power and color

Chapter 555 Love and confusion.

"And our fruits are also bagged by every idiot. They don't need any pesticide spraying, and there is no problem of pesticide residue. It is a green and safe food for home."

The young and beautiful beauty introduced each of the guests who came to watch. She has a very sweet mouth and she is beautiful. Half of the reason why many people stayed here was because they were here to see Meimei, not because of her shelf vegetables and fruits on.

"Can you deliver these vegetables and fruits to us regularly and quantitatively every day?" After listening to the introduction, the young man immediately asked Mei Mei.

"Of course, our services are not only for the public, but also for shopping malls and hotels. As long as you are willing to cooperate with us sincerely, no matter how much, we will serve you with the best quality."

Then she called a middle-aged man behind her and said to the young man with a smile: "This is our farm manager, you can talk to him about the matter."

Zhou Xing invited the two young men and women to sit down on a table and chair beside him, and said with a smile, "Where are you two doing business?"

"I am Ke Shuqi, the manager of Regal Hotel. Your products are suitable for my hotel. If your products are really green food without any pesticide residues, then we are willing to cooperate with you for a long time. Cooperation, and hope that you will send the products directly to our hotel."

These young men and women are Ke Shuqi and Ke Rongrong.

The business of the Regal Hotel is booming, and there are a lot of vegetables that are needed every day. It takes a few shopping guides to go out to purchase, which is time-consuming and laborious. The quality of the vegetables has not been guaranteed. Before, people were poisoned by pesticide residues in the food. A lot of money was compensated. Ke Shuqi had been reminded by the supervisor about this matter, so he paid special attention to it.

"Yes, yes, our products are genuine. Anyone who is willing to cooperate is welcome to visit our vegetable base and sign a contract."

"This is great. Now we can sign a letter of intent for cooperation first, and then the two parties will negotiate related matters. Are you interested?". . ."The First Mix in the City" and "Drizzling Rain Startled the Dragon" by the elegant layman are very interesting, have you read them? . .

Ke Shuqi took their letters of intent for cooperation and read them carefully for a while, and then signed the letter of intent, agreeing to negotiate the details of the contract after the Agricultural Fair.

Lu Shilei was surprised when he heard that the other party was actually the manager of the Regal Hotel: It is not easy for this person to become the manager of the Regal Hotel at such an age.

When Lu Shilei saw that the containers of these vegetables and fruits were out of stock in his own shopping mall, he could sign a batch, and he smiled at that Meimei: "Little girl, can you sign the letter of intent for cooperation with us? "

Na Meimei glanced at him, said with a smile: "Yes, I don't know what kind of products you need to sign?"

"No matter what kind of product you want, it's best that you come to our company, and I'll give you a secretary." Lu Shilei teased her with a smile.

That Mei Mei didn't take it seriously, she blinked at him and looked away secretly.

Lu Shilei's bones are a little brittle: Is this little girl interested in me? If I can dig her into my company, it shouldn't be a problem to get started slowly.

"Sir, please take a look at this letter of intent for cooperation first, and sign it if there is no problem." He said and took him to the table next to him to sit down.

Lu Shilei took the letter of intent, and when he was about to open it, Na Meimei suddenly put her hand on the back of his hand, rubbed it gently, and looked at him with strange eyes.

Lu Shilei's heart was hot, and he grabbed her hand without realizing it.

"Ah!" Mei Mei was startled, she exclaimed softly, and retracted her hand, angrily said: "What is Manager Lu doing, I'm so embarrassed to be seen by people in public."

"Yes! Yes. We will go to a place where there is no one to chat later." Lu Shilei's heart was full of evil thoughts, he only thought that Mei Mei also meant that to him, and he was happy in his heart.

Lu Shilei looked at that Mei Mei, his heart was beating and his body was hot, he was very excited, he was not someone who had never seen the world, it seemed that this beautiful Mei Mei was so rare, but he was unknowingly fascinated by her, the two sat down Chatting here, he can't remember exactly when the contract was signed. The contract is in duplicate, and each party holds one copy.

"Manager Lu! You go back first, I will come to the company to find you in a few days." Mei Mei said with a smile.

"Okay, see you in a few days." Lu Shilei walked away with a confused smile.

At this moment, someone patted Lu Shilei on the shoulder. He turned his head to look, his face sank, and he said angrily, "Why did you slap me?"

This person is Su Zijian, he smiled and said, "How have you been recently?"

