power and color

Chapter 394 What's your idea?

"***, this method has been used a long time ago, and it's your turn to say it."

"Ah! I've already used it, so what's the result?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? If it's useful, is it necessary for everyone to come and sit here?"

Hearing what others said, the man sat down embarrassedly, so he couldn't say anything more.

In the house, there was a lot of noise for a while, everyone said something, and I said something, all expressing their own opinions, and then we can see who has a good strategy and method with whom, all of these are It is really difficult for them to think of a feasible method for beating and killing people. If they had such brains, they would have done some serious things long ago, so they still need to do this business for a while. Ask for a living. ~~~ "The No. [-] Mix in the City" and "The Rain Startled the Dragon" by the elegant layman are very interesting, have you read them~~~

"What should we do next, everyone, please come up with a feasible solution, otherwise there will be no results if we quarrel like this." Xie Haotian said loudly.

"Xie Lao! What to do, I think it's up to you to make up your mind. It's not like you don't know who everyone is. If you really can't get it out, you call everyone here, otherwise this will be the same as That Xiao Tiantian warms the quilt, so she doesn't have to suffer here."

"***, if you want to sleep with my little wife, you can stay at home, why are you here?" One person laughed and cursed unconsciously.

"I don't want to either. Isn't there no way? Everyone wants to come. What if I don't come?" The man said helplessly with a bitter face.

"Damn it! It's not enough to sleep all day long. If you really want to sleep like this, then don't get up when you sleep, and you don't have to hurry."

"Is your mouth wicked or not? I just love to sleep with Xiao Tiantian. Do you need to say it in public? Isn't this to make me lose face?"

"Cut! How many women have you slept with Huo Li Pao? Who doesn't know about this? I'm afraid of losing face. I'm just kidding." The group who spoke just now were nicknamed Huo Li Pao, which meant that he It is said that his fighting power on the bed is extremely powerful, and he can fight until dawn without fading, so he got this nickname. As for the reliability of the source of this nickname, it is impossible to know the inside story. people.

"Hehe! It's embarrassing for you to show off this matter about me, too."

"Damn! You guys are endless, what kind of place is this? It won't work if it's a place for fireworks. It's just a waste of time." Something to watch, have you read it~~~

"Okay! Okay! Don't be so boring, everyone. Come up with an idea quickly, so that you can go back to sleep early. I don't want to stay up late."

In this hall, sometimes it is noisy, sometimes it is surprisingly quiet, or it is silent. After a lot of quarrels, then no one makes a sound. Everyone is looking at me, I look at you, and I don’t know what to say what's good?

These are all big men who dominate one side, everyone is on equal footing, no one is convinced by others, everyone thinks that their opinions have authority, but no one is willing to listen to others, because of this, the words spoken here come from time to time There are people who keep provoking endlessly, so it is difficult to have a result.

Xie Haotian also has a very headache. If he is asked to preside over this meeting, but no one will listen to him, it is deceiving him to be old and mature. Now it is the time to speak with fists. Whose fists are hard enough, whoever speaks There will be someone willing to listen, otherwise don't expect others to respect you, Xie Haotian is old and powerless, there is nothing he can do about it.

Xie Haotian glanced at everyone present with a wry smile, sighed lightly, and said: "If you have any good ideas, you might as well come up with more, so that you can better decide how to do it."

As soon as he said this, no one said anything after that.

Everyone here is very good at talking nonsense, so if they make up their minds, no one can say a good sentence.

Everyone also looked around with wry smiles, and saw that everyone thought they were the same, turning their heads around to look at others, and no one could stand up and speak.

After a while, no one answered, Xie Haotian looked at the crowd, and then said loudly: "Since everyone has nothing to say, I have to say a few words. If the speech is pleasant, then everyone will stick to it." Do it according to plan, if it doesn't please you, then let's just let it go, what do you all think?"

"Thank you, old man! Don't talk so much nonsense. If you have something good to say, come up quickly. Why talk so much of these useless things?"

Xie Haotian didn't pay any attention to that person's words, because everyone present here is a big man who dominates one side. Although he is a person in charge and handles conflicts between gangs, it is not appropriate to offend others, so after hearing this, he just mumbled. Hearing that, he continued, "If that's the case, then I'll say it."

He paused, and said: "My suggestion is that our provincial gang will preside over it, and then select a worthy person from each gang to participate in this matter together. After all, this kid surnamed Su endangers everyone. If one person or a gang comes forward, the chances of winning are not great. If it is not done well, I may be wiped out by him without knowing it. In this way, we will avoid a lot of risks for everyone, what do you think?" ~~~ Elegant Layman's "The First Mix in the City" and "Drizzling Rain Startled the Dragon" are very interesting, have you read them~~~

"Damn it! Mr. Xie, your idea is really good, why didn't you say it earlier."

"Yes, let's talk about it sooner, and you don't have to talk so much."

"Thank you, old man! Did you do it yourself?"

"I'm getting old, and I can't do this kind of fighting and killing. It's better to leave it to you young people, so this time I plan to wash my hands and quit the arena, and let young and promising people take over. My man."

When Xie Haotian said this, it was really like dropping a bomb in the crowd, and it exploded instantly.

"What! Mr. Xie is going to retire? Why didn't you say this earlier."

"No way! Mr. Xie, what does this mean?"

"I don't retreat early, I don't retreat later, but I retreated at this time, Mr. Xie, why are you so elusive in your work?"

"Mr. Xie! It's not because you're scared..." He stopped at this point, and kept sneering, obviously with bad intentions, and anyone who heard the following words could understand it most.

Xie Haotian waited for everyone to talk for a while, then he stood up, waved his hands, everyone stopped talking, and he sighed slowly: "You all have seen, I am old What else can we do? It’s not easy to take up the toilet here, which is not conducive to the development of our gang, do you all think so?”

Some mature and prudent people kept nodding their heads when they heard what he said. Xie Haotian is over 60 years old. If he comes out to support the scene and speak a word, it's okay to say that he has to go to the battlefield to fight with others, and he has his heart but no power. , It is indeed old. If he really retires, it will involve someone to be chosen to take over his class. Otherwise, if there is a dispute between the gangs, no one will come out to uphold justice and make a peace. This is where the key is.

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