power and color

Chapter 889 Severing His Arteries

"I don't need you to tell me what to do. It's just that these few people want to attack you. It's really..."

"Ha! I, Su Zijian, am not a soft persimmon. They can squeeze it if they want. When I show off my power, they will know how powerful I am."

"Xiao Su! I know you are capable, this matter is no small matter..."

"You don't need to say more about persuading me for the time being. Let's get things done first to get through the difficulties."

"Okay then, I'll do everything I can to handle the news for you."

After putting down the phone, Su Zijian fell into deep thought. How could he have provoked so many enemies, and all of them were powerful business giants. It seemed that he was really in trouble.

"What's wrong?" Looking at Su Zijian with a dignified face, Dong Jiahua was suffocated.

"Call Su Su and Wen Qing in for me."

Dong Jiahua hurried out to find the two of them, and they came in together.

Su Zijian said: "Susu! Now I have to ask you to do something." Then he explained the situation to the two of them.

The two women said in surprise: "What! There is such a thing."

"Now you and Gao Hu brothers are secretly investigating the movements of these people for me. Of course, I also have my own team to investigate, hoping to find out what they are going to do."

The two women dare not neglect, such a group of consortium giants have come up with a conspiracy, the situation is extraordinary, if it is not done well, Junhao Company will go bankrupt and leave.

At that moment, both of them went out to find Gao Hu, who was the security captain in the shopping mall, and told him what Su Zijian meant, and asked his brothers to investigate the whereabouts of these people.

Gao Hu led the order and left, thinking that he hadn't devoted himself to the intense work for a long time, and now it's rare for President Su to think highly of it. If such a major matter is entrusted to them to investigate, of course it must be investigated carefully.

"Husband! Is the situation very bad?" Dong Jiahua was also very worried. In the past, no matter what kind of situation her husband was in, her husband would always talk and laugh happily. to scare.

"It's a bit serious. It's still unknown how bad it is. Anyway, it's okay, don't run out alone."

Now even if she was given some courage, she would not dare, Wen Yu had a helpless wry smile on her face.

All he can do now is to understand how the other party will take any inappropriate actions against him, or to pay back, but he himself can only sit in the office and can't do anything, so there must be news from the outside You can also respond to yourself.

Su Zijian secretly said: Waiting for others to find fault, and then counterattack, this will inevitably be restrained everywhere, there needs to be something that makes them tempted to lure the fish to take the bait.


"Old Mu! That Zhu Bajie called me just now, saying that each family must invest 100 million yuan in this matter. What do you think?" Gongsun Qing said angrily to the phone.



"Damn it, why don't you just ask him to grab the money, and treat it as if our money fell from the sky." Although Mu Luyuan was angry, he still said with a sneer.

"What do you think we should do about this?"

"He asked us to pay for it even before we even had a brow. Is this Zhu Bajie and Yang Hongye trying to do something?"

"You think so too."

"Don't you think so anymore?"

"Brother Gongsun, you have to take it easy on this matter. Although this matter has been settled, before there is no official title, the money can't just be taken out and thrown to him. We don't know the origin of this Yang Hongye. Can someone with such a heart-to-heart believe it casually? Besides, you don’t know what kind of guy Zhu Bajie is. If we fall into the trap set by the two of them, we will be miserable." Mu Luyuan doubted Said.

"Old Mu! You are telling the truth. The son's hatred is important, but we can't trust Yang Hongye and Zhu Bajie too easily."

"Now the money is not in a hurry. After we have a project, we can see if it is feasible before making a decision. Just take out the money now, and then he will follow us where to find someone."

"Where is Sun Hui?"

"We can't be this bad guy, let Zhu Bajie talk about it." Sun Hui is the president of the bank, and Mu Luyuan and Gongsun Qing must go to him if they need money or something, so Mu Luyuan doesn't want to push too much Urgent, if Sun Hui gets angry, it will be difficult.

"Ha! Old Mu, what you said is true."

Mu Luyuan secretly said: Yang Hongye and Zhu Bajie are not vegetarians. That is to say, who knows what you guys are going to do. It will be a disaster if this one accidentally falls into the trap you set.


Sun Hui met Bai Qijie in his office. When he heard that each company would contribute 100 million yuan to deal with Su Zijian, he felt dizzy and had a surprised expression on his face: "Brother Bai! I'm just an employee of the bank." In the long run, the money in this business is not my own, and I can spend it as soon as I think of it, without a name or a purpose.”

Bai Qijie sneered a few times: "President Sun, this project was found out. If you are afraid that you won't be able to afford the money with your means, wouldn't that be a joke?"

