power and color

Chapter 722 Just because you don't like it

Zhuang Junxiong frowned, looked at Kanke Shuqi, then at the two brothers Zhuang Junhao, Zhuang Mingpeng said: "I said to you guys, isn't it too ridiculous, now is not the time to quarrel, you should put your mind on it On company matters."

Now even Zhuang Su fainted and was hospitalized, and even he has the highest seniority in the dealer at present, he wanted to show the style of an elder, and deliberately expressed his dissatisfaction.

"Uncle Peng! It's not that we don't know, but this kid is too ridiculous. The company was dragged down by him. He doesn't want to be responsible and blames others. Don't you think it's too hateful?"

"I despise such a person the most in my life." Zhuang Junjie also said with a sneer.

Facing these two live treasures, Ke Shuqi felt dumbfounded for a moment, exhausted physically and mentally, and helpless. He really didn't know how to communicate with such people. A bad word comes, either ironic or sarcasm, and there is no good word from you at all, let alone solidarity with it.

Ke Shuqi thought to himself: It is really speechless to have such a person staying in the company, no wonder it is not unlucky.

"What are you guys thinking?" Ke Shuqi couldn't help but said angrily.

"Get off this chair, I hate it when I look at it." Zhuang Junjie let out his breath and snorted coldly.

"Haha! What did I say? Don't you just think that I don't like you? If you want me to give up this position, there is no way." I thought to myself that if this trouble continues, I will certainly lose a lot, you two I have to become a pauper, so I am not afraid of you?

Zhuang Junxiong secretly said: When these two tigers fight, one will be killed and the other will be injured. The mild one will be injured, and the serious one will definitely drag down the Hongfu Group. This will not work.

"I said, can you calm down and listen to me?"

Hearing his rare words, several people fell silent immediately.

"I believe everyone can see what kind of situation the company is in now. Now is not the time to shirk responsibility. We must work together to tide over the difficulties, otherwise Hongfu Group will be really dangerous."

Several people heard his words and thought about his words quietly. After a long while, Zhuang Junjie said: "It's okay to work together, but this guest can't stay in the chairman's seat."

"I am also opposed to the surname guest on this seat. Unless he comes down, there will be no discussion." Zhuang Junhao also expressed his opinion.

Ke Shuqi finally got the chance to sit in this position, so he was willing to step down, and immediately said: "You asked me to come down for no reason, you don't even need to think about it."

Jiang Yuemei also got some shares from Ke Shuqi Xiao, so she is also a small shareholder, and she was also sitting in it. At this time, she smiled and said: "Since this is a group company, it has to follow the relevant rules and regulations. , how many shares Chairman Ke Shuqi holds in Hongfu Group, I don’t need to say more about this matter, everyone knows it well, so he is the major shareholder of course, that is, the chairman of Hongfu Group, this is indisputable In fact, everyone used various excuses to engage in internal struggles in order to exclude him, and it is everyone who suffers if this continues, so everyone must understand this, otherwise the company will collapse and have nothing."

"Hey! This is better than singing. Who wouldn't say such a thing? If the surname Ke is not in this position, we will do better than him. Does he have to be the company's director just because he is the major shareholder? Chairman? We can convene a board meeting to elect the company's executive director, but I won't agree to the position of this guest." Zhuang Junhao said with a sneer.

"No way, you are treating people right and wrong. Is there anyone who does things like this? We are all born from the same ancestor, the same blood, why do we have to fight to the death?" Ke Shuqi sighed helplessly. road.

"Who is the same ancestor as you, and I don't admit it if you want to be beautiful?" Zhuang Junjie stood up and said loudly, his expression was a little excited.

Ke Shuqi frowned and said, "Even if you don't admit it, it's a fact after all."

"It's a disgrace to our dealer to have such a person of the same blood." After Zhuang Junjie finished speaking, he turned his head and spit thick phlegm on the ground to show his dissatisfaction.

Everyone in the office was stunned. After all, the Hongfu Group is also the top consortium in the provincial capital. Such a place with status and image is also different. No matter who the mental outlook is, it is also qualified. Not to mention the senior executives in the company, ordinary employees would not dare to do this kind of spitting, but Zhuang Junjie actually spit in the meeting room of the board of directors. Shuqi, the chairman, took it seriously.

After a long time, Zhuang Junhao coughed and signaled his brother not to make too much noise.

