power and color

Chapter 827 Ready For You

Because I have been wearing trousers for many years, it seems extremely awkward to suddenly put on trousers at this time, and it looks weird.

After Su Zijian was seated, Mei Mei presented the menu. After ordering, she handed over the menu to the other waiters and handed it over to the chef, while she made a cup of fragrant hot tea for Su Zijian, and then Close the door and leave.

Only now did Su Zijian have time to look at the two of them, and he was slightly taken aback.

I saw that both of them had put on a layer of powder and lipstick on their faces.

The two girls usually have time to play with this, and they don't know how to dress themselves up at all. At this time, they seem nondescript. He thought to himself: No wonder the waiter just looked at me a little bit wrong. It's not like you're crazy.

Why did the two of them dress up like this? It took a lot of thought. It was all for him, so he didn't dare to make fun of him.

After taking a sip of tea, he said, "Why don't you just have a meal, why did you run so far?"

"Isn't this place quiet? I know you like quietness, so I chose this place." In fact, the two of them spent a lot of thought on choosing this hotel for dinner, and they finally decided on this place.

"Then there's no need to run so far, right?" As soon as the words came out, Shan Susu suddenly saw a displeasure on his face, and said hastily: "But this is all here, so let's have a good meal, or else you will be out of luck." Effort wasted."

"Boss Su! It's been a while now, haven't you thought about going back to the provincial capital?" Fan Wenqing glanced at him, while Shan Susu lowered her head, wondering what she was thinking?

"I thought about it, why don't I think about it, but the business here has just started, and I have to do a lot of work. I won't be able to leave for a while, and I will go back when things stabilize." The two of you have come here, I am sorry for you two who have left their hometown."

"We're not three-year-olds anymore, so it's okay, it's just that we've been away for a long time, and the homesickness makes us feel lonely."

"That's right, people's hearts are made of flesh, it's unavoidable."

While chatting, the food they ordered was served.

After eating for a while, Fan Wenqing gave him a wink, Su Zijian understood that she was asking him to go out, and said with a smile: "You two sit down first."

He got up and walked out of the box, waiting in the corridor outside. After a while, Fan Wenqing also came out, took his hand and came to a corner, saying: "I've made arrangements for this. It's up to you when you come down."

"What?" He looked at her puzzled.

Fan Wenqing took out a box and stuffed it into his hand, and said, "You don't understand what I mean, do you?"


Su Zijian looked at the box and was speechless for a moment. It turned out to be a condom for men. Her behavior can be said to be...

"Don't say that I don't take care of you. Sister Su has a really good heart... Treat her well in a while." Then she turned and left.

"Wait." Su Zijian hurriedly grabbed her.

"what happened?"

"What are you doing?"

"It's cheaper for you, don't you understand, sister Su is willing to do anything for you, she knows that there will be no result with you, but her heart is really bitter." Fan Wenqing sighed With a sound, he shook his head again and again.

"If I really do this, how can I be worthy of Susu?"

"Don't talk nonsense. Sister Su is willing to do this. It's not just today... I just hope you can understand her heart and give her some comfort."

"If I did this, wouldn't it hurt her even more? I have so many women outside, and you two can see it. Why don't you understand that I only have brother and sister feelings for you, other than that Nothing else."

Fan Wenqing stared at him for a while: "Sister Su only wants you to treat her as a woman for once, even if it's just once, so don't make her sad, and give her some comfort later."

Su Zijian raised the box in Yang's hand: "Is this what you mean by comfort?"

Fan Wenqing was silent for a long time, and then said: "Aside from this, what else can you give her?"

Su Zijian was stunned, speechless for a moment.

"Go, don't make Sister Su wait too long." Fan Wenqing pushed him to the door before leaving.

Su Zijian looked at the box dumbfounded for a moment, the boss put the box in his trouser pocket after a while and then opened the door to enter.

"Where's Wenqing?" Shan Susu looked up and disappeared Fan Wenqing, with a slight surprise on his face.

"She... She said something happened and rushed back, let us go back after eating slowly." I didn't know what to do for a while?I just thought it was too difficult.

He forced a smile and sat down beside her.

"En!" Shan Susu responded softly, and stopped asking about Fan Wenqing's whereabouts.

At this time, both of them fell into a deadlock, unable to find a word to say.

After an unknown amount of time, Su Zijian was extremely embarrassed, stood up and said with a forced smile, "Are you full? Or we'll go back."

