power and color

Chapter 591 Woman!Don't worry about it.

Lin Changxiu pondered and said: "Accordingly, this kind of matter is your Hongfu's unilateral problem. I, Jilong, don't need to bother with it. I just need to make a relevant acquisition plan. But to put it bluntly, Manager Ke is not a banker after all. They There are people who change their deals with Jilong at any time, if such changes happen again and again, your fortune will be nothing, but Jilong can't afford to toss about it."

The entanglement between Ke Shuqi and the dealer is just a private secret, but outsiders don't know about it. At this time, Ke Shuqi can't tell Lin Changxiu that he is the illegitimate son of the dealer. Also too missing section ###.

"That's right, Mr. Lin is right. I have reported this matter to the general manager Zhuang Junying. He has stated repeatedly and expressed his position to other people in the company. This matter is handled by me. Let the idlers stand aside." Ke Shuqi patted his chest and assured Lin Changxiu.

Lin Changxiu said: "Well, since Manager Ke has said so, I will believe it for now, but if this happens again, Jilong will immediately stop the acquisition plan with Hongfu."

"Okay, then don't bother Mr. Lin. I will discuss this matter with General Manager Zhuang Junying again, and reach an agreement with Jilong on the acquisition, and give Mr. Lin a reply as soon as possible."

"Good, good."

The two got up and came to the door. Ke Shuqi suddenly asked Lin Changxiu, "Boss Lin! Can I ask a question?"

"Guest manager, but I can't prevent it." Lin Changxiu was considered a shrewd person, and he had already guessed what he was going to say at this time, with a slight smile on his face.

"Su Zijian from Junhao Trading Corporation came to Jilong to buy Jilong, right?" Ke Shuqi stared at Lin Changxiu's face for a while.

"This..." Lin Changxiu has worked hard in the mall all his life. What kind of things have not happened? Qi Baiming had proposed before on the acquisition. The seller is negotiating related matters with Jilong. Otherwise, Hongfu would be self-righteous, thinking that he is the boss, and he can talk about whatever he likes. Now that Junhao Company has stepped in, he will easily miss this kind of thing that does not cost manpower and special effort. Listen After listening to Ke Shuqi's words, he deliberately pulled the old man's tone and tone in order to confuse the other party.

Ke Shuqi said seriously: "Boss Lin! Both Hongfu and Jilong have talked about it to such an extent, you won't make extra troubles, one daughter and two marriages, right?". . ."The City's No. [-] Mix" by the elegant layman is wonderful, have you read it? . .

Lin Changxiu chuckled and sighed: "It's no wonder that Jilong and Hongfu are involved in this matter... Manager Ke also came here for this matter. Besides, there is a price comparison between three companies, the one with the highest price gets the one with the honesty , This is Jilong's way of doing things. Customer manager! Lin Changxiu just said something not very nice. "

Ke Shuqi secretly sighed. Indeed, Jilong is really not to blame for this incident. This is mainly due to the fault of Hongfu Group in this matter. It is understandable for others to make extra troubles. Comparing with a group of companies, it is only right and proper to sell Geelong to whoever has a good bargaining chip.

At this time, Ke Shuqi secretly felt a surge of anger. Originally, he didn't like the people in the dealer. Now that something that can belong to him is about to be realized, you still come to destroy it. This kind of unbalanced situation His psychology was constantly entangled in his heart, that is, he hated the dealer's people to the extreme.

Ke Shuqi clenched his fist and gritted his teeth secretly: The banker!Don't try to snatch what you owe me, you really want to push me into a hurry, let's see if I can do something else.

After the two parted, Ke Shuqi came to the Hongfu Group Building and went to meet Zhuang Junying directly. Zhuang Junying was already prepared for his arrival, and said with a smile: "I went to meet Lin Changxiu from Jilong, explaining that he is still satisfied." Bar?"

Ke Shuqi said with a sullen face and sneered, "Very dissatisfied."

Zhuang Junying asked in surprise, "Why?"

"Su Zijian from Junhao Trading Corporation, have you heard of this company?"

Zhuang Junying pondered for a while, and said: "It is said that Su Zijian's father-in-law is from the province and is very powerful, and it is said that he himself is not a simple person. Junhao Trading Corporation is not comparable to Hongfu Group in terms of financial resources, so we must be careful It's the gang behind him."

Ke Shuqi looked at him and said, "Do you know this Junhao Trading Company?"

"Junhao Trading Company can't compare with Hongfu, but it is still a second-rate force in the shopping mall, and its financial resources should not be underestimated. As long as he says a word, there will be errands for him, and the other is..." Said Here, he pondered for a while.

"Why?" Ke Shuqi asked in surprise.

