power and color

Chapter 735 Sorry!sorry!

"Think about it, in terms of your majesty, who would have the courage to do this?"

Hao Fengyi froze: "Do you think it's him?" The he she said was referring to Wenwen. Wenwen is the deputy general manager of Yongxing Company. Apart from Hao Fengyi, he is the most powerful person in the company, so Su Zijian has reason to think that It was he who tampered with the account.

Su Zijian nodded.

Hao Fengyi thought for a while, shook her head and sighed: "Forget it! Zhang Wen has been with me for many years, no matter it is credit or hard work, he has paid a lot. This is really done by him, so let it be for him." Can't help feeling sad, this is a bit beyond her expectation.


Hao Fengyi turned her head to look at him.

"Your way of doing things is unacceptable."

"Otherwise, what should we do! You can't use him without evidence, right?"

"That's right, even if it's going to happen, there must be real evidence." Then he said: "What this company is most afraid of is pillar worms. If you don't get rid of them, one day you will be bitten and bruised all over your body. If I take over After joining the company, this matter must be investigated and found out, and this kind of person must not be allowed to stay."

"Hey! He is also the veteran of the company, so don't make it too ugly." Hao Fengyi finally couldn't bear it, Wenwen had been with her for many years, it would be a bit embarrassing if she really wanted to do this.

"You don't have to worry, I'll take care of everything."

"Okay, then I'll let it go, you..." At this point, she shook her head and said nothing more.

"At the moment, I'm just speculating that it might be him. I'll only find out who it is after an investigation. Maybe it's someone else, and it's hard to say."

Hao Fengyi could only smile wryly, but was speechless. Except for the article, no one in Yongxing company had the courage to do such a thing, because the senior management of the company knew her status was unusual, and she had dealt with several Disobedient people, so everyone is in danger, and they don't dare to disagree at all. If you want to say that such people can only do this in articles.

She also didn't expect such a thing to happen, and thought to herself to see if she could find a way to stop him from doing this kind of thing again, and it would be wrong if Su Zijian dealt with it by then.

"You can't be careless about this matter. You have to have solid evidence. You can neither let a bad person go, nor wrong a good person."

"I've been working for such a long time. Have you seen that I wronged someone casually? I'm going to get him out of this bad guy. It's better not to do this in this article. If he really did It can be amazing."

Hao Fengyi was speechless immediately. It wasn't the first day she met Su Zijian. This man usually doesn't have arrogance or domineering power, but if something happens, it will be great for him to show his power. This article really does it. If not, he will most likely be knocked down by him.


"Manager Wen! What should we do about this matter? That kid seems to have discovered the problem, and took away the account today." Ren Maoquan, the chief financial officer, found the article, and the two of them went to a secret place. The article said.

"Hey! What! Are you scared?" The article sneered.

Ren Maoquan felt chills in his heart, he knows how to write well, he has always been ruthless in his actions, if anyone or something hinders him, he will definitely get rid of you, he heard bad words, and immediately became afraid.

"Isn't that right? I just want to remind Mr. Wen how to deal with this kid once he finds out." Ren Maoquan forced a laugh.

"It's easy to handle, and it won't leak out."

"Really? Mr. Wen has any good ideas." Ren Maoquan said happily.

"Close your ears, and I'll tell you..." Before he finished speaking, a sneer appeared on his face.

The corners of Ren Maoquan's eyes drifted away, and he also noticed this expression. He was startled, and felt something was wrong, but he hadn't reacted yet, only felt a sharp pain in his lower abdomen, and he couldn't make a sound. He was stabbed several times by Zhang Wen in a row, and blood spurted out all over the floor.

He covered his lower abdomen with his hands, his feet went limp, and he knelt down, looking at the article with an unbelievable expression, he opened his mouth, but couldn't speak.

In the end, he leaned over, fell down, and died.

How did he expect that because of his impoverishment, he was taken advantage of by the article, and as a result, he didn't make much money, but people were killed by him.

Looking at the dead Ren Maoquan, the article said with a sneer: "In order to protect myself, I can only feel sorry for you." He took out a piece of cloth to wipe off the fingerprints on the handle of the sharp knife, and threw it on the ground, and only then did he grow up. and go.


Hao Fengyi was working in the office, when a group of public security officers rushed in, the secretary did not dare to stop her, Hao Fengyi was surprised, who dared to hurt her office so boldly, this is rarely seen.