Sun Hui smiled wryly: "Brother Bai! If the company comes to the bank to pay for the goods, we will release the goods after reviewing. This set has gone through a series of strict reviews. I just released the money so casually. It won't be a few days after being caught, and I haven't been pulled down yet."

"President Sun, you don't even want to take revenge on your son?"

"I will definitely avenge my son's revenge, but this method is a bit too much."

"Damn! How can a person who does great things be so indecisive? By the time you figure it out, the day lily will be cold."

"Okay! Brother Bai, let me think about it carefully." Sun Hui said evasively, thinking to himself: Treat me as an idiot, and take 100 million if you want, it's too easy.

These few are not the generation of believers in men and women, and if they seek skin from a tiger, the possibility of backlash is also increased. Sun Hui understands this truth very well, besides, 100 million yuan is not as simple as a piece.

After sending Bai Qijie away, he immediately called Mu Luyuan and asked anxiously: "Old Mu! What do you think should be done about this?"

"What! My President Sun Da came up with this money?"

"No! Didn't I ask you for advice? Bai Qijie is too arrogant to open his mouth, and it is 100 million. Although I am the president, this bank is not run by my family."

Mu Luyuan laughed loudly and said, "What! Do you have difficulty, grandson?"

"What do you say?"

"Old Sun! Let's take it easy and see the situation first."


After returning from the bank, Bai Qijie rushed to Hongye Company to meet Yang Hongye. Yang Hongye ordered the secretary to refuse all visitors and shut the door firmly.

"Brother Bai! What do they say?"

"As soon as these guys heard about the money, they pushed back and forth, and they didn't even look very good." Bai Qijie said angrily.

Yang Hongye chuckled: "This is within my expectation."

"These people have worked hard in the mall all their lives, and they are all mature. If you want to ask them to take out 100 million yuan at once, I'm afraid they won't take it out after careful consideration."

Yang Hongye pondered and said: "It seems that if there is no real project, I'm afraid they won't be able to attract their funds."

"Oh! Does Mr. Yang have any good projects?"

Yang Hongye nodded and said: "As far as I know, Junhao Company vigorously develops agricultural products, which is one of his main sources of income. Now we have to find a way to cut off his artery."

"Oh! Mr. Yang means..." Bai Qijie asked in a deep voice.

"The first thing is, we can cooperate with the traffic police department to continuously create roadblocks and increase his costs by means of fines. Think about it, can Junhao Company continue to develop in this way? "

Bai Qijie nodded again and again: "Boss Yang! This move is indeed very clever."

"What about the first? As far as I know, Junhao Company has its own demonstration bases for agricultural products in some towns. I have already learned that he has signed a purchase agreement with a local agricultural cooperative. Cooperative, or bought the agricultural cooperative, Junhao Company will not be controlled by us from now on." After saying that, he laughed a lot.

Bai Qijie pondered and said: "We are not familiar with agricultural products, so I wonder if this stuff can be made?"

Yang Hongye said with a smile: "Junhao Company started with this stuff. Think about how important agricultural products are to him. It would be strange if it couldn't be done."

"Okay then, Mr. Yang, how do you plan to do this?" Bai Qijie has also heard that Junhao Company has indeed grown by relying on agricultural products. This is a very good development project. It is critical to make a name for yourself in the project and to attack Junhao Company.

That night, Bai Qijie invited Mu Luyuan and the three of them out to Jinri Hotel for dinner, while talking about it.

Mu Luyuan frowned and said: "It's a great idea to set up roadblocks with the traffic police to increase the cost of Junhao Company. I believe that Junhao Company will suffer from this matter in a short time. I have objections to the purchase plan of agricultural cooperatives."

"Old Mu, if you have anything to say, just say it. We are just discussing it now, and we don't have to buy it."

"It is undeniable that my old wood business is real estate. Brother Gongsun, what I make is steel products. I have plenty of money, but what I lack is vegetables and fruits. As for you, brother Bai, you have all kinds of businesses, but the only thing you lack is this. As for agricultural products, everyone is a layman and knows nothing about it, so it is questionable whether this can be done.”

"Lao Mu's words are reasonable, and I think so too." Gongsun Qing said in approval.

Sun Hui, on the other hand, bowed his head and meditated. He was speechless for a long time, without saying a word, and he didn't know what was going on in his heart.

Bai Qijie chuckled, and said: "At first I also had this doubt, but after thinking about it, I realized that this matter can be done."

The three of them were speechless and all turned to look at him.

Bai Qijie said: "Think about it, Junhao Company relies on what makes it strong now. It is not because he has the backing of agricultural products. This is his advantage, which is not available in all companies and shopping malls."

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