power and color

Chapter 944 What do you want me to satisfy you?

That Meimei was taken aback, and said with a forced smile: "Sir, you are joking." Whether you can afford to eat is up to you, and whether you have money to pay the bill is also up to you. I am just a small waiter. by.

She was also very surprised, how did Su Zijian know what he thought in his heart?

"Really? If you don't have to worry about it, just get the delicious food quickly, and ask you to pay for me when I run out of money later." Su Zijian said jokingly.

The waiter's heart trembled, and a little tea was spilled out with a shake of his hand. It could be seen that Su Zijian's words frightened her.

Su Zijian laughed: "It's okay, just kidding and scaring you."

The waiter's face became hot, he was extremely embarrassed, but he didn't dare to speak up.

Lu Shitou and others watched him tease the waiter curiously, but did not speak.

After a while, dishes were brought up one after another. Su Zijian stood up and took some dishes for the elders, and then went to Lu Xiaolong. , Eat well or not.

The waiter who served the dishes couldn't help laughing when he saw the way his husband and wife were eating, but after all they had been working here for a long time, and they knew this kind of faux pas, so they laughed out loud.

When Zhang Xiaohua saw it, she couldn't help scolding: "You, how old are you, why are you acting like a child?"

"Mom! Isn't this delicious?" Lu Shitou was driving without raising his head.

"It's really embarrassing, can you eat slowly." Zhang Xiaohua couldn't help nagging when she saw her son eating.

Lu Zihong felt heartbroken as she watched, and thought to herself, what happened before she met Su Zijian was not a human life at all, and it is only getting better now, and she hopes that she will not have to live a hard life in the future.

"Dad! Give me the chicken leg." Lu Xiaolong saw that his father was holding a piece of chicken leg and was about to stuff it into his mouth, so he stopped immediately.

"You little bastard, your eyes are really thieves. I just picked it up and let you see it." Lu Shitou couldn't help laughing and cursing, but still handed the chicken leg to his son's bowl.

"Eat more, if you don't have enough, ask for more." Su Zijian couldn't stop persuading him, he just ate some green vegetables, and didn't go to grab it with Mr. Lu Shitou?What kind of world has never been seen before, but these dishes here are not in his eyes, and he doesn't know how many times better than this when he shows off.

"Uncle! Can I ask you something?" Lu Xiaolong suddenly asked Su Zijian.

Su Zijian looked at him curiously: "Okay, you can say whatever you want, as long as uncle can satisfy you, he will definitely do what you want."

"Would you be able to take me here for dinner from time to time?"

Hearing these words, several people were stunned by his words.

"Why?" Su Zijian smiled.

On the other hand, Zhang Xiaohua said shyly: "That... don't take what you say seriously, things in this place are very expensive, it's a big deal if you come here once, then you can come here all the time."

Lu Xiaolong said: "The food here is so delicious, even more delicious than what Dad cooks. After eating the food here, I don't want to eat the rice cooked by Dad anymore when I go home."

What he said made everyone laugh.

Lu Shitou scolded: "Damn it! You're such a bully, you don't want to eat the rice cooked by your father after eating it once. I don't know who gave birth to you and raised you. How could you say such nasty things?"

"Father's cooking is really not good. I'm telling the truth." Lu Xiaolong is also nine years old and has the ability to be independent. He is also able to distinguish what is good from what is not, so this is also true. What he said in his heart also indicated that Lu Shitou's craftsmanship was really poor.

"Damn it! Little traitor, forget about dad after eating well, and sell me when there is something else." Lu Shitou was also unhappy, thinking that this kid is too much, he will eat a meal after a meal. Let you betray your father, go back later and see how I deal with you.

"Okay, okay, you can't cover your mouth while eating, and you're not afraid of being embarrassing." Zhang Xiaohua saw the waiter covering her mouth and giggling, and hurriedly stopped her son.

Su Zijian waved his hand, the waiter understood and walked out.

He took a sip of tea and put down his chopsticks.

Lu Zihong glanced at him: "Aren't you hungry?"

"Eat more, I'm not hungry." Turning to Lu Shitou, he asked, "That... Brother Lu! Do you have any plans for the future?"

Lu Shitou kept holding the chicken in his arms, and looked at him puzzledly: "What do you mean by that?"

"I want to ask you, what do you want to do in the future, let alone get rich in your small shop, even if you can't make money for living expenses, you might as well think about doing something else."

"Hey! Think I don't want to. Our skills are not good enough, and we have no money. If we have these two things, we can't expand our business." Hearing Su Zijian's words, he was obviously looking at him I'm sorry, I'm not happy about this.

