power and color

Chapter 464 I did it on purpose.

Su Zijian sighed: "Seeing how reluctant you are, forget it." He pushed her and stood up.

Dong Jiahua was afraid of making him angry, so she hurriedly hugged him: "No! I...I also really want to, it's just mom..." She looked at the door sheepishly, fearing that her mother would break in suddenly, then It's just too embarrassing.

"If you really want to, then you can kiss me."

After hearing what he said, Dong Jiahua didn't hesitate too much, but directly stretched out his mouth to kiss him, still a deep kiss.

In fact, this thing is self-taught and does not need to be taught by others. Just now, the two made out with the boss for a while. During this period, she has learned how to kiss a long time ago. Although the skills are not yet proficient, they are still modeled. That's it.

Su Zijian thought that Hao Fengyi and Hao Huanchi had controlled him to death, so he couldn't just sit and wait for death. He had to control Dong Jiahua anyway, otherwise it would be hard to say what kind of changes would happen, anyway, just be careful. .

Seeing that she cared so much for him, he was somewhat moved in his heart, hugged her and made out for a while, and then said goodbye to her and left.

After sending Su Zijian out, Dong Jiahua came back and saw his mother sitting in the living room, as if waiting for her, and couldn't help being very angry: "Mom! What's the matter with you?"

"What's wrong?" Hao Huanchi knew why she was angry, but pretended not to understand.

"You..." Dong Jiahua suffocated, unable to speak, he couldn't say that he was making out with all his heart, but you came here to cause damage, this is too wicked.

"How's your chat going?" Hao Huanchi asked with a smile.

"Mom! What do you mean?" Dong Jiahua stared at her mother in confusion.

"A mother should care about her daughter. It's not that you don't know his mother. I want to know how far you have developed." . ."The First Mix in the City" and "Drizzling Rain Startled the Dragon" by the elegant layman are very interesting, have you read them? . .

"I said, my god, can you not...don't..." I wanted to say not to disturb my making out, but I couldn't say it as soon as I said it. How dare I tell my mother about making out with a man Where did it come out?

Hao Huanchi smiled again and said, "Are you blaming Mom for knocking on the door just now?"

Dong Jiahua was speechless, and said in a very unhappy way: "You know all about it, and you still knock?"

"Jiahua! Mom did this on purpose?"

"Intent! What does that mean?" Dong Jiahua was surprised, but also puzzled.

"You don't think you guys are developing too fast. I was afraid that your arse would burn out and get out of control, so I knocked on the door. That's why I said, Mom, it's for your own good. You have to understand how it feels to be a mom. "

"Mom! I'm going to marry him sooner or later, it's just...he's a little... well, it should be nothing. "

"If you get married, do you care what you want to do? You're not married yet, so you have to restrain your impulse and don't overplay it."

Dong Jiahua stared at Hao Huanchi with wide eyes, with a very surprised expression on his face, and after a while, he said: "Oh my god, I'm already an adult, what should be done, what is not right?" What I should do, I have my own measure, why do you always want to meddle in my affairs? Can you give me a little space for freedom."

"Although you are an adult, you haven't seen much of the world. People in the world are sinister. How could you know that? Mom did this out of protection for you, so don't blame your mom for anything."

"Are you talking about Su Zijian? If he is such a person, you don't have to let us have a relationship, but you let us have a relationship, but you control this and that at the same time. That's too much." She couldn't understand her mother's contradictory psychology. She hoped that her daughter would have someone to marry, but she was also worried about other things. She intervened when her daughter was making out with her beloved, which made her extremely unhappy.

Hao Huanchi was also a little embarrassed, and said awkwardly: "Jiahua! Mom, this is all out of love for you. Don't blame mom for anything."

Dong Jiahua said anxiously: "Mom!"

"Okay, okay! Mom doesn't care about your business." Seeing her daughter in a hurry, she thought that this matter should not go too far, otherwise the daughter would misunderstand her and cause the relationship between mother and daughter to become tense .

Although Hao Huanchi agreed to ignore it, Dong Jiahua was still not at ease, and asked: "Is it true?"

"You don't want your mother to write down the military certificate, do you?" Hao Huanchi gave her a blank look.

"When it's necessary, it's okay to write it down." Seeing that her mother was working hard, she was also a little worried.

Hao Huanchi took her hand, let her sit beside him, stroked her hair lightly, and said: "Oh! Our Jiahua has grown up in a blink of an eye, and it's time to get married It's gone." There was more or less regret in my heart.

Dong Jiahua heard her mother's soft voice, showing her maternal love, and unconsciously put her head on her lap.

After a while, Hao Huanchi said softly: "Jia Hua! Can I promise Mom one thing?"

"What's the matter?" Dong Jiahua closed his eyes, enjoying his mother's touch.

