power and color

Chapter 970 You men are all bastards!

Su Zijian kicked him again, right in the face, until Lao Gao's face was swollen.

Mai Fenqiang and the others felt suffocated, and couldn't bear to see his miserable state.

"Boy! This woman belongs to me. If you dare to play with my woman, aren't you courting death?"

Shi Wenshu was in so much pain that he couldn't hear what he was saying at all.

Su Zijian took off his suit and put it on for Lu Ya, but she only had a pair of underwear on her lower body, and she couldn't take off her trousers for her, so she pulled the tablecloth from the dining table to cover her , helped Lu Ya, who was trembling all over, go out the door, and said to the dumbfounded Mai Fenqiang and others: "Brother Selling! I'm afraid this leader will trouble you to choose another one."

Mai Fenqiang and others forced a smile, and waited until he was lucky enough to go in and look at the six Shi Wenshu in the box. Rao had seen a lot of the world, and such a tragic situation made their hearts beat wildly more than.

It was too ruthless to start.

But it's no wonder that he was angry, if someone's woman was played like this, it would be strange if he didn't get angry and beat the other party to a cripple.

With his Su Zijian's temper, it's a good deal not to kill you, and this Shi Wenshu is really f***ing enough to support him, and if something like this happens here, what kind of woman are you playing, and you just go to provoke him, Su Zijian woman, isn't this looking for abuse?

One thing they don't understand is that these boxes are all soundproof, and there is a wall separating them. So many people are sitting here drinking, how come he is the only one who heard this happening from the wall?

Of course, who would have the guts to go to Su Zijian and ask him about this, as long as he stares at you, something will go wrong.


Su Zijian helped Lu Ya go downstairs, many people saw their strange behavior along the way, they all looked at them in a daze: What's wrong with these two people?This woman isn't even wearing pants, is she?

Lu Ya's appearance had a 100% return rate, and in this situation, the rate of return was even higher. All the people who walked along the way stopped and watched, with puzzled expressions on their faces.

She came by car, but Su Zijian didn't know how to drive, and Lu Ya had to sit in the back when getting in the car, Su Zijian said awkwardly, "You can drive this car."

Lu Ya glared at him: "Why?"

"This car... I can't drive it."

Lu Ya paused and said, "What time is this? Why don't you even know how to drive a car." Imagine how embarrassing it would be if she didn't have pants.

"This...Anyway, I've seen it all. It shouldn't be a big deal for you old couples."

"You..." Lu Ya was so angry that she was going crazy. If she was wearing pants, she really had the urge to go up and grab people's hair and beat them violently.

She couldn't call him over to drive in this situation, so she couldn't be ashamed, so she sat in front and covered the tablecloth on her lap, seeing his staring eyes, she couldn't help shouting: "What are you looking at? "

Su Zijian had no choice but to look away: "I didn't mean it." Men have this common problem, and they can't help but look over with their eyes, so he really can't be blamed.

"Turn your head away." Lu Ya shouted angrily.

"Okay." I had to follow her words, raised my head and looked straight ahead: "Now you can drive."

Lu Ya snorted, started the gear and stepped on the gas pedal. With such a momentum, the tablecloth on her lap fell off. She unconsciously screamed and stepped on the brakes.

Unexpectedly, Su Zijian almost missed hitting the windshield. He looked back at her in amazement, but saw her reaching out to pull up the tablecloth and hurriedly covering her lap, and burst out laughing unconsciously.

"You...you men are all bastards." Lu Ya was so angry that she burst into tears, and she burst into tears, feeling extremely wronged in her heart.

Su Zijian was extremely apologetic: "I'm sorry, I...don't cry, okay?" He reached out and stroked her shoulder lightly to show comfort.

"Take your dirty hands away." He slapped his hands away in anger.

Su Zijian waited for her to cry for a long time, and then said: "You, why did you go to see such a bastard, why don't you tell me that if I go with you, this kind of thing won't happen. "

Lu Ya just cried bitterly and didn't answer his words. She stopped crying after about ten minutes. The general manager of the company can't even drive a car, which is really speechless.

"How about I grab the tablecloth for you, and you drive the car slowly to find a store and stop, and I'll buy you a pair of pants?"

Lu Ya thought that this was the only thing in front of her, and she looked at Su Zijian with a vigilant look: "You...don't mess around."

"Cut! Is there any part of your body that I haven't seen, and I haven't touched..." Before I finished speaking, I suddenly saw her staring at me angrily, and said, "Don't worry, no matter what I say, there is something wrong." My wife is gone, even if I have that kind of thought, I won't be so stupid- hurry up."

