power and color

Chapter 727 Something Happened

Hearing what she said was reasonable, Ke Shuqi resisted the soreness in his waist and legs, and hid in the hair loss for a long time before he regained his strength.

Jiang Yuemei poured him a glass of water and drank it down: "How is it? Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah! Much better."

Thinking that my body has always been great, how could such an accident happen?

At this time, the sweat on his body slowly stopped.


While he was closing his eyes and resting his mind, the door of the office was suddenly knocked open, only to see Zhuang Mingpeng barging in, and shouted at him: "What are you two doing?"

"What's the matter?" Ke Shuqi looked at him in astonishment, thinking that this person must be out of his mind.

"Do you know something happened to the company again?" When he was speaking, he suddenly saw a pile of evidence on the desk that Ke Shuqi and Jiang Yuemei couldn't deal with in time. He is so old, how can he not understand what these things are? He said angrily: "I didn't quite believe it when others talked about it, now you don't have the face to say no."

Jiang Yue's eyebrows were fine, but Ke Shuqi's thin skin immediately turned red: "Uncle Peng, this is not what you think."

"Fart! When I am a three-year-old child, these things are not enough to explain anything?" Zhuang Mingpeng said angrily: "Shuqi! You have disappointed me so much."

Ke Shuqi's face turned blue and red, extremely embarrassed.

"Uncle Peng! Why did you break into the chairman's office like this?" Jiang Yuemei smiled faintly, not acting like Ke Shuqi because of what happened just now.

Zhuang Mingpeng yelled at her: "Get out!"

Ke Shuqi said displeasedly: "I said Uncle Peng! What are you crazy about?"

"Now you only know how to have fun with this little demon girl. You don't care what the company looks like. I came to warn you and said I was crazy. Is your head caught by the door?"

"Uncle Peng! Why on earth are you bothering me here?" Zhuang Mingpeng is the only remaining elder of the Zhuang family. His father and Zhuang Su are no different from vegetative people now, so it is not appropriate to be too disrespectful, otherwise He had already been rude to Zhuang Mingpeng.

When Zhuang Mingpeng heard this, his face became livid: "Now that the three shopping malls are out of stock, do you want to take care of it? If there is nothing to do, the chairman will let others do it?"

Keshu Qiwenyu was taken aback: "What! Out of stock?"

Jiang Yuemei turned her head to look at Zhuang Mingpeng, also very surprised: This happened too fast, faster than I imagined.

"Did you think I was bluffing you?" Zhuang Mingpeng was even more unhappy.

"That's not it."

"Then you should deal with it quickly."

"I have no funds, what do you want me to do?" Ke Shuqi sighed with a bitter face.

"Then you can't stay in the office and mess with the secretary."

Jiang Yuemei raised her brows when she heard the words, and a look of anger covered her face, she looked very angry, there was no intention of covering up such an outburst.

Keshu Qiwenyu was also upset: "Uncle Peng! You are too lenient." At this time, he had calmed down, and the sudden accident just now gradually calmed down.

"Did I wrong you?" Pointing to the pile of filth on the table, he sneered, "When I was a three-year-old child, didn't I even know what this was?"

Ke Shuqi was very upset: "Okay! I know what you want to say when you come here. If there is nothing wrong, you go down first. I will think about how to deal with this matter before we talk about it."

Zhuang Mingpeng was dissatisfied when he saw that he dealt with it casually and didn't really want to care about it: "Then when will you make a decision? Can this kind of thing be dragged on?"

"It's not that I know, why can't you understand people's words?"

"I said boy, what is your attitude? Anyway, I am also your elder, do you ever talk to an elder like this?" Seeing that he didn't respect himself at all, even though he didn't expect him to He would say a few words well, but he couldn't be happy when he heard these words.

"Uncle Peng! Although you are an elder, it's fine if you put on airs of an elder at home, but I'm the boss in the company, and you have no right to interfere with anything I do."

"What! You want to put on airs of the chairman with me." Zhuang Mingpeng became angry when he heard the words.

"I'm not putting on airs, I'm the chairman of Hongfu Group, so no matter what I do here, you'd better not interfere with my life and the decisions I make." At this moment, Ke Shuqi was also angry.

"Damn! What are you, don't you just rely on that little shareholding, and even your little ability is worthy of sitting in this office and dictating me."

"Get out." Ke Shuqi's face darkened, and he said in a low voice.

Zhuang Mingpeng laughed: "I won't get out, it depends on what you do, do you want me to get out and you continue to do that with the female secretary?" He only thought that he broke in and spoiled his good deeds, and even made him Not happy anymore.

When Ke Shuqi heard that he didn't have a good word to say, he also got angry, and stepped forward and grabbed him to pull him out.

