power and color

Chapter 525 Still So Powerful

"That's all for others. Su Zijian is not such a person. I trust him."

Hao Huanchi only felt his forehead heat up, and he almost rolled his eyes white with anger, and said annoyedly, "I said, why are you not enlightened at all?"

"Mom! It's really unnecessary. Su Zijian is a good man. I have confidence in him. He won't let me down."

Hao Huanchi couldn't help clenching his fists, he really wanted to slap her in the face, for this daughter she really ### thought a lot, but she couldn't tell her clearly what she wanted, really The emperor is not in a hurry to kill the eunuch.

Hao Huanchi gritted his teeth, endured it secretly, and said: "You don't think that your husband has worked hard all day outside, and he has to cook for you when he comes home?"

"This! It's not like you don't know. I really don't have any interest in cooking. Mom! Su Zijian didn't say anything, why did you force me to do it?"

"You don't know how to love your husband at all, and you don't even cook meals. Is that plausible? I'm your mother, and I won't teach you. This will make people talk about it. What shame do I have?" Hao Huanchi said angrily.

Dong Jiahua smiled and said: "Don't worry about this, I won't talk about it, and who knows that I can't cook anymore, and no one will say anything about you."

Hao Huanchi almost fainted, she said with a wry smile: "Your mother is an expert at cooking, so there's nothing she can't do, why did you give birth to such a stupid daughter who can't even cook?" , really embarrassing me."

She picked up the teacup and took a sip, but it was so hot that she spit it out.

Dong Jiahua was startled: "It's not hot." He quickly went to get a towel to wipe her.

Hao Huanchi shook his head secretly, and didn't know how to persuade her for a moment. After a while, he said: "Then... when did you ask him to come back to live with you at your mother's house?" Teach her slowly, otherwise she will really worry if it goes on like this.

"Didn't Mom talk to him before? I think it shouldn't be a problem. He came back tonight and told him to move in tomorrow, how?" . ."The First Mix in the City" and "Drizzling Rain Startled the Dragon" by the elegant layman are very interesting, have you read them? . .

"Don't take the problem too simply. You have to talk to Xiao Su about this matter. Don't be too forceful to bully others, otherwise it will be counterproductive, you know?" Hao Huanchi warned.

"Mom! Don't worry about my work?" She saw that Su Zijian put all his enthusiasm into herself, and she was very hot, so she was full of confidence. She thought that this was not a matter of one word, and Su Zijian would definitely not refuse. .

Hao Huanchi frowned, feeling very displeased in his heart, sighed secretly, thinking that this daughter is too simple-minded, she can't calculate everything carefully, she's so cold, she will definitely suffer in the long run, but looking at the current situation She probably couldn't listen to her own words, so she didn't want to say anything more, thinking that she would enlighten her slowly when she had time to return to her natal home.

Knowing that it's useless to say more at this time, she is usually very well-bred, but she gets angry when it's not easy, but she secretly thinks about how to enlighten this ignorant daughter.

When Su Zijian came back from work in the evening, seeing that she didn't cook or stir-fry, he was taken aback: "Didn't you cook?"

"I don't know how, you take a shower first, how about we go out to eat together later?" He stepped forward and hugged him, deliberately pressed the two jade rabbits on his chest to him, and squeezed tightly Press down and make a coquettish movement.

"Ugh! You don't want me to go out and buy food all my life, do you?"

"Isn't that right? When I learn how to cook, I will naturally cook for you, so don't worry about it." Suddenly remembering what my mother said in the morning, I thought that it was indeed time for me to learn how to cook.

But when he thought of this, he couldn't help frowning deeply.

Secretly said: I married you to live, not to wash and cook for you, you have to understand this.

Su Zijian shook his head secretly, and asked, "Have you bought that vegetable?"

"Didn't you say you're going to eat out? Why do you buy vegetables and come back? Wouldn't it be rotten tomorrow?"

Su Zijian snapped his tongue secretly, and said, "Then what have you been doing all day?"

"Mom came over in the morning, how about talking with her?"

Su Zijian chuckled, and asked, "Are you told to move back to your mother's house?"

Dong Jiahua opened his eyes wide, and said in surprise: "Husband! You are so good, you can guess this."

Su Zijian smiled: "Who am I? I'm Su Zijian. If you can't guess it, can you handle such a big business?"

Dong Jiahua nodded: "That's true." Then he said with a smile: "You have earned so much money in business, if you don't go out to eat, what do you want to do with the money? Don't you think so? ?”

"Cut! You think I went out to eat after making money in business. What the hell are you thinking about? This is too strange." Seeing that she didn't even buy food, she arrived tonight. Going out to eat was a foregone conclusion, so he had no choice but to take a shower. He didn't know that he was going to go out to eat, so he told the driver to go back after work, and now he could only eat in a small shop on the street.

