power and color

Chapter 756 Big Brother!Where are you from?

"Then what's the matter with you changing cars continuously?" Fengxu looked at him coldly.

Feng Chen was taken aback, he didn't expect this matter to be leaked out, but after all, he has been in the position of general manager for many years, the character of a person who has been in this position for a long time is calm enough. Those who are not surprised, smiled and said: "The quality of the car is not good. I have an old friendship with the boss of the car dealership, so he agreed to replace me with a new car."

"Really?" Feng Xu just knew about it, but he didn't know why Feng Chen changed the car, so he didn't have any objections at the moment.

"Feng Chen! Your performance has disappointed everyone recently. If this happens again, I will replace you. Don't blame me for turning my back on you." Feng Rupan said with a sneer.

"Yes! I see."

"Drinking is a mistake, this matter must be a warning."

In front of the elders of the family, Feng Chen did not dare to be presumptuous, and dealt with each one carefully.

Fortunately, the elders don't know much about it, otherwise he would be miserable.

Although he looked calm on the surface, he was actually panicking in his heart. Fortunately, he didn't let his feet show because of his calmness.


"Boss Su! Have you collected all the owed receipts?" Tong International invited Su Zijian to a high-end coffee shop, where only the two of them sat there enjoying the leisure. After drinking for a while, he immediately asked Su Zijian asked.

"Tong Dong! This matter is not urgent. If Feng Chen dares to challenge Su Zijian with me, I have to give him something to look at. However, the data on this matter is too small to be of much use. We need to play a big game to make him fall into trouble." If you fall down, you won’t be able to turn over.”

"Hehe! I'm just watching the excitement, and then drink some soup. I don't dare to expect too much about anything else."

Tong Jiji is also afraid of this young man. You can only be friends with this kind of person, but you cannot be an enemy. The company didn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, and dared to pluck the tiger's fur. It was really looking for a dead end.

At this time, he secretly rejoiced that he did not become enemies with such a person, but instead became friends, and felt relieved for his wise decision.

Su Zijian had borrowed a sum of money from Huaxia International before, but he still hadn't paid it back at this time. He thought to himself: Mr. Su has also brought a lot of benefits to Huaxia International. He bought several shopping malls under the Bluestone Group at a low price, accounting for I got a big deal, and now that he wants to pay back the money, I am too embarrassed to accept it, so I treat it as a favor to sell him, maybe I will need him for something in the future.

So he also repeatedly warned his son Tong Dong to be careful, this person is not someone to provoke, he can only be a friend, but not an enemy.

After listening to Tong International's words, Su Zijian fell into deep thought and said nothing for a long time.


At this time, Fengchen was losing a lot of funds to Tianyu Company, which was all used to lose to his old friends playing mahjong, and this matter was not over yet, he secretly paid part of the money from the company to repay the IOUs, but there was still some Most of the money hasn't been repaid yet?

In the past two days, his friends have repeatedly called to press for money, and he didn't know what to do for a while. Seeing that there was no way to raise money from the company to pay off the debt, he thought of a plan.

Someone advanced the payment for the goods, so he immediately withheld a few sums of money, thinking that he would use them first, then gamble a few times, and then make up after earning money.

This is the mentality of gamblers. They all think that it is impossible to keep losing, and there should be times when he wins. After winning, everything will be easy.

It was also his mentality that made him sink deeper and deeper.

After getting the money ready, he made a phone call, and his friends arrived as promised. This time, Feng Chen never dared to do that thing with Mei Mei again. It was because of doing that thing a few times that he made himself The spirit is very bad, and the money is bad enough, so this time he made an exception and didn't sleep with Mei Mei.

If it was as he had imagined, at the beginning of the battle, he kept playing cards and won a lot, secretly happy: Damn it!Now there is a drama.

He wanted to take advantage of the victory to chase after him, so his bets increased, but he didn't know that it would be better if he didn't bet big, but after he made a bet, he started to lose money.

In the end, he lost all his money.

Until this moment, Feng Chen couldn't help being dumbfounded, and also couldn't help feeling anxious: "Everyone, my brother has been a little tight recently, can you pay me back the money first, and how about I settle it when it's convenient for you?"

"I said Brother Feng! You should know that there are no fathers and sons in the casino. If you lose money, you have to give it back. If you win, will you return the money to us? So don't say that I said it." Several of them refused to give him the money.

"Damn it, I lost so much money to you guys, why don't you owe it to me first and then pay it back? When will I renege on my debts again?" Feng Chen couldn't help being furious.

