power and color

Chapter 703

Wu Qingyu didn't have time to gossip, so he stepped forward and said, "County Liu! I heard that Su Zijian, the general manager of Junhao Company, has returned from City D."

Liu Neng hesitated for a while, but there was no smile on his face, and he sighed: "Then Su Zijian is an arrogant person, last time we embarrassed him so much, this time we will use [-]% sincerity Come to invite him, but people are afraid and unwilling to come."

Wu Qingyu was extremely embarrassed. This matter was due to the fact that he had secretly accepted a large sum of bribes from the Hongfu Group and led a group of people to firmly oppose Junhao Company. For this reason, he had a bad relationship with the county magistrate Liu Neng for a while. Now if Su Zijian It is impossible to refuse to invest in Shitong County.

"Magistrate Liu, Mr. Su doesn't seem like such a difficult person to talk to. Why don't you come forward to discuss with him, test his tone, and then make a decision?"

"Secretary Wu, it's not that you don't know my relationship with him. If I come forward about this matter, it will definitely cause a lot of gossip. If it is facilitated or not, the gossip will not escape." Liu Neng shook his head again and again. said.

"This project can't just be shelved like this?" Wu Qingyu said with a frown.

"Do you think I am willing? You have seen this too. Now as soon as they hear about this project, many people don't even want to talk, and turn around and leave. They lose face." He then continued Said: "If it is done by Junhao Company, the urban development tourism project can also promote the development of rural agriculture, so it is a win-win situation, and you will not listen to me and let Hongfu Group do this. , and now I’m gone.”

Wu Qingyu blushed with embarrassment, and after a while, he said: "How about I accompany County Magistrate Liu to plead guilty and let President Su come here to invest."

"Would you be able to bear it if he said something nasty then?"

"Hey! For the development of our Shitong County, no matter how much I suffer, it's nothing."

"Then...since Secretary Wu has said so, I will accompany you to meet him and do everything possible to lobby, and I must seek President Su's understanding."

Having said that, Wu Qingyu, who was used to being asked by others, felt quite awkward to ask for forgiveness this time.


When Su Zijian came back to the provincial capital, he has been busy dealing with the company's affairs. It has been **months since he left, and he has nothing to do with the pressure. Fortunately, Hao Fengyi came to help from time to time. The boss of the company does not stay in the company. He didn't even know that the funds in the company had been transferred away, so he would pay attention to whether there was anything wrong with the accounting department.

He also calculated that the day when Liu Neng and Wu Qingyu should arrive, as he expected.

The two arrived as scheduled and went straight to Junhao Trading Corporation.

Su Zijian pretended to be surprised and said: "Secretary Wu and County Magistrate Liu, did you two drop by for a meeting in the province?"

Liu Neng said awkwardly: "No, Secretary Wu and I came here specially to find you."

After Su Zijian asked the two to sit down, the secretary offered tea and it was over. He sat beside him and said, "My affairs in Shitong County have been messed up. Wouldn't it be embarrassing for you two to come like this?"

Liu Neng gave Wu Qingyu a wink, and Wu Qingyu hurriedly said: "Mr. Su! We miscalculated last time, and it is precisely because of this decision that we have lost such a good collaborator as Mr. Su. We are here today to show that we I'm sorry, I hope President Su will forgive me."

Su Zijian sighed: "Someone has already done this project, so it seems a bit exaggerated for the two of you to say such things."

Liu Neng and Wu Qingyu's faces became hot, and they couldn't figure out whether he was pretending to be ###, or if he really didn't know that Hongfu Group had withdrawn its investment, but even if he was really pretending to be ###, it would be difficult for the two of them to break through With this face, people need face and tree needs skin. If they hurt his face again, will they come back to invest again?

Therefore, the two had no choice but to pretend to be ### with him.

However, he has just returned from City D for a few days, so the chances of this are still very high. After all, he has been withdrawn from Shitong County, so how could people pay any attention to this stupid bird in Shitong County.

"Mr. Su! There is something you probably don't know yet. Our previous partner has already withdrawn capital from Shitong County, and this project has always been favored by me and the county magistrate Liu. Therefore, I hope that Mr. Su will return to Shitong County regardless of the past. Get this project going."

Su Zijian was stunned on purpose, and then asked: "What's going on? What kind of tricks is Hongfu Group playing? Why did it withdraw its capital if it did well?"

Wu Qingyu blushed and said: "Hongfu Group has a major safety accident in this project, so our Shitong County leadership has terminated the contract relationship with it, so this project has not been started yet, and the county magistrate Liu and I will talk to General Manager Su. I have always been optimistic about it, and I really appreciate your kindness. I am here today not only to express our apologies, but also to hope that President Su will go back and lead Shitong County and the farmers in the townships to develop together."