Shan Susu got up with a blushing face, and when she approached him, she hugged him tightly.


Su Zijian had no choice but to stand still, and opened his hands slightly. It's not good to hold her, and it's not good not to hold her, it's very embarrassing.

Just when he was hesitating, Shan Susu suddenly put his hand into his pants, and grabbed him tightly.

At this time, Su Zijian was completely frozen there, how could he still be able to move.

He couldn't help taking a breath: how could she be so bold.

Shan Susu freed his other hand to untie his pants, and said, "Give it to me, I want it."

Su Zijian hurriedly grabbed her hand: "Susu! What's wrong with you?"

Shan Susu didn't speak, she wrapped her hands around his neck, stretched out her mouth and kissed him.

At this moment, her whole body gradually heated up, and her movements were almost crazy.

Just imagine that at such an old age, she was too reserved to express her feelings in the past, but she asked Fan Wenqing to convey the words for her tonight, but at this moment, she couldn't bear it anymore and let out the affection hidden in her heart All were released.

Now, apart from these actions, she didn't dare to look up at him at all, fearing that her actions would be laughed at by him.

Once she let go of this woman's heart, there is nothing she can't do.

Su Zijian also reacted to her kiss. In Shan Susu's madness, she only felt that there was something hard pressing against her. She was stunned and understood what was going on, and put her hands on ###his pants again She touched it inside, and as she expected, she found what she had been thinking for a long time.

At this time, she didn't care about it anymore, and immediately unbuttoned his pants.

Su Zijian sighed lightly: "Will doing this hurt you?"

Shan Susu's cheeks were flushed, and he panted heavily: "I won't regret what I have decided, give it to me quickly." Pushing him down on the chair, he took off his underwear and lifted his skirt and sat down indiscriminately. I only felt a sharp pain under the top, and I cried out unconsciously.

At this moment, Su Zijian had no choice but to grab her and push her down. He felt her trembling all over. Obviously, the first entry had pierced the layer, and she was so painful that she dared not move.

In the past when fighting with people, even if she was punched and kicked, she would not grunt. However, this is the weakest place for her, and it is the first time she has been invaded by foreign objects. No wonder it doesn't hurt. .

But meeting Su Zijian, an expert, didn't make her suffer much.

As the saying goes, suffering first, sweetness later, everything is like this.

Although it was painful at this time, she didn't dare to move, it took a long time, after the relief, she moved slowly, replaced by incomparably wonderful happiness.

Now that it has reached such a point, Su Zijian naturally can't let her be indifferent anymore, so he has to use his ability to make her happy for a while.

Afterwards, Shan Susu stretched out his hand to touch it, his hands were blood red, and thought: My virginity time is over.

"Why are you so stupid?" Su Zijian kissed her.

"I'm not a little girl anymore, I know what I want, I don't regret doing this at all." Putting my hands around his neck, I learned how to kiss for the first time, the more I kissed, the more delicious it was, no I feel a little obsessed with it.

"But what do you want me to do?"

"What?" Shan Susu stopped kissing him and stared into his eyes puzzled.

"There are so many women around me, how do you tell me to face you, and how should I make this arrangement?"

"You don't have to make any arrangements for me, just give it to me when I think about it."

"Did you ask Wen Qing to buy this?" He said and took out the box that contained the suit.

Shan Susu was taken aback, then shook her head: "No, this is...Wen Qing bought it?" Feeling extremely embarrassed for a moment, she thought to herself that she was a good friend of hers and knew what she was thinking. This kind of thing is ready for myself.

But after she realized this reaction, she was slightly startled: "Did you use this thing just now?"

"You already have that as soon as you come up, how can you use it in time?"

"Ah! Then will I be pregnant?" Thinking of his pregnant women, I feel a little anxious, don't want to get pregnant myself.

"Regret now?" Su Zijian smiled.

Shan Susu looked at his expression, and smiled unconsciously: "So you have already used this stuff, but you are scaring me."

Su Zijian shook his head, expressing that he was half useless.

Shan Susu was shocked again, got up and took out his thing to have a look, seeing that he really entered her body naked, she gasped: Oh my god, so he didn't I'm not using this thing, what if I get pregnant?

"You were so impulsive just now, are you scared now?"

"Did you ejaculate in it?" She felt uneasy in her heart. After all, it was her first time doing this, and she had absolutely no experience in this field. It was not clear whether he had injected those seeds into her body. too clear.

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