this person has something on his mind, it will always be written on his face. She covered herself so completely that she didn't reveal anything, as if nothing happened.

"Of course." Sheng was afraid that he would see a flaw, so he couldn't say anything at that time. He took the pig's feet he bought and took them to the store to light a fire to burn them. Although the pig's feet had lost their hair when they were slaughtered, they were not very good after all. Clean, besides, the taste of the pork knuckle after being grilled over fire is different and more delicious.

Su Zijian was at the side to help out, the business of the small shop was slow, and there were rarely a few customers. At this time, there were not even any customers in the shop. The two of them were happy and quiet, cooking and cooking, enjoying the world of the two of them.

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