Su Zijian pondered for a while, but didn't say a word.

Liu Neng glanced at Wu Qingyu, then turned around and said to Su Zijian: "President Su! We apologize for being rude to you before. In order to make up for this mistake, we can make some concessions on this project. If you have any If you need us to do something, you can bring it up, and Secretary Wu and I will give you a satisfactory answer after studying it."

Su Zijian raised his head, looked at the two of them, and said, "County Liu, Secretary Wu, I like to go straight and straight when I do things. I think it's not just me, but even you guys who have been fooled. I won’t like it either. I won’t say much about Junhao Company’s treatment in Shitong County. .”

"It must be, Mr. Su, don't worry. County Magistrate Liu and I have studied it. There are too many braggarts, and Mr. Su is the only one who does practical things. If the project in Shitong County is entrusted to you , we are very relieved, as for what happened last time, it would be useless to say more now, Mr. Su, you only need to focus on the project, and we will do our best to facilitate things that are beneficial to Junhao Company."

"Well, you've all said that. I'm not the kind of mother-in-law. I'll give you a clear attitude now. I can invest in Shitong County and start this project. On the one hand, it will drive the development of agricultural products in towns and villages. value technology, so as to activate the vegetable and fruit industry, but one thing is, I don't want the leadership of Shitong County to have any objections."

Wu Qingyu said with shame: "This is necessary. Mr. Su can go to Shitong County to sign a letter of intent for cooperation first, and then formally sign the contract after the relevant details come out, so that Mr. Su will have no other worries."

Su Zijian nodded and agreed.

After Liu Neng and Wu Qingyu left, Su Zijian called Yinggen County and asked Liu Xuesen to come to the provincial capital immediately, and at the same time contact Liu Yunxin, the director of the Provincial Water Conservancy Bureau, and Zheng Qijin, the minister of the Ministry of Construction, and several experts in this field After Liu Xuesen arrived in the provincial capital, a group of four cars drove to Shitong County.

This time Su Zijian learned smartly. Instead of going to the county town like last time, he drove to the project area of ​​the scenic spot. He had been here last time, so he was familiar with the road and got there without much effort.

When they arrived at the location where Hongfu Group built the dam, Liu Yunxin, Zheng Qijin and others shook their heads and said together, "How can a dam be built here?"

"Please explain to everyone." A group of people rejected Hongfu Group's approach, and Su Zijian knew there was a reason for it.

Liu Yunxin said: "The geographical location here is not suitable for building a dam. The dam must not be sloppy at all. The dam can only be built after the experts go through surveys and find out the feasible location. Hongfu Group's dam building here is obviously a Without on-site measurement and survey by experts in this field, otherwise such a thing would not have happened."

Su Zijian nodded and said: "This is the reason why I invited Director Liu and Minister Zheng here. I hope everyone will take good care of me and prevent Hongfu Group from happening again."

The terrain here is deep and the water is imminent. Although the last time the dam was built was washed away by the flood, the traces are still there, and the water is deep.

A group of people came to the water's edge, but saw that the water quality was clear and swimming fish could be seen.

Liu Yunxin said: "Boss Su! The natural water quality here is very advantageous. If the water resources are utilized, it will be a good project to cooperate with the county water company in the future to bring water to the county."

Zheng Qijin also said: "Water resources like this can not only develop tourist attractions, but also fisheries and farming, so they must be comprehensively utilized.

One is the head of the Water Conservancy Bureau, and the other is the boss of the Construction Bureau. Naturally, what they said was not random. Su Zijian remembered them one by one, and he also agreed with their suggestions.

"This is a matter for the future. Now some experts in this field, let me see where the dam is more suitable to be built. I don't want this project to look like the Hongfu Group before it is started."

Several experts said: "This decision must be made after careful investigation, and it will be too late to make a decision if you are reckless."

Su Zijian brought a few people to the location where the experts he invited last time surveyed. Zheng Qijin said: "This place seems to be okay, but whether it is the best location can only be concluded by President Su after the survey."

Liu Yunxin said to Su Zijian: "Mr. Su! The geographical location is of course important, and the work of building the dam is also very important, as well as the thickness. Otherwise, the location is good, but the work of the dam is not in place. It will be a waste of effort."

Su Zijian nodded again and again: "Listening to your conversation is better than studying for ten years. Please leave everything to me."

"Boss Su is too polite. This is our job, and we don't need you to remind us." Several elderly experts said to him.

A few people walked all the way along the water's edge, and saw the beautiful mountains and rivers, the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers, and the natural landscape was very pleasant.

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