power and color

Chapter 494

Only then did Hao Fengyi realize her gaffe, she hurriedly straightened her nightgown, put the cup on the table, and said embarrassedly: "It's more comfortable to be alone at home."

"Are you... all right?" Hao Huanchi asked with concern.

"What! What's the matter with me, are you thinking too much?" Hao Fengyi forced a smile, and then asked, "Would you like a drink?" Every time my sister came to her, it was because she was in a bad mood , now that she came late at night, she didn't need to think too much to understand that it must be because of her daughter.

Hao Fengyi got up and took a clean glass, poured red wine for her, and said, "Come on! Let's have a glass." The two bumped into each other lightly, and then took a small sip of red wine.

Hao Fengyi stared at her and asked, "Are you worrying about Jiahua again?"

Hearing her question, Hao Huanchi immediately put away his thoughts of doubting her, and sighed: "Tell me, what should I say?"

"what happened?"

"After Jiahua slept with that kid for one night, now he doesn't even want to go home." Hao Huanchi said sadly.

"Hehe! That's it, don't you want to become a grandmother soon?"

"When are you still joking, I'm dying of anxiety."

"Hey! What's the use of being anxious, you and your old Dong, after the meeting, you don't want to go home after you get better."

"This... Will ours be the same as now?"

"It's all the same. Although the times are different, after all, it's just a matter of a man sleeping with a woman. What's the difference?"

Hao Huanchi was at a loss for words for a while, thinking about it, men and women fell in love for nothing more than to sleep together, and then to have children, doing the same thing over and over again, now that her daughter has grown up, She has to have her own life and her own man to find happiness. It's not a solution for her to be so obstructed all the time, but she just has too many women who can't match Su Zijian, and she is very depressed. . . ."The First Mix in the City" and "Drizzling Rain Startled the Dragon" by the elegant layman are very interesting, have you read them? . .

"Eldest sister! You'd better take it easy. Although this Su Zijian has a lot of women, I don't think that boy will lose a trustworthy person. Since he promised to do something, he will definitely give Jiahua an explanation."

"Hey! I'm not worried about the two of them having a bad time. What if it's going to be noisy?"

"The children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren. This is their business. If we can manage it for a while, how can we manage it for a lifetime? One day we will grow old slowly. Can you still control it at that time?"

Hao Huanchi smiled wryly and said, "I'm so worried about this baby girl, her hair has turned grey."

Hao Fengyi smiled and said: "Forget it, don't worry about it anymore, how much love do you have when you two are lying on the bed? You won't go out to do bad things and make your daughter hate you, right?"

"When I think about it... Sigh! Forget it, who cares? The two of you can do whatever you like, and I don't care anymore."

"That's right, when you get well with your old Dong, you must be like them now, hiding on the bed and refusing to get up. It's not easy for Jiahua and Xiaosu. As long as she is happy, we will care about it." Why so much?"

"My daughter has grown up, so I just give it to that kid for nothing. I really don't want to be reconciled to it, but after hearing what you said, I'm a bit overwhelmed. As long as my daughter is happy, I really shouldn't care about it." There are too many." Hao Huanchi said with a sense of enlightenment.

"Don't be too octogenarian, or your daughter will hate you. She finally found a man she can get along with, and now she is very sweet. Anyone can understand this, so we don't care about her anymore. After a pause, she smiled and said, "I hope she will give us a grandson next year, so there will be trouble."

Hao Huanchi nodded and said: "That's fine, I can also have a retreat at home and enjoy the family happiness with my grandson."

"You got married in your twenties, and now your daughter is 25 years old, and you are only 45 years old. It's too fast for you to retire so soon."

"Whatever, I have to find something to do."

"I really can let go of the work at hand. Are you willing to let go of this fat vacancy?"

"Hey! Money is something that can never be earned. If you have no worries for the rest of your life, when you should let it go, I think I will let it go and leave this great world to their young people."

"Hehe! I really didn't expect you to let go, it's really not easy."

"Okay! Stop talking, let's have another drink."


Dong Jiahua was nourished by love again last night, her mood was extremely good, and she became very cheerful, humming a little song non-stop. From time to time, her colleagues in the office sneaked a glance at her, because she and Su Zijian walked away. Recently, people who understand things are very sensible and don't bother her anymore. They are afraid that it will be unattractive to be seen by President Su. Although President Su will not fire people because of this matter, you dare to be the girlfriend of President Su. Pao, this is a bit too courageous, isn't this just asking for trouble?

She and Su Zijian had lunch together at Woodxian's hotel at noon, but when they came upstairs, they saw two people waiting for them downstairs.

Dong Jiahua's face darkened immediately, and he said displeasedly: "Sang Ye! What are you two doing?"

