power and color

Chapter 605 There are ulterior motives.

The owner of Jilong Department Store is Lin Changxiu. No one can influence the decisions he makes. Although everyone expresses their incomprehension to what he has decided, they dare not say anything other than cursing inwardly.

You are dissatisfied with Junhao Department Store now, Mr. Su is not a foolish person, he wrote you down, and it would be miserable to ask you to be a porter someday.

These are people who don't know what to do, and when the wind blows, they will fall on both sides and offend Mr. Su. You don't want to get mixed up.

At this moment, the only way to please him is to please him. Maybe one day Mr. Su will be in a better mood, and if he is given a not so good position, he might as well become a porter.

In the past, they really didn't do anything other than pointing fingers, how would they live like this.

Su Zijian took out the two contracts, and Lin Changxiu signed them without looking at them. He just felt a sense of comfort in his heart, and the big stone that was tightly pressed on his heart could finally be let go.

So far, the plan to acquire Jilong Department Store has been successful, and when they returned to Junhao Trading Headquarters, the company immediately became abuzz.

Junhao Department Store returned to normal after a week, and all the senior executives of the company also returned to the company. A banquet was held at the Jinguang Hotel that night to celebrate. Many people got drunk after being happy.

Su Zijian is not a big spender, such banquets are rare, and it is a rare opportunity for everyone to let go of their stomachs, eat and drink, and stay drunk.

Jilong Department Store is different from Changda Department Store. Changda Department Store is a normal business mall, and the products inside are all up to date with fashion, while Jilong Department Store has accumulated many years of old products. Outdated products are difficult to operate. However, Su Zijian is still his mode of operation, discount promotion, this is the most direct way, and it is also the best way at present.

Just like the department store bought from Lu Ya, it took him half a month to get everything in order.

During this month, Junhao Department Store has opened two shopping malls, coupled with the relevant media reports, it has created a lot of momentum.

Seeing that Junhao Department Store acquired two department stores one after another, and did so impressively, not only Lu Ya's heart was bleeding, but Ke Shuqi was also dizzy with anger.

This good deed should have belonged to him, but he stepped in and persuaded Lin Changxiu of Jilong to change his mind and resold Jilong to Junhao Company. He was caught off guard by the surrender, and even his position was messed up, and he was extremely angry with Lin Changxiu.

Even so, there is nothing he can do. After all, buying and selling are free, whoever pays more money, both parties have the will, whoever sells to it is their business, and it is their business not to sell it to you. What can happen?

At this time, he could only buy a bottle of spirits and drive a motorcycle to the riverside, sitting on the bank and drinking.

After a while, a strong light came along him, and he didn't need to look to know that there was a car coming towards him.

He was in a bad mood, and no matter who he was, he ignored him and continued to drink his stuffy wine.

The car came to his side and stopped. After the lights were turned off, a person got out of the car, also holding a bottle of beer in his hand, walked to him and sat down.

"What! Are you in a bad mood?" The visitor smiled and took a sip of beer after saying this.

When Ke Shuqi heard the voice, he didn't need to turn his head to look to know who it was. Even though he seldom interacted with this person, the voice was very familiar.

"Junxiong! How long have we been close, you suddenly care about me, do you have any plans?" Ke Shuqi sneered and said. . . ."The City's No. [-] Mix" by the elegant layman is wonderful, have you read it? . .

This person is Zhuang Junxiong of the dealer.

"Ha! You are so strange. Do you think it is necessary for me to get close to you? What good will it do me if I get close to you?" Zhuang Junxiong said calmly without getting angry at all.

"I don't seem to be bothering you if I drink here?"

Zhuang Junxiong shook his head and said, "That's not enough."

"I should still be in your way. If I really bother you, let me know, and I will walk away knowingly."

"If you really go away like this, are you still a man?"

Ke Shuqi turned his head to look at him, and said coldly, "What do you mean by that?"

"Won't you just leave what belongs to you?"

Ke Shuqi stared at him without saying a word.

"I've heard all about it. Uncle is said to have made a will. You and Rong Rong are both involved. Junying hid the will and refused to take it out. I think he must have his own intentions for doing so."

"Can you explain your reason for coming?" Ke Shuqi is not stupid, Zhuang Junxiong would not come here to drink with him for no reason, and now he said such words, obviously with deep intentions.

"I don't have any intention of coming, but it's not worth it for you?"

"When did the people in the dealer think about me and Rong Rong? You suddenly care about me, which makes me very uncomfortable."

