power and color

Chapter 484 Do you have something on your mind?

"What! You didn't drink?"


"Then... what about the wine?"

"This...that's a secret, it's not convenient for me to reveal it to you." Su Zijian said pretending to be mysterious.

"What's the matter?" Leng Ruomei looked at Sang Ye in puzzlement and asked.

Sang Ye told her what happened, and Leng Ruomei asked in amazement: "Su Zijian, can you play magic?"

"Hmm! Almost."

"Then how did you do it, can you show me?"

"No, no, that's a trick I often deceive people. If it is exposed to you, can I still have fun in the future?"

Dong Jiahua didn't know whether it was true or not, he looked at him in surprise, and thought: When I go back later, I have to ask him to understand whether this is true or not.

"Cut! Can't you teach me? If anyone wants to pour dirty soup on me in the future, there will be a chance to escape." Leng Ruomei grabbed him and asked.

"It's said that it can't be exposed, so what can I teach you? Just let me go." He waved his hands again and again, indicating that it must not be exposed to the outside world.

"It's good to be a bit manly. There is a beautiful woman who asks you for advice. You should take out all your belongings. There is no one like you."

"It has nothing to do with manliness, in short, if you don't teach it, you don't teach it."

"Cut! You just love to teach me, so you don't have to learn? Why don't you give it a try, and your stingy character will be revealed all at once. I really despise you."

"I'm getting petty again now. Oh! It's..."

Seeing that the two of them carried it, Dong Jiahua was extremely happy.

"If you're a man, you have to be more generous. A person like you who hides and hides, what is it if he is not stingy?"

"Okay, okay! Just think I'm stingy." Su Zijian told the secret without being provoked by her at all. Seeing that Sang Ye and the others were all amused, he thought that Su Zijian would use his strength alone to break free. Pour a few people with good drinking power, if they hadn't passed out a long time ago as he said, how could they stand here and talk now, so they believed it.

Seeing that there was no way for Leng Ruomei to force him to reveal the secret, she had to sigh a long time: "Even if I convinced you, I'm still a man? I'm really stingy, I went to grandma's house for being so stingy."

Sang Ye and He Kaili burst out laughing at once, but Dong Jiahua was afraid that she would be dissatisfied with him, so he covered his mouth and smiled secretly.

"Damn it! I blushed when I told you." Su Zijian cursed in a low voice. He is sometimes chic and sometimes vulgar. This is the charm of a man. A man must have a man's demeanor in order to attract people. .

"Cut! You still know how to blush, which means there is still medicine to save you." Leng Ruomei also laughed.

"That's good, that's good, there won't be any chance of saving him."

Although Leng Ruomei was laughing and scolding him, she was deeply attracted by this man in her heart, otherwise she wouldn't bother to talk to you. At this time, what Su Zijian said was so sweet, and her heart was moved Although she knew that Dong Jiahua's relationship with him was different, but once a woman's heart was attracted, she always ignored other things.

Anyway, you are not married yet, so you still have a chance to compete. Such a good man is not easy to find. If you meet him, you have to take a look. If you have a chance to compete, that is also good.

Ever since Leng Ruomei met Su Zijian, she felt that this person's etiquette is not generally good, not as bad as Dong Jiahua's at all. Only after getting along with this person can he know his true character and whether he is a real man!

That's why Su Zijian was attracted to her.

A few people chatted for a while, only after the cake, everyone held a cup, or drank a drink, or drank a small wine, everything was optional.

Cai Shaofu and his wife couldn't stay for too long because they had children at home, so they said goodbye to Sang Ye after eating, and Su Zijian shook hands with them to say goodbye. . . ."The First Mix in the City" and "Drizzling Rain Startled the Dragon" by the elegant layman are very interesting, have you read them? . .

Because Leng Ruomei had been following Su Zijian closely, Dong Jiahua had no intention of walking away. He couldn't help sullen and extremely unhappy, but it was inconvenient to say something ugly or rude in front of Su Zijian. The relationship is different from ordinary ones, don't make him leave because of this big fight again, then the gain outweighs the loss.

Sang Ye had to take care of the relatives and friends present, so she didn't have time to take care of her. How could Su Zijian not understand Dong Jiahua's feelings? If she was in Yinggen County, she wouldn't be pulling other people's hair to wrestle. Thinking about this reminded him of Ji Shaomeng, and his heart ached a little.

Since those days, his heart for Ji Shaomeng was not covered up. He gave sincerely, but he couldn't get anything in return, and in the end he broke up with each other.

The people he loves are always unable to get together, and the ones he doesn't like very much are always by his side. This completely different result makes his heart ache the most.

Dong Jiahua has been observing his subtle changes, and seeing that he is upset, he asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

"Nothing?" Su Ziqiang smiled.

"Do you have something on your mind?" Leng Ruomei stared at him for a while, then asked as if she had discovered something.

"Hehe! You can see that I have something on my mind."