But then a person came in, but she knew it, that was Lin Zhidong, the deputy director of the Provincial Public Security Bureau, and he waved to Hao Fengyi as soon as he came in.

"Mr. Hao! I'm sorry, I broke into your office." Hao Fengyi's identity is only the boss of a private company, but the power behind her is not something he can control, and he dare not go too far. He and Hao Fengyi are acquaintances again.

"Director Lin! What's the matter?" Hao Fengyi asked calmly.

"There is a man named Ren Maoquan who works in your company."

"Ren Maoquan! Yes, he is the financial director of my company. What's wrong? Is there anything wrong with him?"

"It's like this. Ren Maoquan was killed. We came here to find out who he had contacts with. Recently, he had disputes or enemies with people."

"As far as I know, there shouldn't be any." Hao Fengyi also frowned, and she continued: "This person has always been honest and has no bad habits, so I entrusted him with important tasks."

Lin Zhidong nodded: "Mr. Hao! Our staff will conduct investigations on employees in your company or people who have close relations with Ren Maoquan, so we must get your support in our work."

"Yeah! I understand, such a big event should be investigated carefully."

At present, the public security personnel are questioning the personnel of Yongxing Company one by one, and conducting a comprehensive investigation of his social relationship.

After busying the whole morning, the senior executives of Yongxing Company learned that Ren Maoquan had been killed, they were surprised and cooperated with the investigation of the police officers, privately guessing the reason for his murder.

Hao Fengyi also called Su Zijian and asked him what he meant.

Su Zijian pondered for a while: "It is very likely that the article did it?"

Hao Fengyi was somewhat unhappy when she heard this. Su Zijian repeatedly thought that the article was either about this or that. Could this be Su Zijian's intention to reject him?

"What do you think?" She couldn't express what was in her heart, so she could only speak leftovers and take him into consideration.

"Think about it, I just found out that there is a problem in the account. It is a financial matter, or it is related to the company's top executives. The chief financial officer was killed. What does this mean? What's the problem?"

"That doesn't mean it's his article? Maybe it's because Ren Maoquan provoked some kind of enemy outside our knowledge, so it's hard to say."

"No, because there is no indirect evidence to prove this point, but this account must be operated by the financial personnel in the dark, so do you think Ren Maoquan has the courage to do this?"

Hao Fengyi pondered for a while, then said after a while, "I'm afraid not."

"That's right. He doesn't have the guts, but this is a financial matter. It's obvious that there are dark ghosts. Besides the article, is there anyone else who can force him to do this?"

"Okay! You are right, but what should we do next?" Hao Fengyi also had nothing to say, and could only let out a long sigh.

"We neither wrong a good person nor let a bad person go. Ren Maoquan is dead, so we must catch the murderer and give him justice."

"You mean to report this to the police?"

"Now it's up to you not to report to the public security officers, but that's good too. It saves me from having trouble with him, so I'll let the people from the Public Security Bureau deal with him."

Hao Fengyi also didn't want Su Zijian to have a confrontation with the article. After hearing what he said, she called Lin Zhidong to the office and expressed her doubts.

Lin Zhidong nodded and said: "If this is the case, then his article has a motive for committing the crime. Now we have clues. We can conduct a series of investigations around his article. If it is really him, he will There is no escape."

Hao Fengyi felt extremely uncomfortable when she heard this. This article and her were born and died, so she worked hard to come to Yongxing Company. She treats him well, not only in terms of remuneration, but also in entrusting him with important responsibilities. Yixin came to be a pillar worm, calculating the company's financial plans, such a person would be terrible.

Su Zijian also rushed over, and immediately summoned the financial personnel to check the account, and the article was also taken away for interrogation.

Regarding the registration in the account, the account numbers were made by Ren Maoquan alone. Now that he is dead, it is unknown why he did this. Lin Zhidong was asked to investigate his personal account, and his family members did not. abnormal.

In other words, most of the money didn't go into Ren Maoquan's pocket, or he had transferred the money a long time ago, so there was no way to find it.

Judging from the current image, it seems that the article has nothing to do with this matter. Everything was done by Ren Maoquan alone, and the number is shocking. If you list all these sums, you can actually buy a shopping mall up.

Hao Fengyi was stunned when she saw these figures. She never dreamed that such a thing would happen under her nose. In the past, she was meticulous and meticulous, and she was never careless, but she was still bitten by someone. , This made her very angry, and she immediately felt cheated, and said to Lin Zhidong: "You must find this thief out for me, if you dare to do this thing under my nose, you must let him eat it." Let's go."

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