power and color

Chapter 796 I'm willing even if it hurts

Su Zijian said: "Do you want to listen to the truth or lie."

Although his words were simple, Huang Rongsheng's heart sank as he was a medical staff, why didn't he understand what he meant, and said: "Doctor Su, please speak clearly." He is also a doctor, so he naturally knows that birth, old age, sickness and death are the laws of nature. , no one can avoid it.

"The old man's vitality has been broken. He has supported him until now. I think there is something that makes him worry about it. As long as this wish is fulfilled, others will..."

Huang Rongsheng was very impressed when he heard this, and said: "I have a younger sister who married far away and is rushing here. I think my father may be concerned about this daughter."

Two days later, Su Rongsheng's younger sister arrived. After seeing her daughter, the old man felt relieved and left.

When Wang Zhi and the others heard about this, they admired Su Zijian even more. Wang Zhi and He Wenzheng wanted to organize some people to treat him, but they had to give up considering that his injuries had not fully recovered.

Seeing that there was nothing to do that day, Su Zijian proposed to go back to the village, and He Wenzheng sent a special car to take him off. The villagers saw that he had been gone for several days, and they all said that he would not come back, and Lu Zihong was also on the way. I was sad, but I was so happy when I saw him back that I slaughtered a chicken and put it in the pot.

And the news of his return spread quickly, and many people gathered at once, because he only saw a doctor in the morning, and it ended after noon, so these people rushed over to stay in the hospital after hearing the news. Staying at a relative's house in Tucun Village, waiting to come and line up early in the morning, this is also something Su Zijian didn't expect.

Lu Zihong saw that he would not be able to see him again, and she was really overwhelmed with thoughts. When she came to bed, she hugged him tightly and kept making out, and sighed, "When did you..."

"I really want to." Su Zijian asked with a smile.

Lu Zihong grabbed his hand and brought it under her, saying, "Touch it yourself."

"How about I give you..."

Lu Zihong was overjoyed: "Is it really possible?"

"It's okay to be barely strong, but if you do it now, you will be very painful."

"I will do it even if it hurts to death, so you can come." After saying that, she got up and took off all her clothes. She was lying flat with her feet wide open, waiting for his invasion.

Su Zijian also took off his clothes, pressed them on her body, and said: "That thing is indeed a bit thicker, but it is not impossible to break it. Zhao Long couldn't find the hole before, so this is the way to break it." If I can’t get in, now I just need to find an opening where I can get in, and with a sudden force, I can... but it will not only hurt for a while, but also a lot of blood, don’t be scared.”

Lu Zihong was startled and asked, "Is it really going to bleed a lot?"

"Others' thin layers are about to bleed. Of course, your thick one will bleed much more than others."

Lu Zihong groaned for a while, then asked again: "Would it really hurt?"

"It hurts, but it won't last long."

"How to say this, I don't quite understand." Lu Zihong was also very worried, whether she could bear the pain if it really hurt.

"I found the right timing and went in right away, so you will only feel a burst of pain and it will pass. Of course, I have to do some preparations for you, so as not to bleed too much, and the quilt will be... that gone."

Lu Zihong said anxiously: "What if I am in pain?"

"Hehe! It's too late to regret it now, but it will be too late to make me happy later." Su Zijian kissed her and said.

Lu Zihong gritted her teeth, and said: "Now I have no way out, so you should come on hard, even if it hurts, I will endure it." Holding him took a deep breath, and said: " Good! Come in now."

Su Zijian smiled and said, "I'm going in, but not now."

Lu Zihong asked puzzledly: "When was that?"

"I don't know about this, but I will go in when I feel that I can go in, so it's useless for you to urge me now."

Lu Zihong was also puzzled, but since he said that, she didn't say anything more, just hugged him and kept being affectionate.

I just feel extremely uncomfortable physically and mentally, just wanting him to quickly enter my body and toss fiercely, but at this moment, I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my lower body, as if being pierced by a sharp weapon , couldn't help but yelled.

At this time, the pain made her tremble, and she hugged him tightly and kept crying, "It hurts so much."

Su Zijian stood up and saw that her blood was oozing out continuously, and the bottom was wet and red. He was already prepared, so he put a talisman on it.

In fact, if it is an ordinary place, there is no need for this kind of action at all, and it will pass after a while, but her place is different from others, it has a certain thickness, so a lot of blood must be drawn, even so, Su Zijian is also After affixing the talisman, he pressed on her body and kept kissing her, letting her body and mind slowly shift away from distracting thoughts, so as not to cause more pain.