"Hey! I won't be able to see your man's thoughts. You really underestimate me. Are you thinking of other girls? Who is she?" Leng Ruomei asked with a sneer.

"Oh! I was thinking about you just now, and you can see that too."

Dong Jiahua raised his brows, and was about to get angry, but saw Leng Ruomei said displeasedly: "Cut! If you really think about me, I'll be so happy. Who are you thinking about? Tell me honestly, hehe! Do you know the result?"

"Result! What result?" Su Zijian asked puzzled.

Leng Ruomei turned her head and glanced at Dong Jiahua, smiled with ulterior motives and said, "The person next to you will make you kneel when you go back tonight."

Su Zijian said with a hard face: "You can even guess this, alas! You really understand me."

"Hmph! She...you can guess it without looking."

Dong Jiahua was extremely displeased, no one dared to be angry with her for a long time, because she didn't understand Leng Ruomei at all, and Su Zijian stayed by her side, so she didn't dare to vent her anger. She was so angry that her complexion changed a little.

Su Zijian turned his hand around and shook Dong Jiahua's hand to show her not to get angry. He came here just to get together with his friends, as long as he was happy, there was no need to be angry about such things. Dong Jiahua got him With such a grip, the mood immediately feels comfortable.

Leng Ruomei saw it in her eyes, and clicked her tongue: "I said you two, treat me as transparent, even if you want to have sex, you have to hide in a place where no one is there, because you want to make love in public here. Embarrassing, bullying me for not having a boyfriend."

Dong Jiahua blushed when she told her, but he couldn't get angry, so he was a little embarrassed, with a helpless look on his face.

"I mean, you're really serious. You know we're going to make out here, so why come here to be a light bulb? What if it's annoying?" Su Zijian said with a smile.

"Who is as boring as you? You know I'm here, but you can't help but want to make out with her. Can't you restrain yourself?"

"This kind of thing is not about restraint. When you grow up and have a boyfriend, you will understand how hard I am now."

Dong Jiahua couldn't help but feel his heart sway when he heard his very warm words.

"Cut! Pervert, be careful that your girlfriend can't stand you and runs away suddenly one day."

Su Zijian turned back to look at Dong Jiahua, and said, "You won't run away like she said?"

Dong Jiahua snorted twice, and said: "Don't you two feel bored? Why keep talking about this stuff, be careful that others will mistake you..."

"It must be that everyone else is talking about this matter like us?" Leng Ruomei giggled.

"It doesn't mean that everyone else is so boring, only you are free." I blamed her for not knowing the current affairs, and she wanted to have some decent whispers with her boyfriend, but you came here to talk nonsense, it is really disgusting.

"Hee hee! You also know that I'm boring, so you should chat with me more. I can't be idle. If I don't have a friend to chat with for a day, I will be bored to death."

"You can talk to other people, there's no need to pester us here."

"Other people! Who is it? I don't know anyone else. Tell me to talk to someone. Besides, you hit me with a car. Now you can chat with me as compensation. Are you still unwilling?"

"Cut! I don't know who bumped into anyone. Did you run away..." Just as I was about to say something nasty, I suddenly came to my senses. I turned to look at Su Zijian, saw his brows frowning slightly, and hurriedly stopped The following words.

"What! Your boyfriend scared you with just one look." She could see that Dong Jiahua had scruples about Su Zijian, and she didn't dare to talk nonsense, so she couldn't help teasing her deliberately.

"Hey! Are you finished?" Dong Jiahua also gradually became angry, and his brows were raised.

"Cut! You can't have such a bad temper, can your boyfriend bear it?"

Dong Jiahua took a deep breath, gradually calmed down, and couldn't help thinking to himself: I can't fall into her tricks, what will he think of me if I get angry.

He immediately turned his face away and ignored her.

"Hey! You're too proud to ignore people."

Dong Jiahua ignored her, and she still came to provoke her, which made her very annoyed and angry. If she hadn't worried that Su Zijian would be angry, she would have been rude a long time ago. . . ."The First Mix in the City" and "Drizzling Rain Startled the Dragon" by the elegant layman are very interesting, have you read them? . .

"What! Did you tell me to stop talking about your pain?" Leng Ruomei asked step by step.

"You..." Dong Jiahua was furious, and was about to get angry when Su Zijian couldn't help but tighten her hand. Her heart shook, and she realized that she couldn't be angry, so she glared at Leng Ruomei and turned her head away. go aside.

"Oh! I can bear it like this. I really admire you." She looked at Su Zijian, snorted and said, "It's a big deal for me." As she spoke, she stepped on Su Zijian's foot, and then ran away.

Su Zijian said with a bitter face, "This little girl..."

"Hmph! It's too domineering." Dong Jiahua said angrily. Only then did she dare to vent her words behind her back. If she said this in front of her, she would definitely make her boss unhappy, and would definitely be angry. It is impossible to start a conflict, knowing that Su Zijian is thinking of her, if he wants to fight her in front of so many people, it will really lose face.

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