Seeing that the second sister had an ambiguous attitude with him, he didn't understand why he wasn't stupid. He thought to himself that your boy is no older than me, but he is actually my brother-in-law, so I have to get some money out of your heart to spend it. .

He is also terribly poor, seeing that Su Zijian is not short of money, he thought to himself that I am your wife's younger brother after all, if you have some money and don't spend it with us, how can you be worthy of our sister!

"If you don't have skills, you can learn, if you don't have money, you can make money. Everyone starts from having no money. Brother Lu, if you want a job, I can give it to you. It's just that I'm afraid that you won't be able to make money back with your skills." He kept shaking his head, obviously he didn't like Lu Shitou at all.

Lu Shitou blushed: "What do you mean, do you really look down on me like this? If I hadn't been raised by someone, this business would have started a long time ago, and I might have made a fortune. It's like now This is it."

"You can't even support your family, how can you do this business? Brother Lu! You think about it carefully, and tell me when you really think about what to do. I will stay here for a few days." Su Zijian persuaded him kindly.

Lu Shitou looked at him: "You really don't mean to be joking?" When he said this, his voice trembled slightly. Usually, he also made friends with pigs and dogs to drink tea together. He heard that they were all capable Well, there is no need to worry about this job, and now Su Zijian's bragging is probably true.

"Ask your sister to know if I'm joking?"

Wang Fang tugged at Lu Shitou's clothes.

Lu Shitou looked back at her: "What's wrong?"

"I... I don't want to do any business anymore, why not... why don't we get a job to do it." She thought this was a great opportunity, she couldn't miss it.

Lu Shitou's cooking was terrible, and she didn't have the confidence that her husband would be able to do a good job with money. Now everyone is focusing on the iron rice bowl, as long as they have a job, it's not decent.

Elder Zhang Xiaohua was also afraid of doing business, so he nodded when he saw his daughter-in-law like this, it's better to have an iron rice bowl, at least you don't have to worry about losing money, and it's quite decent.

Lu Shitou also thought about it for a while, and then said: "Okay, then find us a job." It would be great if he could enter a state unit, at least he could have a house or something.

"When it comes to work, work harder at the beginning. If you do well, you won't have a chance to get promoted. I'll ask someone to arrange it for you tomorrow."

"Really, I can work tomorrow." The couple were overjoyed. They didn't expect that once this matter was mentioned, he would be able to arrange work for him and his wife tomorrow, which was too soon.

In the past, I heard people say that looking for a relationship with someone not only costs money, but also depends on the person's face, and it may not necessarily get you a job. But Su Zijian is so awesome that he can arrange a job for you immediately.

"Brother Lu wants to work, of course, the sooner the better, I could have asked you to go to work now, but we have to go to the street to buy clothes after dinner, so forget it."

Lu Shitou and his wife looked at each other and smiled wryly, wondering if this is true, if this made us happy, tomorrow I will definitely scold you.

Although I really don't believe it in my heart, but everyone agreed, it's okay to brag about it, if it were me, of course I would brag if I have this ability, who made me capable.


With a bang, in the corridor on the third floor, several young people looked angry, and one of them slapped the hotel manager on the face, so that five finger prints appeared on his face.

"Damn it! Damn it, I think highly of you when I come here to eat, but I actually put on a face and said that there is no private room, do I deserve a beating?"

"Believe it or not, I smashed your bird shop."

"Talk nonsense to him, just smash it." Several people shouted loudly about smashing things.

Although the manager's face was painful from the beating, he didn't care about it at this moment. He knew exactly who these people were in front of him, and he couldn't afford to offend him. It might not be that the hotel would be ruined if one made a fuss. It frightened him for a moment.

"Don't...don't...Master Zhang, calm down, I'll just find you a place." The manager said hastily, at this moment his forehead was sweating a lot.

"Say it earlier, I owe you a beating."

Someone kicked the manager's ass, forcing him to find a box and get out.

These few people are making such a fuss, and the waiters are far away from them, and they dare not approach them at all. If they are unhappy, you are not unlucky, and many people know who they are, that is not good The master.

Since it is the peak season of dining, there are too many people here to eat, and there are still some seats in the ordinary seats, but these masters have to sit in the private rooms, and the private rooms are already full and there are no room numbers. The opening scene.

A few people walked all the way down, and saw that the people in the box were all dignitaries, and the manager was not easy to chase away customers. At this time, a waiter walked up to him and whispered something in his ear.

The manager nodded his head, walked to a box and opened the door. He saw that there were a few unsavory people eating inside, and he couldn't help feeling angry: Damn it!You country bumpkins actually came to sit in the box, which caused me to be beaten outside, and I had to kick you out. Who put them in here? After a while, I will tell you to get out of here.

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