"Haha! You care too much. No matter how you say it, you are still uncle's son. We are also cousins. This is an indisputable fact."

"So?" Ke Shuqi looked at him coldly. Although the words sounded nice, there was a different meaning in them.

"It's no longer a matter of a day or two for Junying to want to swallow your share with Rongrong. Now Jilong's acquisition has failed again. If you don't get back what belongs to you, maybe you will have to live on the street tomorrow." Zhuang Junxiong said goodbye. Said meaningfully, his tone was neither hasty nor slow, and he was confident.

"Take it back! Act like I don't want to. Haha!" Ke Shuqi suddenly laughed out loud, with a very bitter smile, showing that he was extremely sad in his heart.

Zhuang Junxiong waited for him to laugh for a while, and then said: "Where there is a will, there is a way. You should have heard of this saying. If you don't work hard, how do you know you won't get it back?"

Ke Shuqi picked up the bottle and gulped it down, then threw the bottle far away and said, "Is this the purpose of your coming here tonight?"

Zhuang Junxiong didn't deny it, he smiled and said: "If you want, I can help you?"

Ke Shuqi stared at him curiously for a while, and asked, "Why help me?"

No one in the Zhuang family had ever said anything kind to him or his sister. Zhuang Junxiong actually came and said that he would help him get back what he deserved, which made him very surprised and puzzled.

Zhuang Junxiong said with a smile: "There is no free lunch in the world. I don't think you don't understand this truth. There is a reason for me to help you in this way. I also want to get some things I want."

Ke Shuqi laughed and said: "You think highly of me too, what can I do to help you, even if you want to laugh at me, there's no need to do so at this time."

Zhuang Junxiong didn't refute his words, but looked at him and smiled for a while before saying: "You just don't know how to help me, that's why you are so unconfident. If you really help me, you won't say that."

Ke Shuqi pondered for a while, then asked, "Tell me more in detail."

"What you want is the will, what I want is to get Zhuang Junying down, and then take the seat of executive director, should you understand?"

If Ke Shuqi can get the will, he can get what belongs to him, but Zhuang Junying has repeatedly shied away and refused to take it out these days, and he doesn't dare to use force to provoke Zhuang Junying. That's not good. He has been back to China for a while, and he knows that Zhuang Junxiong is not a simple person. He must have his intentions to say such words. He frowned and thought for a long time, and said: " How can I help you with my patience?"

Zhuang Junxiong said with a smile: "I want to stigmatize Junying and make him lose face sitting on this seat, but it's up to you to help."

"Then how can I get what belongs to me?" What he never forgets in his heart is the will. Only after getting the will can he and his sister have a good life.

"Do you want me to tell the truth?"

Ke Shuqi asked puzzledly, "What do you mean by that?"

"Think about it, uncle has been in a coma for more than half a year now. If Junying got the will during this half year, what would he most likely do?"

Ke Shuqi couldn't help gasping, and said: "You mean, even if there is a will now, after it is in Junying's hands, he..." He dared not speak any more for a while.

Zhuang Junxiong nodded and said, "If it were you, how would you do it?"

Ke Shuqi couldn't help feeling frustrated for a moment, and fell silent.

"So, now you have no choice but to cooperate with me and bring Junying down, so that the shares under uncle's name can return to you and Rongrong." Zhuang Junxiong said calmly.

Ke Shuqi was in a daze, and after a long time, he said with a wry smile: "Without a will, even if Junying is brought down, I won't be able to get any shares."

Zhuang Junxiong pondered: "You really have this worry, so you have to take this last pawn."

Ke Shuqi looked at him puzzled.

"If you and I make a private agreement, you help me mess up Junying, if there is no way to get back the shares from him, then I will fund you to open a medium-sized department store or a medium-sized hotel, that's it It is enough for you and Rongrong to live in the future."

A medium-sized department store or a medium-sized hotel, what will this mean? Ke Shuqi understands that it is impossible to want a large-scale department store, but this result is already very good.

Looking at Ke Shuqi who had been silent for a long time, Zhuang Junxiong looked at him and asked, "How is it?"

"Deal!" Thinking over and over again, Ke Shuqi could see that it was impossible for Zhuang Junying to take out the will and then hand over the shares to himself. Now as long as he helps Zhuang Junxiong succeed, he may get what he wants Something, for a moment, couldn't help but make his heart skip a beat.

handsome!You forced me to do this, so don't blame me for being cruel.

. . ."The City's No. [-] Mix" by the elegant layman is wonderful, have you read it? . .

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