Lu Zihong was also so painful that she was powerless, she said with lingering fear: "If I had known it would hurt like this, I wouldn't have done it."

Su Zijian smiled and said, "Do you regret it?"

"It seems to be very happy to do this, but it is such a pain." Then asked: "Can you go in?" This is the focus of her concern, so she has to ask clearly.

"It should be."

"That's it, it's not, it's not, what do you mean by that?"

"This is your first time, and I came in in a hurry, so the hole should not be too big, and I have to process it once, so that I can get used to it."

Lu Zihong's face couldn't help changing color, and said: "Still...wouldn't it be very painful."

"Don't scare yourself. It hurts the first time, but it won't hurt the second time." In fact, in her case, it will still hurt the second time, but Su Zijian doesn't want to scare her anymore. That's why I said so.

"Really." Lu Zihong was still afraid in her heart.

"Doesn't it look like this to you? If it hurts every time, who would love to do this stuff?"

Lu Zihong nodded and said: "Okay, I will trust you this time." Alas: "It really hurt just now."

"I know, it will be fine after the pain is over."

"Could it be possible to come for the second time in a while?" It was really healed and the scars forgot the pain. In just a blink of an eye, she thought about that wonderful feeling again.

Su Zijian hugged her affectionately, and said, "I really want it too, but I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it. You can hardly walk at dawn this morning..."

Lu Zihong was startled: "So people saw us doing that?"

"Hehe! You wouldn't tell everyone you were doing that thing with me last night, would you?"

"Cut! Look at what you said. Although this matter is very beautiful, it can't be used everywhere to talk about it."

"That's it. If you don't say it, no one will know what you are doing. Although we both sleep in the same bed every night, everyone knows that you can't do that."

Lu Zihong nodded and said: "You should be more strict with your words, if you want to talk around, I will lose face a lot."

"You're going too far with what you said. You said that the people in this village, who among those people are not doing this thing, why can't you do it if they can do it?"

"I don't have a man."

"Who is not sleeping on the bed?"

Lu Zihong smiled wryly: "It would be great if I could marry you, but it's a pity that you are a little younger, we are not suitable."

"It's good that you know that we are not matched in age, and this thing can still be done, just like now, if you hadn't met, you wouldn't have to taste the taste of a man in your life."

Lu Zihong sighed and said: "It was really painful just now, it was the first time in my life that I have experienced such pain."

"That's the way you women are, you can't do it without pain."

"This pain is painful, but I still felt a little refreshed when you went in. I hope it won't hurt like this next time."

"That's not going to happen."

"You're not a woman, how could you know that?"

"I'm a man with a wife. My wife did the same thing when she did this for the first time. After the pain passed, it stopped hurting. If it still hurts, would she still be willing to do it with me?"

Lu Zihong's heart swayed: "It's really good." She said and hugged him tightly.

"I didn't lie to you, you will know next time."

Since it was Lu Zihong's first time, and in her situation, it was really inappropriate to do it a second time, so Su Zijian just hugged her tightly, and the thing was also placed between her legs. She felt her heart throbbing one after another, and when she twisted her body, she would still feel a faint pain, so she didn't dare to move a little bit, so she had to lie obediently in his arms.

If it was as expected, the next day it would be so painful to come and walk together that she couldn't help frowning, and said with a wry smile: "What can I do?"

"It's okay! You just lie on the bed, and I will cook today's meals."

"You are a man, it would be embarrassing to ask you to do this kind of thing."

"You're even willing to leave your body to me, so what's the point of me doing these jobs."

"Don't you still have to see a doctor? Do you have time?"

"You don't need to worry about these things." He started to cook, including the lunch, and then only need to stir-fry. In this rural area, everyone has to go to the fields to do some work. Who would come back to cook after this exhaustion? Usually, they would cook in the morning and stir-fry at noon.

The genius was faintly bright, and many people gathered in front of Lu Zihong's house. They all came to line up early in the morning after hearing that Su Zijian came back, and they hadn't seen him for several days. Naturally, everyone will not If you miss it, you don’t know when you will meet it next time.

Some people know that the miracle doctor doesn’t charge money, and some people bring a chicken or two and put them in Lu Zi’s chicken coop. It's a big deal, so everyone put down the chickens and ducks as soon as they came, and then came back to line up.

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