Zhuang Mingpeng sneered, opened his hand with a punch, and then pushed hard toward his chest.

If it was normal, Ke Shuqi would not let him push him no matter what he said. He and Jiang Yuemei have been doing that thing non-stop for the past few days. His body is almost hollowed out, his hands and feet are weak. push down.

He fell backwards, which didn't matter, but the back of his head hit the desk, and the weight of an adult's body pressed down, so it didn't matter after such a collision.

Before Ke Shuqi could make a sound, he rolled his eyes and lay on the ground, unable to move any more.

When Jiang Yuemei saw it, she was taken aback. She stepped forward and shook Ke Shuqi and shouted, "Chairman! Chairman!" She couldn't hear his answer even after calling a few times.

Seeing this scene, Zhuang Mingpeng couldn't help being stunned, and said in a trembling voice: "He... won't die, will he?"

Jiang Yuemei stared at him and shouted: "Don't call someone to take the chairman to the hospital."

Zhuang Mingpeng's eyes widened, only after hearing the words did he come to his senses, hurried out of the chairman's office and let go of his throat, shouting: "Come on, come on!"

The employees on this floor heard the screams and ran over without knowing what happened. After entering the office, they saw the chairman Ke Shuqi who had fainted on the ground. I was rushed to the hospital.

Zhuang Junxiong saw that his father was pale with fright, his hands and feet were trembling, and he knew something was wrong, so he took him to his office and asked, "Dad! What's wrong?"

Zhuang Mingpeng said in horror, "He... won't die, will he?"

Seeing this, Zhuang Junxiong knew that this matter must have something to do with his father, and he was also taken aback: "Quickly tell me! What's going on?"

Zhuang Mingpeng explained the situation tremblingly, Zhuang Junxiong was also so shocked that his face turned pale.

"Son! I can't have an accident with your father. If an accident happens to me, what will you do with your younger brother?" The younger brother he said was the son he raised three times outside. Because of something wrong, Zhuang The most important thing is that he didn't give him much living expenses, so he was allowed to get a salary to live on. As for the share dividends, he has never had his share, so it is hard to imagine.

Zhuang Junxiong frowned, and was speechless for a long time, unable to do anything for a moment.

Zhuang Mingpeng held his son's hand: "Junxiong! Hurry up and find a way, if the surname Ke dies, then I'm finished."

Zhuang Junxiong gritted his teeth, and said fiercely: "Why don't you report on Jiang Yuemei, saying that she murdered Ke Shuqi."

"This... will it work?" He usually talks about being lazy and playing with women outside. He has no backbone, and his determination is not firm. After hearing what his son said, he also had doubts.

"Otherwise, what do you say, do you want to be arrested and shot?"

Zhuang Mingpeng's heart was suffocated, his face was terribly pale, and he could speak.

"Hurry up! Go to the police station to expose her now. If you are too late, she will definitely take the lead. Then you really can't be saved."

"Then... did I really go?" Zhuang Mingpeng turned to look at his son, terrified in his heart, but his son's words were not unreasonable, there was really nothing he could do except this road.

"Remember, you must be calm, and you must not show your feet." Zhuang Junxiong ordered.

Zhuang Mingpeng was very helpless, he stopped suddenly when he reached the door, and said with a mournful face: "Son! I can't do it." He squatted down and almost cried.

Zhuang Junxiong was furious when he heard the words, he stepped forward and pulled his father up: "Now is the time for you to die, either you die, or she dies, you can decide for yourself?"

Zhuang Mingpeng was stunned unconsciously.

Seeing his father like this, Zhuang Junxiong couldn't help but let out a long sigh. Others are fine, he doesn't know his father anymore, his character is weak, and he can't settle down when encountering such a big event.

Just when they didn't know what to do, the door of the office was pushed open. The two of them looked up and saw that there was a policeman in uniform. Called the police.

"Excuse me, are you Zhuang Mingpeng?" the leading policeman stepped forward and asked.

"I... I... That's it." At this moment, he was already in a state of disorientation, and he was also stuttering.

"I'm sorry, there is a case that requires you to cooperate with our police to assist in the investigation." He was handcuffed and handcuffed.

"Junxiong! You have to find a way to save me!" After he was escorted out, he couldn't help but let go of his voice and shouted.

When the police came, the employees in the company had already stretched their necks to watch. When they saw him being taken away, they couldn't stop whispering and talking.

Zhuang Junxiong was very dissatisfied with this father. After all, it was his own father. He rushed to the hospital to ask the doctor in charge. Only then did he learn that Ke Shuqi had been hit on the back of the head, causing a concussion. He is now unconscious and in a critical condition. There will always be an accident.

He wanted to ask Jiang Yuemei about the situation at that time, but he couldn't find her, and he didn't know where she went.

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