"Brother Feng! You can't say that. A casino is just a casino. There's no sympathy to talk about." If someone finally wins money, he will give it to you.

Feng Chen was so angry that he quarreled so fiercely that he almost didn't move his hands.

"Damn it! Feng, I'll tell you, you owe more than this. Since you have fallen out with everyone, you should pay back the money quickly." The gamblers also quit, in a fit of anger He just tore his face.

"Don't even think about it, don't talk about this kind of friendship, what kind of good friends are you? I, Feng Chen, don't have friends like you." Feng Chen was also very angry at this time, and said all kinds of ugly things, but he didn't expect Then the friendship changed.

But when he saw his former friend, he said to him with a cold face: "Feng, since you are going to say that, then don't blame us." After saying that, he left angrily.

At this time, Feng Chen also gradually calmed down, and felt that he was too impulsive and offended his friends, but after saying all these words, there was no way to collect the water when it was poured on the ground.

He was dejected, physically and mentally exhausted, and went back to the company to secretly think about how to deal with this matter.

Two days later, only a few people not dressed so decently came straight to the general manager's office. Seeing that something was wrong, the security personnel hurriedly dialed the phone to ask the general manager what he meant before making a decision.

A total of six people came, they raised their fists and slammed on the door of Feng Chen's office, broke in directly, and sat down firmly.

Feng Chen took a look, why didn't he understand who was here, stepped forward and asked with a smile on his face: "Where are the big brothers? It seems that the insurance premium of Tianyu Company has been paid early?"

The leader glared at him: "Who cares about your protection fee? You, Feng Chen, are the one I'm looking for."

When Feng Chen heard that it wasn't for the protection fee, Monk Zhang Er couldn't figure it out: "What are the big brothers here for?"

"I don't think General Manager Fengda doesn't know these things, right?" The visitor took out dozens of IOUs and showed them to him. Feng Chen saw that these were the IOUs he wrote while playing cards?How did it get into the hands of these people?

In this instant, Feng Chen only felt a cold breath rushing up, and his whole body trembled, the IOU could be suspended for a while in the hands of a friend, and he was not pressed so hard. A sum of money, if you don't give it, it will be troublesome.

"Big brothers, how did these things get into your hands?" Feng Chen understood what was going on for a while, but still couldn't believe the facts before him.

"Don't worry about this, just don't care if it's something you wrote down, are you paying the money now or are you reneging on the debt?" The visitor sneered, as if he wasn't afraid that Feng Chen would renege on the debt.

"Brother! I will be a little nervous for a while, can you give me a few more days?" Feng Chen knew that it was inevitable that he would be forced to pay, but he didn't dare to offend these gangsters. This offends them and the consequences can be imagined, you must be forced to jump off the building.

He also didn't expect that the three brothers who used to be friends in the Tao would put him together at this time and let the people on the Tao come to collect the debt. I'm so angry, now I can only let these people leave first, so as not to make things bigger and have a bad influence.

Who knows what he is afraid of, but what happened at this time?

The elders of the family are also working in the company building. These few people came to the company in such a grand manner that someone had already reported to them, so they hurried over to see what happened.

"Feng Chen! What's going on?" Feng Xu walked in, looked at those people, then looked at Feng Chen and asked, there were several members of the Feng family behind him, also with blank faces Look at those people in the office.

Feng Chen was stunned, watching Feng Xu speechless for a long time, secretly screaming in his heart that it was not good, now that this matter is not covered by paper, if this matter gets out, his general manager will be too I can't keep it.

So at this moment, Feng Chen was dumbfounded, with a dumbfounded look on his face.

Fengxu looked angry, turned his head, and asked with a smile to the leader: "Brother, I don't know what's the matter for you to come here?"

"Your general manager Feng didn't pay back the money he owed us. We are here to collect debts." The visitor sneered.

Feng Xu was stunned, very puzzled, turned his head to look at Feng Chen, saw that he did not object, guessed that there must be something hidden in it, and asked: "I don't know what money is owed, how much is it owed?"

The man took out the invoice and showed it to Feng Xu, saying: "This should be the invoice written by your general manager Feng."

Feng Xu took it over and saw that these handwritings were undoubtedly Feng Chen's, and the number was huge, which was inexplicable. He was very surprised: "This... what's going on." Turning back to face Feng Chen Chen sternly asked: "When is it and you still haven't said?"

The man took the bill from Feng Chen, and said: "What's going on? That's your own business. Pay the debt and pay for the murder. General manager! When will you pay the money? Let me give you an explanation now." Bar."

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