power and color

Chapter 779 Damn it!How dare you come here to steal my business?

Su Zijian chuckled: "Zhao Long is an idiot, he doesn't know how to do this, it will be different if I do it." Su Zijian has already seen her lower body, and the membrane has not been pierced as expected, although there is a certain The thickness of the body, but with a little force, it can still be pierced, but he didn't tell her about it in detail, lest she be anxious to do it now, the body hasn't recovered yet. It's not appropriate to do this.

"Is it really possible to fix things like that?" Lu Zihong still had some doubts.

"It's useless to say so much now, you can wait for me to recover slowly and fuck you."

Lu Zihong thought that this could only be the case now. Seeing how he treated the villagers, it looked like the same thing, and the healing rate was extremely high. Maybe it was possible that he could really destroy himself all at once.

There is no more to say now.

Early the next morning, a tractor drove up to her door, but these two people were ordered by Su Zijian yesterday to pick Lu Zihong up to go to the market.

When Lu Zihong saw that he actually asked her to go to the market, she felt a little scared, she stayed in the village and never went anywhere, and suddenly she wanted to leave here, she felt that she had no idea.

The villagers moved a few bags of rice to the car for her, and she sat in the front. When they arrived in the town, they sold the rice at the grain store, and then took her to the clothes store to buy clothes. Lu Zihong said nothing. , I wanted to save the money for when I needed it. At that time, the two villagers forced her to buy two clothes, but the money for the clothes was not paid by her, but by the villagers.

Su Zijian was able to treat her illness for free, so buying two clothes for her was nothing, and this was something everyone was willing to do.

After Lu Zihong and the villagers went to the market, Su Zijian went to the bed and sat cross-legged to do the exercises. But after practicing for more than an hour, he felt something strange outside. It was obvious that someone had come here. He thought to himself: It seems that people are afraid of being famous. Pigs are afraid of being strong, this is not false at all, I am now a celebrity here, and more people come to me now.

When he stepped out, he saw a woman in her 50s standing in front of him, with her hands on her hips, staring at him angrily.

Behind her, there were many villagers from the village, they all came to watch the excitement.

When Su Zijian saw her, he knew he was looking for faults. He glanced at her and guessed who she was.

"Boy! Where did you come from? Do you dare to come here to steal business from my old lady? Are you looking for death?" The woman didn't have a good face at all, and her tone was extremely unfriendly.

"Where did you come from ghosts and snakes? Knowing that the Great Immortal is coming, you dare to be so rude." Since the woman wanted to play this trick with him, he just happened to teach her a lesson, and immediately pretended to be a ghost.

When the woman heard what he said, she was startled immediately, she stared at Su Zijian with wide eyes, and said: "Boy! Get out of here, this is not the place you should come to, you have offended me, I have to make you look good. "She still wanted to put on a show, trying to scare Su Zijian, and then slipped away obediently.

Su Zijian moved the stool out, sat down in front of her, stared at her coldly, and said nothing.

Seeing that Su Zijian didn't pay attention to her, the woman was very angry. She took out some paper talismans and sprinkled them on him, chanting words and dancing with her hands and feet, as if she was crazy.

When all the villagers saw it, they all backed away in fright, thinking that this is a trick?The great immortals are fighting, we ordinary people have to go far away, don't be hurt by their "immortal energy", even though there are divine doctors here, I'm afraid it is not easy to cure.

Because the "immortal energy" of the "great immortals" is not ordinary, how can mortals heal them.

Su Zijian sat still and let her mess around. When she approached him, taking advantage of the paper talismans falling down, he stretched out his fingers and pointed towards her, and this supernatural power came out through the fingering , and immediately shot the woman in the chest.

Those present could not see the emission of these energies, and this kind of energies can only be possessed by people with strange powers.

Seeing that Su Zijian was sitting still, all the villagers thought that he was frightened by the sorceress, and secretly said: The medical skills of the miracle doctor are great, after all, he is a mortal, so he can compare with her sorceress, of course he dare not fight her.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the sorceress who was revered by everyone suddenly yelled loudly at this moment, fell backwards and couldn't get up, screaming wildly in her mouth, rolling over and over on the ground, It seems to be a crazy person, and his behavior is very weird.

All the villagers were taken aback by this sudden change. Seeing the behavior of the sorceress, they knew that Su Zijian was very powerful. If you come by hand, I'm afraid your life will be gone.

