Chapter 101
Kunlun Mountain, the main hall of Yuqing Palace.

Daoyin Tianzun Yuanshi wore a white jade Taoist robe, sat high on the cloud bed, his eyes flashed, his Dharma was solemn, his ears were bright, he held three precious jade Ruyi, shook them gently, talked about Xuandao, pointed out the principles of good fortune, and talked about the infinite. wonderful.

Opposite him, Tao Dao Tianzun Lao Tzu said plain gown, indifferent, silent and focused, Lingbao Tianzun Tongtian was wearing a blue Taoist robe, his sword eyebrows were raised, and his expression moved slightly, as if he had realized something.

Just listen to Yuanshi Tianzun's words of the Great Dao, and it turns into five rounds of purple and gold bright round elephants, dragons and tigers leap, blue sky falls and emptiness, sky clouds flow, divine wind drums, and thousands of sounds harmonize.Ups and downs are clear and turbid, the same tactful, wrong into a song, its sound resounds through, singing to the heavens.

"... If you want to avoid life and death, if you don't go wandering, you must first have no mind. If you have no mind, you will have no three karma. All living beings are delusional, refer to consciousness as mind, distinguish between existence and non-existence, and measure life and death. The mind is illusory. When you are aware and know, you are originally Daoyuan, why care about things. The human mind is in the state, that is, to life and death, if there is no delusional mind, if you don’t go to life and death, you can use a short cycle..."

Tianzun's statement naturally pointed to the essence of Dao, saying that it was the key to breaking through Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and preparing for the breakthrough of the two.

"Hunyuan is the source of chaos and roundness. If Taoism is not round, what is the proof of Hunyuan? For those who are Hunyuan, the vitality is divided into parts, and the chaos is one. It is the beginning of vitality and the source of Dao."

"Vital energy is born in the chaos, within the light, and outside the darkness. Because there is a void between light and darkness, there is nothing in the void, too unchanging, so the three qi are distinct, the profound qi, the original qi, the beginning qi, the three qi are chaotic, Create a hole out of nothingness, out of nothingness, out of nothingness, out of nothingness, out of existence into emptiness, and observe the changes of emptiness into nothingness, and you will be able to create nature out of emptiness.”

"The upper qi is called beginning, the middle qi is called yuan, and the lower qi is called xuan. Xuan qi is born in emptiness, primordial qi is born in holes, and beginning qi is born in nothing. Therefore, one can produce two, two produce three, three produce all things, and all things Negating yin and embracing yang, Tai Chi also."

"One life is two, two begets three, and the three are transformed into nine xuan, and from nine to one, it is the truth of the Tao. Yang Qing becomes the sky, dregs condense into the earth, and the middle synthesizes people. The three separate judgments, all things are born, the sun and the moon According to the list, the five attributes call their names, and they are saints. The three are born in the origin of the three qi, and are at the beginning of the original qi.

"Hunyuan is all-encompassing, omnipotent, whether it is yin and yang, swordsmanship, inaction, or cutting the sky, they are all Hunyuan, Hunyuan is one Qi, Tao is Hunyuan. Wisdom is taken from the body and mind, and the heart and mind The body fits together, it is empty but not empty, it is in the same body with the Tao, and it is one with the Tao, which is to prove the Hunyuan."

Yuanshi Tianzun explained the way of achieving Hunyuan to Laozi and Tongtian. The two listened fascinatedly, and then combined their own Dao to testify one by one.

I saw that Yuanshi Tianzun didn't stop, and continued:

"Proving the Tao, proving the Tao is to prove your way to the world. There are three ways to prove the law. One is to prove the way and become holy with your own strength, break the shackles of the heavens with your own powerful magic power, refine the foundation of the way, and intervene Ask for the fruit of the Tao in the way of heaven.