Leng Ruomei said with a smile: "Su Zijian saved us the night before. Although he did not expect to repay his kindness, we are the kind of people who will repay every kindness and kindness. It is rare to meet us here. I would like to ask Mr. Su to reward us." Have a meal."

"Meeting here, I think you two are waiting for someone here on purpose, right?"

"I said Dong Jiahua, why don't you speak so directly, since you know we are waiting for him here, you shouldn't have said it, is it to hurt my face?"

"Hmph! You know how to hurt face, so it's best not to do such things."

Su Zijian couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed when he heard that they were arguing again: "You haven't eaten yet?"

"Isn't this waiting for you to treat me?" Leng Ruomei said with a smile.

Dong Jiahua said unhappily: "Didn't you say you were going to invite him to dinner? Why are you asking him to treat you again? Why are you talking so confusingly?"

Leng Ruomei giggled: "So, Miss Dong is willing to have dinner with us?" It turned out that she deliberately lured Dong Jiahua into the bait so that she could be trapped. It's not as thin as hers, but it got caught all at once.

Dong Jiahua was taken aback, but was immediately speechless.

Leng Ruomei laughed and pulled the mulberry leaf with one hand, and Su Zijian's arm with the other, and walked towards his car. She was generous and showed no sign of shyness, and pulled Su Zijian's arm close to her chest. After such a squeeze, the jade rabbit was slightly deformed, but she didn't notice it and didn't care at all.

Dong Jiahua looked at her and gritted his teeth with hatred, wishing to kick her on the road to relieve his anger.

She really has never seen this kind of woman, she is self-righteous, she doesn't pay attention to people at all, especially knowing that she and Su Zijian have a different relationship, she still comes to flirt with her, it's obviously not a good intention!

According to her Dong Jiahua's temper, she would have already stepped forward and grabbed Leng Ruomei's hair to fight, but now her temper has calmed down a lot, knowing that it is because of her temper that Su Zijian regards her differently, how about changing this? In the previous change, the duck that had already been eaten might still fly away, so she forcibly held back her temper to prevent her temper from bursting out. Even so, her expression was extremely ugly.

Seeing Su Zijian coming, the driver hurriedly opened the door and waited for them to get in the car.

"Hey! What are you dawdling about? Are you going or not? Just tell me if you don't. We have to go." Seeing Dong Jiahua's wide-eyed and small-eyed eyes, Leng Ruomei greeted her with a smile.

I can't take advantage of them, they must have ulterior motives for doing this, and I can't be fooled.

Dong Jiahua secretly reminded himself that the arrival of Sang Ye and the others obviously had a purpose, and they didn't give her a good face. I'm afraid they have ulterior motives, so we have to be careful.

Quickly followed, seeing that she was half a step behind, Sang Ye and Leng Ruomei had already sandwiched Su Zijian in the middle of the back seat, and there was still space in the front passenger cab, if she also squeezed into the back seat It was too ugly, and she couldn't ask one of them to give up her seat, and she just stomped her feet in anger.

In the end, Dong Jiahua had no choice but to sit in the passenger seat, and glanced back at the three of them, with hatred in his eyes.

Su Zijian smiled helplessly at her.

"drive!". . ."The First Mix in the City" and "Drizzling Rain Startled the Dragon" by the elegant layman are very interesting, have you read them? . .

Dong Jiahua let out a loud roar, venting her inner dissatisfaction.

The driver was taken aback by her, wondering what's wrong with this tigress, what's going on?

He didn't dare to neglect, put on the gear, stepped on the accelerator and drove towards Jinguang Hotel.

Along the way, Dong Jiahua said at the end of a word, with an extremely unhappy expression on his face.

"Su Zijian! What do you want to eat later?" Leng Ruomei squeezed towards him, deliberately moved her buttocks towards him, and pressed them tightly, all the heat from her body was transmitted to Su Zijian's.

"This... I'll talk about it later, I have to think about it now."

"What do you usually like to eat? Can you tell me?" Leng Ruomei was very kind, her voice was very nice, and she seemed very enthusiastic.

"Me! I don't have any special love or dislike, as long as it's not salted fish."

"Oh! This is very similar to my cousin and I. We are not picky eaters at all. It's not like someone who doesn't eat this or that. It's really troublesome."

Seeing that she was calling too close, Sang Ye was a little embarrassed, and glanced at Dong Jiahua's back, fearing that if she got angry, others would be fine. She had known Dong Jiahua for many years, and knew her temper best, but the strange thing was that she actually It was a surprise to her that she could bear the housing without losing her temper.


"Do you usually have any hobbies? Do you have time for everyone to hang out together?"

Dong Jiahua couldn't bear it anymore, turned around and said loudly: "Sang Ye! What do you mean?"

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