power and color

Chapter 374 Enough to Bring Seeds!

"Boss Su! I'm not here to quarrel today, I just want to tell you, that matter... hehe! I wrote it down." Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he paused again: "Be careful, I don't know when One day, maybe something unclear will happen on my head, such as a bucket of excrement pouring down from my head, then the stench will be overwhelming." Speaking of this, I couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Really? Then I'll wait." Su Zijian didn't show any weakness at all, and said with a smirk at him: "If you really want to play like this, then I'm afraid you will be the head of the department, I'm afraid..." Speaking of this , shook his head with a sneer.

Seeing his appearance, Zhuo Youcheng was a little stunned, he thought that if he came to check, Su Zijian would be scared to the point of pissing, and begged for mercy with a pale face, but this person was so arrogant, actually He didn't lose to himself at all, but threateningly said some unpleasant words, which made him very angry: "Boy! Do you really have this ability?"

"Who is Zhuo Ting? I'm naturally not qualified in front of you, but if you really want to make trouble like that, even if you win, I'm afraid you will suffer internal injuries." Su Zijian smiled very calmly said to him.

At this moment, the original sneer on Zhuo Youcheng's face gradually froze.

If someone else said this, they would definitely believe it. However, this Su Zijian is no ordinary person to compare with. In addition, he has experienced Su Zijian's rough luck with the people he sent before, so he knows that this kid is indeed not very good. The person who is with him, I am afraid that he can say what he can do, and then he will not be able to eat but will make himself ashamed, then it will not be worth it.

However, he Zhuo Youcheng is a person who will revenge every revenge. This is the first time in his life that this kid treats him like this.

He stared at Su Zijian closely for a while, and suddenly smiled on his face, which was a mocking smile: "Boy! You are the first person who dares to talk to me like that."

"Didn't it scare you all the time?"

"Boy! It's so cool, I like it as an old man, but I don't know if you really have the ability to challenge me, and then just don't be too useless." "It's very interesting, have you read it~~~

"Since you always like to play so much, it doesn't make sense for me not to give up my life to accompany a gentleman." Su Zijian didn't show weakness at all. He knew very well that Zhuo Youcheng was not a fuel-efficient lamp. Since he came to the door, why would he say a few words because of you? You backed off when you spoke, which would make him look down on you. When you meet this kind of person, you have to be tough, and he won't be afraid if you don't hit him with blood on his head.

"Okay! The seeds are strong enough, I'll wait and see." Zhuo Youcheng smiled and walked away.

Su Zijian knew that he would not let it go, and would definitely do something that would be detrimental to the company. This is a big event, the company is not owned by himself, and it is not easy to explain to He Fengyi what happened. The company's personnel inquires whether there is anyone who is good at tracking and inquiring about intelligence.

The personnel officer claimed that he didn't know, but he could go to inquire first, but another colleague heard about it, and said to Su Zijian, "Mr. Su! If you want to talk about such a person, I have one." candidate."

"Oh! what kind of a man is he?"

"This man is a cousin of mine. He used to be a scout in the army. He was discharged from the army due to injury and returned home. The state arranged a job for him. He resigned because of disagreement with the unit leader. Now Stay at home."

"Okay! Let your cousin come to the company tomorrow, I want to see him."

"Boss Su! What do you use such a person for?" The employee was also worried about Su Zijian's intentions.

Su Zijian smiled: "Call your cousin first, if the job is not suitable for him, he can choose not to do it."

Hearing the words, the staff member nodded and said yes.

The next day, the staff really brought a lame man in his early thirties. This man has well-developed limbs and a very burly figure. He must have been training in the army at a glance. If it wasn't for being injured , I'm afraid it won't look like this now.

Although this person is lame, seeing his eyes shining brightly and his brows full of arrogance, one knows that this kind of person is not easy to get along with, and he will look down on some idlers, if this person is not Because of his injury, he has a bright future in the army, so he can't help but respect him.

"I heard from your cousin that you used to stay in the army."

"Hmm! My name is Guo Dagang. You are the boss of the company, just call me by my name." He didn't expect that the general manager of Junhao Company was such a young man in his twenties. Wrinkled, wondering if such a young man can do great things?How much doubt?

"Brother Guo! The thing is like this. I offended someone before, and now I started a company. The other party came here and threatened to come here to make trouble. I heard that you have stayed in the army and are good at investigation and other work. So I would like to ask you to inquire about someone’s body for me. This kind of thing is not against the law. I just want to protect myself by holding on to the other person’s vitals. If you think it’s feasible, then you can take this job What to do, if you think it is not in line with your work style, you can also refuse."

"It's that simple?" Guo Dagang was taken aback when he heard the words. At first he had some doubts that Su Zijian would ask him to do something illegal and disorderly. Why, why do you commit crimes for you?Hearing Su Zijian's words at this moment was completely beyond his expectation.

"Then what kind of job do you want me to give you?" Su Zijian said flatly.

"If that's the case, then I'm quite competent for this job. Although I can't run very well with my legs, it shouldn't be a problem if I want to inquire about some information."

"So, are you willing to do this job?"

"If this job is just like this, I will take this job."

"Hehe! You won't listen to what kind of information I asked you to inquire about?"

"For me, no matter what kind of information it is, it's just information."

"Okay! It's refreshing enough." Then he said: "I want you to inquire about a person's whereabouts, including what he does every day, or who he meets. Once I know, this person is very important to me, so I have to get to know him clearly." ~~~ "The First Mix in the City" and "Drizzling Rain Startled the Dragon" by the elegant layman are very interesting, have you read it~~~

Guo Dagang smiled, and was about to say something like this is very easy. When he heard who Zhuo Youcheng was, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart: My god, the people who do big things want you to do things , It really is different, ***, I am playing too big.

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