Zhuang Junjie didn't pay attention to it at all, and continued to say: "Did I say something wrong? Is this a fact?"

"Now it's the shareholders' meeting. I wonder if we have to deal with business first. I have to find another time to come... that?" Zhuang Junxiong frowned, and his expression was a little displeased.

Zhuang Junhao tugged on his younger brother's sleeve.

Zhuang Junjie slapped his hand away angrily: "Why are you teasing me? I just don't like his surname. If the chairman of this company does not change, I will have to talk to him forever."

"Why is this shareholders' meeting held like this..." Ke Shuqi shook his head again and again, feeling helpless. Only then did he know that Hongfu Group had many problems, and it was not as easy as he imagined. Unite and work together to overcome difficulties, but make things difficult everywhere. Can this make the company a good one?

"Is it okay for everyone to say a few words less? If there is such a quarrel, how can this meeting go on? If the company's problems are not resolved, life will become more and more difficult every day." Zhuang Mingpeng couldn't see it.

"No matter what you say, I just don't agree with the surnamed guest. Unless he comes down, he will have something to look at." Zhuang Junjie still said loudly.

Ke Shuqi rolled his eyes in anger: "What do you mean? Why are you targeting me like this?"

"If it weren't for you, would the company be what it is now? How can a person like you deserve my respect and let you be the chairman of the board and dictate to me."

What he said is true. Hongfu Group had a very difficult life due to its high debts before. Ke Shuqi did this again, and the industry and commerce tax imposed heavy penalties on him. As a result, the liquidity became tighter and he had to deal Its shopping malls are sold for debt repayment or as working capital. However, due to the impact of many unfavorable negative news, some long-term cooperative merchants or manufacturers are reluctant to ship first and settle later. If Hongfu Group has no funds to enter the account, Merchants refused to ship.

So this is the current dilemma of Hongfu Group. If there is no funds, there will be no goods to sell. Even though they sold two shopping malls and Zhuang Su invested all his life savings in it, it still doesn't help. This is why Zhuang Junjie is so strange to Keshu Broken hearted, the chairman was extremely unwilling to fall into his hands, and he had to be asked to step down.

"I said you're never finished, are you really going to end up in trouble?"

"Who was the one who stabbed us first?"

"If you are willing to return what belongs to me, how can I do this?"

"Stop making excuses like this. You caused this incident. You are the most responsible for the company's predicament. Since you are unable to bring the company back to its original starting point, you have to abdicate."

"What if I refuse?"

"Now it's up to you. If this is the case, you won't get any benefits if the company goes bankrupt."

Ke Shuqi's eyes were also red with anger: "If it breaks, it will break. At worst, we will all die together."

"Cut! What are you talking about? Is this what a chairman should say?" Zhuang Mingpeng couldn't help being furious when he heard the words. Raise Xiao-san, if the company goes bankrupt, where will he get money to support Xiao-san?

"You didn't see them all like this, so what can I do?"

"Since this is the case, then you can't say such irresponsible words."

"Then what do you want me to do? I was kicked out by your cooperation?" Speaking of this, he couldn't help sneering.

"This person is for those who are capable. It's not whoever has the most shares. Whoever is the largest shareholder will take over. You are an idiot who can't help you. Sooner or later, Hongfu Group will be defeated. Why not take advantage of the present Retire before it's too late, and capable people will take over so that the company can make a name for itself." Don't look at Zhuang Junjie who is usually not very good, doing nothing, and a little rascal, this meeting can be said It makes sense.

Everyone nodded secretly.

"Fart! Who can't afford it anymore, Zhuang Junjie, you just have to be dissatisfied with me. If you insult me ​​like this again, don't blame me for being rude to you."

"Ha! You are angry when I say that you are in pain. You don't even have this bit of magnanimity. What kind of character do you have to be the chairman?" Zhuang Junjie said with a big laugh.

Ke Shuqi felt a headache for a while, but this Zhuang Junjie was very eloquent at this time, and every sentence touched his pain, so that he had nothing to say. The words are easy to say, but every sentence hurts him completely, and he can't be as knowledgeable as him. As he said, he is the chairman of this company anyway. If he really knows as much as him, this quality is questionable up.

He took a deep breath, stared at Zhuang Junjie and said coldly: "No matter what you are talking about, I have secured the chairman's seat, so don't you try any tricks to force me to step down, it won't work , I advise you to put your mind on the company's affairs, this is the real consideration for the company."

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