power and color

Chapter 670 Want to provoke me, no way!

This group of people is headed by Wen Han and leads the 24 elite wolf souls under his banner. The meaning is that they are as fierce as wolves and invincible in every direction. Ten people were knocked down by Su Zijian as soon as they came here tonight. This loss can be said to be unprecedented.

This was also a huge shock to Wen Han. He never dreamed that Su Zijian would have this ability to bring down so many brothers under him, which angered him.

He sneered coldly and said, "Su Zijian! Do you just hide and be a coward?" He wanted to provoke Su Zijian out, and then he killed him with everyone's strength.

Su Zijian couldn't understand his plan, and smiled secretly: You think I'm a fool. You brought so many people to kill me, and you still have to go out to fight with you alone. This is not a fool, but a fool.

He didn't hum, and didn't even bother to pay attention to Wen Han.

"Surnamed Su! Get out of here, just the two of us let's fight, how about it?" Seeing that Su Zijian didn't move at all, Wen Han was very angry in his heart, but there was nothing he could do. This was also a momentary mistake of his , I never expected this kind of situation to happen, and it was even more unexpected that Su Zijian was so smart that he hid in the house and never came out, waiting for their people to come in and out so that they could kill them, and it didn't matter if they provoked them with words He was very annoyed that he couldn't find a fire or a flashlight to light it for a while.

Su Zijian only thought that this person was too funny, and there was no such funny person, and it would be too shameful to even use this method in order to kill others.

He laughed and said, "Master Wen! Why don't you call all your brothers in and let everyone give it a go. Wouldn't it be fun."

When Wen Han heard that he knew who he was, he was very careless: "Who told you that my surname is Wen?" Then he said angrily: "Did Cheng Xiaodie say it?"

"I've heard about the names of Master Wen and Master Wan for a long time. Does it need others to talk about it?" Although the woman Cheng Xiaodie is not very good, but after all, she has slept with her, and everyone is very excited. If they cooperate to destroy the Tiger Gang, they can't just kill her.

Wen Han couldn't help sneering: "Su Zijian! Are you really unwilling to come out?"

Su Zijian smiled and said, "Master Wen! Why are you so angry? You scare me with your name. I'm very scared." Although he said he was afraid, everyone present knew something about him when they heard his laughter. He didn't even have any intention of being afraid, and he was secretly surprised that this person was so brave. Just think about the people in this d city, as long as they heard Wen Han's name, they would all change their expressions and avoid them. This person is single-handed. Those who dare to fight him are really rare.

"Are you really not going to come out?" Wen Han's face was cold, but he was very angry in his heart.

"If you don't come out, I won't come out." This tone is like a rascal, even if you are beaten to death, you will not come out.

This is a small red brick two-story building. If you use fire to burn it, there is nowhere to burn it. Unless there is gasoline or something, how can the red brick wall be burned.

A group of people looked at each other in blank dismay, silent, the people inside were very skilled, they would only be beaten and killed by him if they entered, and there was no way to force him out, it really made them helpless, they didn't know what to do for a while.

Wen Han heyed a few times, and jumped in with a short knife.

Among the brothers under him, no one is likely to be Su Zijian's opponent. If he goes in, it will only add a few wounded, and it will be of no use at all.

Now only I can fight against this young man, if I don't make a move, I will be laughed at by him, I can't help it anymore.

Hearing what Cheng Xiaodie and Gao Hu said, he knew that Wen Han was a formidable opponent with extraordinary skills, so he didn't dare to be careless, so he also picked up two short knives dropped by members of Wolf Soul from the ground, and faced him. Wen Han killed the past.

He can see Wen Han's movements clearly, but Wen Han can't see him, which is a big loss. He only thinks that Su Zijian is the same as himself, only relying on years of experience to identify the enemy's enemy by listening to the sound of the wind position, and kill.

After all, Wen Han is a person who has experienced a lot of wind and waves. He has spent his whole life drinking blood on the edge of a knife. But one thing he didn't expect was that Su Zijian could see him, but he attacked and killed the enemy like a blind man.

When the two of them fought, it was an earth-shattering fight. The fists and kicks inside were loud and loud, but the Wolf Soul members outside couldn't participate, because once Wen Han made a move, he usually didn't Let them intervene, not to mention how big the room is and how many people there are. They don't know the slightest bit, and they can't help if they go in, and they have to bear the risk of being mistaken as their own.