Second, the three corpses prove the way, cutting off the corpses of good thoughts, the corpses of evil thoughts, and the corpses of obsessive thoughts.Arbitrarily judge one's own emotions and desires, and look at time and everything with indifference.After clarifying the ego and self, re-integrate the corpse of the three thoughts.The foundation of the Great Dao of Refining is covered with purple energy, entrusting the primordial spirit in the way of heaven, and can prove the Hunyuan.Sanctified by this method, realize the heart that condenses the way of heaven, and invoke the truth of the great way. "

"The third is to prove the Tao with merit and virtue, move the way of heaven with immeasurable merit and virtue, and the way of the way is moved by it, and the ultimate benevolence becomes holy. With the great merit, luck, and original force, arouse the great ideas of the way of heaven, break the shackles of oneself, and refine the way of the way. Jihong is engulfed in purple energy, entrusted in the primordial spirit and the way of heaven, and can prove the Hunyuan."

"You guys, can you think about how to prove and become holy?" After analyzing the three sanctification methods for the two, Yuan Shi asked them.

"Then... how did the eldest brother prove the way?" Tong Tian asked.

Yuanshi Tianzun glanced at Tongtian lightly, and said:

"This seat is taking the road of proving the Dao with strength, cultivating its own Dao to the point of being a unity of chaos, and then using its own powerful mana to break open the space of the Dao of Heaven, refine the foundation of the Dao, and condense the fruit of the Dao of Saints."

"This... big brother, what are the characteristics of each of the three methods?" Lao Tzu hesitated, looked at Yuan Shi, and asked.

Yuan Shi took a deep look at Lao Tzu, seeing that he didn't understand, so he said lightly:
"The three methods can all be used to prove the Dao, and to prove the Hunyuan Saint who has survived thousands of kalpas, is not affected by cause and effect, and exists with the Dao of Heaven and Dao. However, even so, the three methods are also Each has its pros and cons. Among them, proving the Dao with strength, proving the Dao of Hunyuan, relying entirely on oneself, is the most difficult. After proving the Dao, the body and mind are free, regardless of the world, and its combat power is completely dependent on oneself. Holy, medium, when fighting, you can use the power of the heavens to fight, but sometimes you will be affected and controlled by the heavens."

"To become a sage with merit, the status is the most expensive, and the sage of merit and the will of all living beings bless his body, but because he does not rely on himself to prove the way, but to rely on the power of immeasurable merit, his combat power is the weakest, and he is also most affected by the way of heaven. Sometimes the body and mind are involuntary, and after walking out of the prehistoric universe, without the blessing of the power of heaven, one will not be a saint."

"What? Controlled by the Dao of Heaven? How is this possible?"

Lao Tzu and Tong Tian were shocked. So, if I become enlightened with this, I will not be able to get out of the prehistoric world in my life?

Regardless of their mood, Yuan Shi continued:

"To prove the Tao with strength, whether it is the comprehension of the Tao or the great power to break through the space of heaven, you are still far behind. To become a saint, the first thing you need is to cut off the three corpses. You three corpses have been beheaded. , and because of the profound accumulation before, the three corpses have all been consummated, and their comprehension of Tao is enough, so they can be considered. As for the third method, the sanctification of merit—”

"We were originally transformed by Pangu Yuanshen, and we were born with the great merit of opening the sky. If we were planning something, it would be enough for you to be sanctified, but I don't think you want to use this to become enlightened. So—"

"So, you should use the second method, the three corpses to prove the way. If you are sanctified, and then plan some merit, you may be able to become sanctified again with merit. If you become sanctified twice, you will be better than other saints." many."

"Huh? Is it okay?"

The two suddenly felt a little unbelievable, and they could be sanctified twice, why didn't I think of it before?

Seeing this, the two felt that what Yuan Shi said was reasonable, they thought about it silently, and finally decided to use the method of three corpses to sanctify. Although the sanctification of the three corpses is not the most powerful saint, it is not the weakest either. My saint, after the sanctification of the three corpses, they are neither high nor low, and they are in the middle.If it is sanctified in this way, it is not certain who is strong and who is weak?After all, their understanding of Tao will also be different, and the strength of the spirit treasures in their hands will also affect their own combat power.

Competing for magic weapons, who will Sanqing be afraid of?What a joke, there are not only one or two innate treasures on them, who are they afraid of?

As for the things after sanctification, I will think about it later.

In the end, they decided that three years later, the three corpses would be fused together, and they would become holy!
(End of this chapter)

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