The sorceress rolled on the ground and screamed for a while, crying in pain, begging Su Zijian for mercy: "Great Immortal, please forgive me, little God will never dare again."

All the villagers couldn't stop talking: My god, the sorceress is begging for mercy, it seems that Miracle Doctor Su is really powerful.

"Are you convinced?" Su Zijian said lightly.

The sorceress felt so sad that she couldn't stop begging for mercy: "Take it, take it."

"Get out of here! From now on, don't cheat people for money, or I will have to punish you."

The sorceress usually pretends to be a ghost, and tricks the villagers into extorting some living expenses. At this time, Su Zijian punished her, thinking that she had really met some kind of great god, and she turned pale with fright, and ran away crawling and rolling. .

The villagers were horrified when they saw it. They thought that Su Zijian was just a genius doctor, but they didn't know that he still had such abilities. At this time, he no longer dared to look at him with that strange gaze, and his eyes were full of awe.

"I'm going to bed. Is there anything else you can do?" Su Zijian smiled lightly. Although his tone was normal, everyone dared not lose their respect. They all greeted him and left.

When Lu Zihong came back from the fair, the tractor stopped under the ancient banyan tree, and everyone told her about how Su Zijian drove the sorceress into a madness and ran away for her life. , Lu Zihong and the two villagers who went to the market together were all tongue-tied.

They all said: "There is such a thing."

Lu Zihong took the two beautiful clothes and ran back in a hurry. Seeing him lying on the bed and sleeping, she went up to pat his buttocks and asked, "Are you awake?"

Su Zijian asked vaguely, "What's the matter?"

"Is what everyone said true?"

Su Zijian turned over, sat up slowly, and looked at her feigned surprise: "That thing! What is it?"

"That's why the sorceress was run away by you."

"Oh! That's what you're talking about."

"I'm asking you, is this really the case?" Seeing that he hadn't spoken for a long time, he couldn't help asking.

"I pretended to scare her, and she ran away in fear." Su Zijian said shaking his head.

"No way, I heard that what everyone said doesn't look like what you said at all, don't you want to tell me?"

"Then what do you want to know?"

"Are you...are you really some kind of...a great immortal?" Lu Zihong asked in a low voice.

"Cut! Do you look like me?" Su Zijian suddenly said loudly.

"Hey! I want to scare people to death." Lu Zihong was startled by him, and said angrily.

"I said! What are you thinking all over your head, how can you be such a goddamn god, you are really a godmother and a god." Su Zijian shouted loudly.

"Is she... really not a great immortal?"

"If it's a great immortal, can it be like this? Even if I pretend to be a ghost to scare her, she will be scared. Do you think such a person will be a great immortal?"

Lu Zihong said coyly: "Before you came, she was the most famous immortal in Tukeng Village, and if someone's family had something to do, they didn't go to her to ask for safety. If you scare her like this, I'm afraid there will be no place for everyone to do this in the future."

"You went to her too?"

Lu Zihong blushed, and said: "I just want to go here and she has no money, how can she show me, but before I divorced Zhao Long, his mother accompanied me once, and she didn't go before. "

"That's all a lie, don't go there anymore."

"You have treated her like that. I'm afraid no one will go to her anymore, but will come to you to beg you to do this."

"Cut! I'm not a great god, so it's useless to beg me." Then she sat up, took a sip of water, stared at her, and asked with a smile, "Have you bought clothes yet?"

When Lu Zihong heard this, she looked extremely happy, and took out the clothes to show him: "It looks good."

In Su Zijian's eyes, it really doesn't matter whether it looks good or not, but in order to make her happy, he still said: "My sister Lu wore it, of course it looks good." Then said: "They bought it for you, right? .”

Lu Zihong looked up at him, and said in amazement: "How do you know? You said it wasn't from the Great Immortal? It's all right."

Su Zijian tapped her forehead with his fingers, and cursed: "I said, what are you thinking about all day long, there is no such thing as a bullshit fairy in this world."

"Otherwise, how would you have guessed it?" Lu Zihong asked puzzled.

"Is there any need to guess about it? I treated everyone and didn't charge money. They want me to treat a few more. Can you do it without spending some money to bribe you?"

Lu Zihong nodded her head unconsciously when she heard what he said was reasonable.

"If you sell this rice, you will make money."

"Yeah!" He said and took out the money, and gave half of it to Su Zijian: "If it wasn't for you, I don't know what to do? So you also have a share, and we each get half. Look at this OK?"

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