How could Dong Jiahua be willing to eat in such a small shop, said: "These small shops are too unhygienic, and the Golden Glory Hotel is not far from here, just a short drive away."

This woman really makes me speechless.

Su Zijian shook his head secretly, feeling very unhappy, but helpless.

The next day he went to work, and Hao Huanchi came to his house to pack his bags with his daughter and move to his mother's house.

When he came back from work in the evening, Su Zijian secretly complained to Hao Huanchi when he was helping in the kitchen: "Mom! You have to talk about Jiahua. It's fine if she doesn't cook for me, but I have to buy some vegetables and come back." , I can do it at night, and ask me to go to Miantian to eat all day long, what is this called?"

Hao Huanchi's face became hot, her daughter is like this, she is also responsible as a mother, and said: "I asked you to come back here to live, firstly because I don't want to be separated from you, and secondly because I want to teach her how to cook. cooking." Then he said apologetically, "Xiao Su, Jia Hua's appearance is inseparable from my mother, I feel sorry for her behavior."

"Mom! You don't need to be like this. Jiahua needs us to train him slowly, so we can't be impatient."

"So you should worry about it now, don't worry about it too much, I will let her do these things."

Su Zijian thought to himself: The mother is a hero, but the daughter is a bear. With a capable mother, the daughter is really useless except for a pretty face.

Feeling very helpless in my heart, I can only endure it. Fortunately, Hao Huanchi is very reasonable, not only knows how to behave, but also knows how to sort out people's emotions.

Having such a sensible mother-in-law, Su Zijian had a lot of regrets in his heart, so he didn't complain any more.

Hao Huanchi mentioned this to Dong Hao at night, and Dong Hao also frowned: "I said, Jiahua can't go on like this. A woman doesn't do anything at home. It's one thing to cook well. It's another thing to do it or not, it's a matter of attitude, you have to talk to her well."

Because Su Zijian was a second-married person before, Dong Hao could not help but have some opinions on him, but now that he has performed extremely well, his attitude has changed.

Chuchu came to live in her natal family, even though Dong Jiahua lived in this room since she was a child, Su Zijian still felt uncomfortable.

After getting into bed, Dong Jiahua pushed her up, and said with a smile: "Shall we fight again tonight?"

"No, it can't be done."

Dong Jiahua asked puzzledly: "Why?"

"You are yelling so loudly, what if your mother and father hear it? Don't you feel embarrassed?"

"We're going to live here for a long time, so we can't stop working, right? You won't be so cruel, right?" Dong Jiahua said dissatisfied.

"How dare you? You don't cook or wash the food, and you tell me to work hard as soon as I get into bed. This is really unreasonable."

Dong Jiahua said embarrassingly: "Okay, I know this, the big deal is that I will learn to write tomorrow, so it will be fine." . ."The First Mix in the City" and "Drizzling Rain Startled the Dragon" by the elegant layman are very interesting, have you read them? . .

"Really?" Su Zijian asked suspiciously.

"You just wait and see." Regardless of whether he wanted to, she undressed herself first, and then started to take off his clothes. At this moment, she felt anxious and seemed very active. It wasn't the first time, he didn't know how many pieces of flesh he had on his body, and there was no need to be ashamed anymore, he could do whatever he wanted.

Su Zijian didn't expect her to be so enthusiastic. Fortunately, he is full of energy and can kill her and beg for mercy. After all, he is Su Zijian, and he is not comparable to ordinary people. After a round of fighting, Dong Jiahua is naturally no longer his opponent. It was because of this that she could be satisfied, and she was so comfortable that she wanted him to fight against her every night.

This is the case with women, if you don’t let go before marriage, you have to worry about this, worry about that, you have to think about everything, now he is your husband, this husband is just for use, plus youth is the capital, She has as much energy as she needs, no wonder she has so much demand.

Su Zijian is the one who doesn't do it, let his opponents give up their arms and surrender as soon as he does it, otherwise he can't make so many women fall in love with him. Although Dong Jiahua needs more times, once he comes into battle, it's not difficult to get him. She beat it down.

Therefore, she is a person who has many needs but is easy to satisfy.

Now, Su Zijian not only has to manage the business of Junhao Trading Corporation, but also has to run up and down for the newly built building, paying attention to the quality of the project. This is the reason why the so-called century-old plan puts quality first.

Now the company is slowly getting on the track, and has recruited a lot of key personnel. These are all talents in science and technology. If the company wants to grow stronger, talents in this area are indispensable, so we have to prepare in advance. , He understands that you will gradually enter the technological age, and if you can't keep up with the steps, you will be eliminated by this society.

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