"Before you get married, don't...don't sleep with him?" Hao Huanchi took a deep breath, and finally spoke out what was in her heart.

Dong Jiahua straightened up from her lap suddenly, looked at her mother with a strange expression, wondering why she would say such words.

Hao Huanchi was also embarrassed, and she didn't want to bring up such a question, but she couldn't help it, so she had to say cheekily: "This kind of thing happened before you got married, and if people find out, would you say it's embarrassing?" , so avoid it if you can.”

Dong Jiahua secretly thought: I didn't make out with him on the street, and who knows, isn't your worry unnecessary?Besides, he and I are going to get married, even if he wants my body, can I not give it to him?

Although she thought so in her heart, she was embarrassed to say it outright, and said, "I see."

Hao Huanchi knew that his daughter couldn't help herself, and she just said that when she was dealing with her own words. When she was alone, she would definitely not stop making out with him. He thought that he had to clarify this matter with Su Zijian, and asked him to restrain himself a little. So impulsive, if you really want to do that, you'd better get married.


The next day, Su Zijian asked Dong Jiahua out an hour before he got off work.

Dong Jiahua is an expert in this field for his new business plan, to understand the market. After all, she has been to countless hotels and restaurants, which is not available to ordinary company employees. As for where the hotel personnel are exposed Full, more customers, can play a suggestive proposal.

The employees in the company saw the two of them in pairs, going in and out side by side, like a couple. Those who still had different opinions saw this situation, and they could only take their thoughts back to their stomachs.

Su Zijian asked Dong Jiahua to check the nearest ones, and gradually visited them. He looked at this one and then that one. Regardless of the size of the hotel and restaurant, he went in one by one to take a nap, even if it was to drink a cup of tea and check the situation, he could gain some understanding.

After a few visits, she also drank a lot of cups of tea, which caused Dong Jiahua to run to the toilet all the time, which was extremely embarrassing, as if she had a kidney failure, and she was too embarrassed to complain.

After making out with him last night, the two of them have undergone earth-shaking changes, both in manner and in speech, and Dong Jiahua is no longer as frightened as before, lest he would make a mistake Something upset him. . . ."The First Mix in the City" and "Drizzling Rain Startled the Dragon" by the elegant layman are very interesting, have you read them? . .

Things are so delicate, especially between lovers, after making out, the expressions of the two of them have naturally changed a lot, they are no longer afraid to hold hands like before, but this meeting is generous He held his hand, and hooked his arm on the street, shuttled freely among pedestrians, without worrying about meeting acquaintances, this would be said a few words, and he still refused to admit the two The embarrassment and embarrassment of the relationship between them can be imagined.

Seeing that twelve o'clock was approaching, Dong Jiahua suggested that there was a luxurious hotel nearby, which was opened by someone she knew, and the two of them could go there, firstly, to have a meal, and secondly, to get acquainted with the situation.

Su Zijian responded with a smile as she wished. Dong Jiahua knew how to drive and had a driver's license. Su Zijian told the driver to go back to rest. She would drive the car. She could go wherever she fell in love. Anyway, he treated her like that last night It was to directly clarify the relationship between the two. Although Dong Jiahua didn't understand why he suddenly changed his attitude, he said it was because Yu Hong changed his image. He was also full of joy and wanted to express himself in front of him as much as possible. Besides, it was her pleasure to be able to walk around with him.

The hotel that Dong Jiahua took him to was Hao Huanchi's former schoolmate, who now has a successful career and is in charge of a hotel opened by a state-owned enterprise. , It seems that the business is indeed very good.

"How! Is it okay?" Dong Jiahua said with a smile.

Su Zijian nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, it seems that this industry is worth a try at present."

"You have so much money to invest?" Dong Jiahua didn't know the source of his funds, and he didn't expect that his mother and aunt were his backers. If this matter was made public, she would be so shocked that she couldn't close her mouth. up.

Su Zijian smiled, but did not answer her question: "Let's go! You want to eat first and go to your mother's friend?"

"Although the business of the hotel is very busy, but Aunt Wu is the manager of the hotel, and she doesn't need to do the tea and food delivery. This must be a meal, so let's come to her for a while. a meal."

She took his hand and walked in quickly. She has been to this hotel many times. The general manager of Jinguang Hotel is her mother's friend named Wood Xian. She is Dou Hui's mother who had met once before. The relationship between the two families is very close, and the relationship is very good. The Jinguang Hotel is a place she often goes in and out. She is familiar with this place, and many waiters know her. They all greeted her.

Dong Jiahua came straight to Woodxian's office. She was working at the moment, and she was very happy to see Dong Jiahua's arrival. She looked at Su Zijian unconsciously, and said with a smile, "Why! Is this your boyfriend?"

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