power and color

Chapter 39 Be good, listen to the chapter!

Shocked, he turned over and sat up immediately, and hurriedly picked up the clothes thrown on the ground and put them on.

Su Zijian looked at her and asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"

"I... I have to go back."

"It's not yet dawn, why are you in such a hurry."

"I'm afraid someone will see it at dawn, so I have to go back now."

"Yeah! That's fine, but do you only come here from time to time?" I thought you had to say something when you came, otherwise it would be embarrassing to run into Aunt Shen with you.

"This... I won't come again." Yixiulan thought and thought, and felt that it was enough to have a good time, and if he came again, he would laugh at her for being old and unscrupulous, and she was so old that she liked it. Thinking of this old face turned red, but fortunately Su Zijian couldn't see it before dawn, otherwise it would have made her even more embarrassed.

"not coming!"

Su Zijian looked at her in disbelief, and said, "Why?"

"It doesn't matter why, if you don't come, you don't come, that's it." She evasively said that she didn't want Su Zijian to see through her heart. This complicated mood was extremely contradictory and messy, and it was beyond Su Zijian's understanding. of.



"Then..." After a short pause, he seemed to be pondering.

Yi Xiulan stared at him for a moment, wanted to ask but felt inappropriate, so she retracted the following words. After she got dressed, she got up and looked at Su Zijian who was lying on the bed, and said, "Come to my house sooner. okay?"

"Is there a reason? If there is no legitimate reason for this, I won't follow you." Su Zijian is Su Zijian, and you can't resist me with a word. I haven't eaten your daughter yet?Why not go?

Yi Xiulan frowned, and said after a while: "If people find out about our affairs, do I still have the face to stay in this village?"

Su Zijian laughed and said, "We didn't do this at the entrance of the village in front of everyone, so how could anyone know about it? Isn't your worry superfluous?"

"I...I..." Yi Xiulan hesitated to speak. It turned out that the feeling Su Zijian brought to her was so wonderful. She was afraid that his arrival would make her fall into confusion, and then she would fall into confusion again before she knew it. It's hard to get rid of this unrequited love, and she still understands the reason that she will encounter ghosts after walking too much this night, so she told Su Zijian not to come to her house to prevent the outbreak of passion once they meet. I'm afraid that I don't have the confidence to get rid of Su Zijian's embrace. After all, this thing is very addictive, and it is difficult for anyone to get rid of it.

"What! Can't tell?" Su Zijian said with a smile.

"You'd better listen to me." When he reached the door, he stopped again, turned his head and said to Su Zijian, "May I beg you?"

"No, I don't like people begging me. I can't agree to your reason." Su Zijian said with a smile on his face.

"Hey! You, let me tell you what's good about you." Knowing that he must be having fun and refuse to let go, he is very afraid that he will mess up and make everyone know that it will be bad, and he regrets that he was confused and confused for a while. After he did this, he was even more annoyed that he had obediently delivered him to his door tonight to make him laugh, he paused, turned around and left with a blushing face.

"Damn, leave without closing the door for us when you're happy enough, what a heartless person." Su Zijian cursed in a low voice, then fell asleep with his head covered. Auntie, I have to fight Yixiulan again tonight. If I hadn't been so energetic after eating the different fruits in the mountains, I would have been able to handle so many women. Even so, the exhaustion of so much energy still made him feel tired, so I have to work hard Take a break to recharge your troops and get ready for the battle tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

People who are exhausted tend to fall asleep easily. Just after finishing their speech, they lay down firmly on their stomachs, and after a while, it can be judged from the sound of his breathing that people have fallen into a deep sleep. ~~~ The two works of "The First Mix in the City" and "Drizzling Rain Startled the Dragon" by the elegant layman are very good, dear!Have you read it?Don't miss it! ~~~

When I woke up the next day, I saw the filth on the bed and remembered what bad things I did last night, and I smiled and said: "F*ck, I'm finally in a good mood, and I can do whatever I like. "

At nine o'clock, Lao Zhangtou and the village chief Zhang Desheng came together. As soon as they met Lao Zhangtou, he scolded: "My boy, how did you offend Mayor Fu's wife?"

As soon as Su Zijian heard this, he knew that Liu Yadi had brought this complaint here, raised his brows slightly, and thought to himself: Damn, I'm going to punish your husband anyway, why are you so ruthless and ruthless, you have to kill me land of people.

It is inconvenient to tell this matter in front of old Zhangtou and Zhang Desheng, so he deliberately scratched his scalp and asked, "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong! Mayor Fu's wife, Liu Yadi, is a famous tigress. Everyone has to give her a three-pointer. You don't know how to bear her so that you are so angry that you ran to the mayor's house to sue you. You are so young. Good intentions, do something to her, is there such a thing?"

When Su Zijian heard this, he was surprised. At first, he thought that Liu Yadi was just annoyed that she left and made a scene, but then she made something out of nothing and deliberately caused trouble, and she couldn't help panicking for a while by saying such words. hands and feet, said: "What! Did she really say that?"

The old Zhangtou was displeased, and said: "Could it be that I said that it can't be done."

"That's not what I mean, I mean how could she talk like that?" Su Zijian said embarrassingly.

"She's famous...that person, why are you messing with her when you're full?" Zhang Desheng said angrily.

"I didn't mess with her." Su Zijian argued.

"I sued her for not messing with her, and said no."

"No, she's talking nonsense." Su Zijian was also very angry, she was just grateful, and even slandered him for being rude to her, it was extremely hateful.

"Hey! I treated you as a great meritorious service and invited you to drink, but I didn't know that you were too young to cause me such a big trouble." He shook his head again and again, expressing regret, and what would happen after he dared to offend this tigress? No matter what serious consequences, even his old man can't protect you like Su Zijian.

"Hmph! I'm not afraid of her? Her husband is an official who crushes people to death. That's what he does to others. It doesn't do anything to me. At worst, he goes home to pick urine and farm. The warehouse manager just quits." Su Zijian was angry. Angrily, he spoke so frothyly that he slapped his chest and pointed his fingers, cursing non-stop.

Old Zhangtou and Zhang Desheng looked at each other, Zhang Desheng asked: "You really didn't treat her..."

"No, it's not. The village chief didn't want me to swear to the sky or something?" He was so angry that he wanted to find someone to fight with him, and he kicked the bed over with one kick. The old Zhangtou was taken aback.

"I said young people, don't be so angry." Old Zhangtou persuaded.

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