"None of you men is a good thing." Lu Ya stared at him and said fiercely, then started the car and drove away.

"What you said is wrong. You can't generalize everything. When will I, Su Zijian, become that kind of person again?"

I'm a bit flirtatious, but I'm not a bad person after all, even if I go to someone else, that's what I want, if they don't want me, I won't go.

Although she thought so in her heart, she couldn't say it out loud, otherwise she would get angry again.

"If you weren't, then...why did you treat me that way?" She was very wronged in her heart, and at this moment she was dizzy with anger, and just wanted to vent, so she started talking nonsense. He took the initiative to find her, otherwise how could Su Zijian have done that to her.

"At the beginning! I should be blamed for that." Su Zijian was a little speechless. It was unreasonable for this woman to go crazy. At this time, he had a deep understanding. It would be unreasonable for you to argue with her.

"I don't blame you, don't you blame me, who told you that you are a man, if you don't do it, you won't hurt me." Speaking of this, she burst into tears again.

"Okay, okay, it's all my fault, it's okay." He is a person who doesn't want to see women cry, and he couldn't bear to see Lu Ya's tragic situation, so he had to take everything on himself.

"You... you put your hand there." Lu Ya suddenly yelled at him, it turned out that Su Zijian lowered down unconsciously and touched the skin on her thigh, Lu Ya didn't care about that. dry.

Su Zijian hastily raised his hand up: "This hand is always so sore, so it doesn't matter if it's on it?"

"How dare you!" Lu Ya glared at him fiercely.

"Look carefully ahead." Su Zijian suddenly saw a person passing by in front of him, and hurriedly called out.

Startled, Lu Ya hurriedly turned her head back, and slowed down the speed of the car. She still said angrily, "Are you trying to piss me off?"

"No, don't get me wrong, drive carefully." Seeing her agitated look, Su Zijian was also startled.

"What! Are you afraid of death? Or let's die together." The car flew away as soon as the accelerator was stepped on.

"I told you not to be so impulsive, okay?" Seeing that she wouldn't listen, she had to loosen the tablecloth and touched her thigh.

This action really worked, Lu Ya stopped the car in shock, and suddenly fell on the steering wheel and cried bitterly.

Su Zijian knew that she had been greatly stimulated, and he could only feel better after letting her cry aloud to vent her mood. When he looked at it, he saw that there was a clothing store nearby, so he opened the door and got out of the car to get a note. .

When Lu Ya saw it, she became angry again: "I said, you can't be short of money, how can you buy this kind of pants for me to wear." It turned out that Su Zijian didn't know her size, and there were no high-end stores in this area. These are just the usual kind of cloth pants, and the style is also the kind that can be found all over the street. With her identity as Lu Ya, it's not surprising that she wears this kind of pants. No wonder she is going to be angry.

"This... just let it go, there are no good pants here." Su Zijian said apologetically.

"Is it because you are reluctant to spend money?" When he said this, he snorted heavily.

As far as Su Zijian's financial resources are concerned, there is nothing that can't be done. It's not that Lu Ya doesn't know. .

"Turn your face away."

"Why?" Su Zijian asked knowingly.

"Turn around." Lu Ya saw that his eyes were always darting back and forth to her thigh, so she couldn't help but pooh, and muttered cursing: "Stinky man, dead man."

Su Zijian turned his head out of the window: "Isn't that all right?"

Only then did Lu Ya remove the tablecloth and put on the trousers again, but the trousers that Su Zijian bought back were a little smaller in size, because her plump buttocks felt too tight after wearing them, and she wrinkled Frowning with displeasure, he couldn't help cursing again: "You've already touched this butt, don't you know how big it is? Why did you buy such a small one?"

"Cut, that was how many years ago. If you let me touch it just now, would you know how big it is?" Su Zijian retorted, which is also true. Thinking about the two of them, it was two or three years ago. Now, how can you know how big your ass is?

"Good idea." After putting on his pants, he drove the car and parked under a forest on the outskirts of the city.

At this time, Lu Ya's mood had calmed down. When she thought that if Su Zijian hadn't appeared just now, the consequences would have been unimaginable. How could she have gone so recklessly alone? Isn't this a wolf's mouth?

"I said..." After these words came out, Lu Ya turned her head and glared at him again.

"Don't talk to me." Although Lu Ya was grateful for his saving grace, she thought that all of this was not because of him, otherwise she would not have ended up in such a situation.

"I have something to ask you, and I won't talk about it after I finish asking, okay?"

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