Although Wen Han has many years of experience, he found that Su Zijian seemed to know his every move like the back of his hand, and he couldn't help but tremble in his heart: How could this be?How could he see me?This is impossible?

At this time, doubts surged in my heart: What's going on?No wonder he refused to come out, it turned out that somehow he could see others in the dark.

Wen Han is Wen Han, not the soul of a wolf, etc. He immediately discovered Su Zijian's advantage. As for why he can see him, it is unknown. Under such circumstances, he cannot be allowed to think too much. How to kill this person with a knife.

Since Su Zijian also made his debut, Wen Han is the most formidable opponent he has ever met. I don't know how old this man is, but judging from his agility, he is not inferior to young people at all. The advantage that can be seen in the dark night, I am afraid that it is very possible to lose in his hands.

No wonder Cheng Xiaodie and Gao Hu are afraid of him, this man is really scary.

If this is the case before, if he has not received the super power empowerment from the strange stone of the fortune-teller and has gathered super power, it is still unknown whether he can defeat Wen Han at this time. There is a certain reason for shocking black and white.

At this time, Su Zijian was very energetic and did not dare to be careless at all. With such a strong and powerful enemy, if you are a little careless, you will give the enemy the opportunity to destroy you, wouldn't it be sad.

Not to mention how cautious Su Zijian was, Wen Han was extremely shocked at this moment. He heard people say that Su Zijian was only a young man in his twenties, and his kung fu was very good. I don't know, after fighting against him, I deeply felt that this person is really scary, no wonder he is so arrogant, he has the capital, he is not a braggart.

He didn't really believe that Su Zijian was really that powerful, but when Wan Yuewu talked about Su Zijian's strength, he secretly laughed at him for being old and timid?It's only now that I deeply feel how terrifying he is. Even if I am myself, it is still unknown whether I can defeat him.

The two of them showed off their skills in the room and kept fighting. Although the short knife in Wen Han's hand had been practiced all his life, it was as if his left hand was touching his right hand. It is also extremely pure, when Huo Huo casts it, the sound of swishing can be heard endlessly, in this place where you can't see your fingers, you can also find the important parts of the opponent to fight back.

The two of them fought for a long time, and it was hard to tell who was the winner at the end of the day. The fight was very fierce. If this continues, it's really hard to say who will win.

After a while, Su Zijian yelled loudly, followed by Wen Han's muffled snort. With years of experience, the wolf soul elites outside knew that Wen Han's going to be a little bit worse. I suffered a loss.

This moment shocked them so much that they gasped, just imagine that with Wen Han's ability, in this d city, he is an invincible figure in the world, and no one has ever punched or kicked him , now it is clear that Su Zijian has hit him hard.

With Wen Han's identity, coupled with the power of the Wolf Soul's crowd, he still suffers under his hands. If this matter gets out, it will definitely shock the entire D City.

At this time, the members of Soul of the Wolf also wanted to rush into the house to participate in the battle, but considering that there was a dark mass inside, it was impossible to tell which one was the enemy?It is useless to go in whichever one is your own.

They couldn't help being very anxious. They didn't know what to do at the moment. If they knew they would be in such a situation, they should bring a flashlight. Where did they look for it?

After fighting for a while, Wen Han became more and more frightened: What kind of person is this? We must find an opportunity to kill him, otherwise the Bluestone Group will be messed up by this kid, and sooner or later there will be big troubles.

Wen Han knew that if he went on like this, he would probably be no match for him, so he had to think of a way to hurt the enemy, otherwise it would be hard to get any benefits.

At this moment, he yelled loudly, turned sharply, and threw the dagger in his hand at Su Zijian.

Su Zijian had two short knives in his hands. He steadied himself and moved away. With a wave of his arm, he slashed the flying short knives to the ground with a clang. .

It turned out that Wen Han had many short knives hidden on his body. These short knives could be used not only as weapons, but also as hidden weapons. It is extremely powerful to attack Su Zijian's vital points.

Su Zijian shuddered, Wen Han's hand strength is extremely strong, and his saber skills are exquisite, which should not be underestimated. If it were someone else, it would be impossible to avoid it. Fortunately, he has the function of clairvoyance, so he can see through the eyes in this dark night. If you can see clearly, you won't be caught off guard by him. Even so, it's really not easy to dodge.

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