"Hmph! Whether I live well or not is none of your business, do I need your concern?" Lu Shilei glared, and when he saw Su Zijian, he couldn't help but get angry. This guy seems to be everywhere, haunting him. , I can meet him wherever I go, it is really annoying.

More importantly, I don't know if my sister has come with me. If she also came, wouldn't this encounter show her feet? However, it will be a big loss if you make a fuss.

"Do you think I seem to care about you? Are you too funny?" Su Zijian said with a chuckle, which was full of sarcasm.

"Go away, I'm not that interested in playing with you." Lu Shilei said angrily, if he didn't care about his skill, he really wanted to hit someone with a punch, and he could only endure it.

It's obviously not a wise move to open it by hand.

"What if I don't go away?" Su Zijian looked at him mockingly, standing there with no intention of leaving.

Lu Shilei was startled when he heard the words, he was speechless for a while, but he could still speak.

As far as his ability is concerned, he really can't let people go away, and he should be the one who should go away.

Lu Shilei's face was ashen, full of anger, he couldn't help it and was about to get angry, he clenched his fists tightly, the muscles on his face twitched uncontrollably, it was obvious that he was extremely angry, but he didn't dare to explode.

He is self-aware, this Su Zijian is not a bullying person, whoever you are, if you get angry, he will still beat you up, and he himself has suffered this loss. He didn't dare to fight Su Zijian.

Seeing Su Zijian who was standing in front of him with a smile on his face, Lu Shilei was so angry that he could only swallow his anger and sneered twice: "Don't be complacent, I will let you know how good I am sooner or later." Turning around and leaving bitterly.

I'm just playing with you, but it's okay for me to leave.

When meeting Su Zijian, Lu Shilei became furious, and there was nothing he could do. He threw down a harsh word to save face, and then walked away in disgrace, which has become his routine in front of Su Zijian.

What else can he do, who told him that he has no such ability, he can only suffer a loss if he insists on it, he is not so stupid as to be slapped in the face again, one loss is enough, and if he does it again, he will become a fool.

Su Zijian also signed a cooperation letter of intent with two large agricultural households in the rice business, and asked them to come to the company to discuss the details in two days. When you come here to study, you should also pay attention to whether there are new projects suitable for Junhao Trading Corporation. As long as you propose or sign a feasible project, there will be a commission in the company, so everyone will share Keep an eye out, hope to find something.

Of course, Lu Ya and the others were no exception, and they were also present. She didn't find Lu Shilei's trace when she wandered around, so she frowned unknowingly: Where did this guy go? Didn't come.

She intentionally avoided Shan Susu, Su Zijian and others, the purpose was obvious, in order to find Lu Shilei and see what he had done?

But after walking around, she didn't even see his shadow, which made her furious.

Good boy, go back and see how I deal with you.

Lu Ya gritted her teeth, her face was full of anger, and her face changed a little with anger.

Looking at the bustling agricultural trade fair, the shelves of department stores urgently need to be cleaned and replaced, and these new products are put on the shelves for sale, but the figure of my brother has gone somewhere. You think he is so ignorant!

How can I have such a younger brother? It's really a hard life.

As for others, that's helping each other, but this younger brother of mine keeps making troubles for himself again and again, don't make things insufficient and fail, that would be miserable.

Just when she was extremely disappointed, she saw Lu Shilei striding out angrily, and she was stunned unknowingly.

Lu Shilei came striding all the way, completely unexpected that someone would dare to stand in front of him without moving, he was furious and was about to bump into him, when he suddenly felt that this person's figure was somewhat familiar, and forced him to The foot was stopped, even so, he still bumped into the person. . . ."The First Mix in the City" and "Drizzling Rain Startled the Dragon" by the elegant layman are very interesting, have you read them? . .

Lu Ya was bumped into by him and almost fell, so she let out a soft ah.

"What are you doing?" Lu Ya growled at him angrily.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you." Lu Shilei apologized hastily. He also felt that he had bumped into his sister's chest, that is, there was a soft feeling, obviously touching her.

Although he is lawless, after all, this is his sister, and he usually has a sense of fear towards her, so he bumped into her little rabbit, he couldn't help but startled him, and his expression changed.

Lu Ya's anger welled up in her heart, and she couldn't help but want to get angry at him. She turned her head and saw that there were too many people here. If she wanted to speak loudly, she wouldn't be regarded as a monkey, so she had to hold back her anger. Feeling low, he shouted: "Come here."

Lu Shilei couldn't help smiling wryly.

I really don't blame me for this, who knew you would stand in front of us, can you avoid bumping into us by walking like this?

This is unintentional, old lady, don't show your power, I'm afraid.

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