"It is said that this person is involved in gangsters and is very powerful in the Tao. It turns out that the director of the Provincial Department of Agriculture seems to be Zhuo Youcheng. I don't know what conflicts there are between the two. The actions of the two sides are quite different. Big, in the end Zhuo Youcheng was dragged inside by him."

Ke Shuqi said in amazement: "There is such a thing." Suddenly he realized: "No wonder he knew who I was when he saw me, and what I came for. This person is really not simple. "

"So, Junhao Company is also interested in Jilong?"

"He didn't say it himself, but what else can he do when he comes to Jilong at this time." Ke Shuqi said annoyedly, he and Jilong had finally come to this field, and now they have killed a powerful opponent. It was undoubtedly a fatal blow to him.

Zhuang Junying chuckled, and said: "Junhao Company has always been developing agricultural products, but now it is also interested in department stores. It seems that Junhao Company is growing very fast."

Ke Shuqi said angrily, "You can still laugh at any time."

Zhuang Junying still smiled and said: "Isn't it just a Baihua shopping mall? Even if the acquisition fails, it's nothing. The Hongfu Group has nothing to lose, so why can't you laugh?"

Ke Shuqi was in a hurry, he couldn't tell him the importance of Jilong Department Store to him, so he wouldn't be overwhelmed by him, he gritted his teeth and said, "Then how do you deal with this matter now?" , Do you continue with the plan to acquire Geelong, or give up?"

Zhuang Junying smiled, and said to him: "Shuqi! Now is the time to test your ability. Whether Jilong can succeed in the acquisition depends on how you implement it."

Ke Shuqi said in astonishment: "No way, the power is in your hands now, and there are some people in the group who are not convinced by you and make small moves from time to time. Just take this matter as an example. If it wasn't for Director Zhuang Mingpeng If I get involved, Jilong's acquisition plan will already be in my pocket."

Zhuang Junying nodded: "That's right, you also know that the second uncle and the third uncle are eyeing my position, if the equity of our branch falls into the hands of one of them, the power of the directors of this group will be someone else's." , so now we should unite and never let the second and third uncles take advantage of it."

"So?" Ke Shuqi looked at him calmly.

"Presumably you also know that before Dad's accident, he made a will, which related to the stock shares between you and Rongrong." . ."The City's No. [-] Mix" by the elegant layman is wonderful, have you read it? . .

"Hmm." Ke Shuqi didn't deny that he knew about it.

"Should we not be too anxious about this matter at the moment, we must stabilize them first, and after I first control the power of the entire group, I will hand over the stocks that should belong to you and Rongrong to you two?"

"If you promise me two conditions, it's not impossible."

Zhuang Junying smiled and said, "Tell me about it."

"First of all, I want you to let me take care of Jilong's affairs. After the acquisition is successful, you will hand over its management rights to me. You don't know that Second Uncle and Third Uncle treat me and Rongrong very well. No matter what the situation is, if Rongrong and I have it, we don't need to sleep on the street, and we don't need to look at people's faces anymore."

"Hmm! What about the second one?"

"I want you to sign a contract with me in private, which is equivalent to a power of attorney. Jilong's management rights and me and Rongrong's shares in Hongfu, as long as you control the power of Hongfu, will belong to me and Rongrong. Everything has to be assigned to our name."

Zhuang Junying pondered for a while, and then agreed: "Okay! Let's make a deal." Immediately, he took out a paper and pen from the drawer, and immediately drafted a contract, handed it to Ke Shuqi for reading, and both of them signed it.

Ke Shuqi put it away, and a big stone in his heart finally fell down.

After Ke Shuqi left, Jiang Yuemei came in and asked, "The surname Ke looks happy, did he get any benefits?"

Zhuang Junying glanced at her, and said displeasedly: "You have crossed the line again, woman, why bother with so many things, just do what you should do, it's useless to ask more questions that have nothing to do with you."

Jiang Yue frowned and said angrily: "In your eyes, am I such a superfluous person? Can't even ask a question or a question? What am I in your heart?"

"Boring!" Zhuang Junying snorted coldly, ignoring his words.

The muscles on Jiang Yuemei's face twitched, and a sneer flashed across her face, and she said, "My surname is Zhuang, I have done so much for you, and you can use this body as you want, as you like. You frowned, don't cross the river and break the bridge, do something disappointing?"

Zhuang Junying raised her head, looked at her for a while, and said, "What! What are you dissatisfied with me?"

"I think your attitude towards me has become much more distant recently. This is not what I want to see."

Zhuang Junying got up and hugged her in his arms, kissed her on the lips, and said after a while: "Isn't that what you want, why! Is there something you fancy that you don't have money to buy, how much is it? Gently lifted her chin with his fingers, looked at her red lips, couldn't help but kissed her again.

. . ."The City's No. [-] Mix" by the elegant layman is wonderful, have you read it? . .

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