My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 107 2nd Heavenly God Demon Formation

Chapter 107
People often talk about the ends of the earth, but they don't know where the real ends of the earth are?
At the end of 33 days, without entering the chaotic void, it is the real end of the sky!At the end of the sky is the void of chaos.

However, there are some differences between the chaotic void close to the heaven and the real chaos outside the sky.The real chaos cannot be entered unless the powerful Da Luo Jinxian or above. Others, whether they are immortals, demons, gods, or demons, will be assimilated and turned into the air of chaos within a short time after entering.Like the place where the Chaos Demon Gods were located before.

And this chaotic void close to the heavens is the chaos that was shattered when Pangu opened the sky. The power of the chaos has been extremely weakened, and it is protected by the outer layer of the world, confronting the chaos outside the sky. .The ground, water, fire and wind kept gushing out, and the energy was chaotic.

The Demon Lord of Myriad Tribulations looked at the end of the day, and the chaos continued to shatter, turning into earth, water, fire, and wind, constantly replenishing the space between heaven and earth.This is not the first time he has come to Chaos Outer Heaven. He knows that it is precisely because of the supplement of the energy of the earth, water, fire and wind that enters the world and turns into aura, so that the aura in the world will not be exhausted.

Faced with this situation, Demon Lord Wanjie had no choice but to sigh with emotion, the Great God Pan Gu deserves to be an existence that can open up the world.With his strength, I'm afraid he has already stepped into the Great Dao Realm with half his foot.

After searching all the way, in less than a moment, Demon Lord Wanjie found the treasure house of heaven.It didn't take much effort, after Wanjie Mozun killed several people guarding the gate, he broke into the gate.

Looking at the colorful treasury in front of me, there are almost all kinds of treasures in it, including the most top-level divine materials in the prehistoric world, divine iron, various top-level fairy fruits, various weapons, and monster skills... Wait, see Myriad Tribulation Demon Venerable's eyes lit up.

This is the top treasure collected by the Yaozu for hundreds of millions of years. If they don't take it away, I'm really sorry for them.

Demon Lord Wanjie was not polite, as if he was in his own home, he waved his sleeves and brushed away all kinds of treasures in the treasure house. means of living him.

In less than one hour and three quarters, the Myriad Tribulation Demon Lord ransacked the monster clan's treasure house, leaving not even a single hair left.

"That's right, these treasures should be enough for the Demon Tribulation Palace to develop for a period of time." Wanjie Demon Lord murmured in a low voice.

After that, he dodged and disappeared into the air without a trace.All that was left was the devastated treasure house of the Yaozu.

At this time, the Yaozu and the Wuzu were still fighting, and the battle was in full swing, and no one noticed the theft of the Yaozu's treasure house.

"Kill kill kill!"

Above the heavens, there are battlefields everywhere, and the sky is filled with blood, massacres, and murderous intentions.The people of the witch clan are physically strong, fearless of death, and have infinite power, while the monster clan has a numerical advantage, attacking with various magic weapons and innate supernatural powers.

"Ah!" "Roar!" "Kill!"

Each has its own advantages, evenly matched, the battle situation is extremely tragic, and the sound of shouts and screams can be heard endlessly!
The quasi-sages and ancestral witches of the two races are about to fight to the top of the starry sky.Taiyi held the Hunyuan sword, and in the later stage, he even fought against the four great ancestor witches alone, and was extremely powerful.


Di Jun holds the golden Emperor Sword and fights Di Jiang, Qiang Liang, and She Bi Shi.This battle has been fought for three months, and it still hasn't stopped!

The heavenly court has already flowed into rivers of blood, and the battlefield is no longer limited to the heavenly court. There are wars everywhere in the mountains and the wild land.Countless powerful Liches fell, and many Liches even killed their enemies in an extreme way—self-destruct.


The eyelids of many prehistoric masters who were paying attention to this battle were so excited that the whole world went crazy.They were intimidated by the ferocious power displayed by the witch and demon clans. This kind of war is almost endless, and it is no worse than the dragon, phoenix, and unicorn clan's catastrophic battle in ancient times.

In the starry sky, except for the sun, the lunar eclipse and the 360 ​​five ancient stars, the power is unshakable, and the other stars have been shattered.Many people with great supernatural powers, with one supernatural power, can annihilate countless stars, which is simply inconceivable.

During the great battle, no one noticed that the Demon Lord of Myriad Tribulations was in a space under Buzhou Mountain, unscrupulously devouring all kinds of negative auras such as robbery, evil, and murderous aura between heaven and earth, and his cultivation was constantly rising .Beside him, there is a huge pool of blood, which is pulling the blood essence shed when the strong men of the witches and demons were injured and fell.

This pool of blood was as big as three feet, but it was like a bottomless pit, no matter how much blood came, it could swallow it up.At the same time, above the blood pool, exuding an intimidating magic power, the blood pool is tumbling and boiling, and blood essence is constantly being drawn and refined.

This is the robbery reincarnation pool!
As long as there is enough essence and blood, as well as the Qi of robbery, plus the soul of evil, demon robbery can be produced continuously.

Jiemo is a kind of demon created by Demon Lord Wanjie who is constantly destroying. Only by killing in the world can he cultivate faster.He created Jiemo for the purpose of killing continuously.

The stronger the evil soul, the stronger the Jiemo reincarnated, and they can only listen to the words of the Demon Lord of Myriad Tribulations and will never betray.As for the evil spirits, will there still be fewer of them in this prehistoric man-eating world?
At the same time, in the direction of Kunlun Mountain, Yuan Shi also paid attention to this battle. For him, the death or life of the witches and demons has no effect on him. What he mainly looks at is the final cards of the witches and demons.

"Di Jiang! Wait for the Wu Clan, damn it!"

With a stern face, Di Jun shouted coldly.He used the sword of the demon emperor and protected himself with Hetu Luoshu, and fought against ancestor witches such as Emperor Jiang, Shebi, Qiangliang, and won part of the victory or defeat for a while.Other members of the Yaozu were also held back, but the Yaozu had a large number of people and the number of ancestor witches was small. Therefore, the situation was quite unfavorable for the Wuzu.

"Hmph! Di Jun, you are really powerful, but my ancestor witch is not so easy to bully."

Di Jiang roared angrily, with a gloomy face, and shouted loudly:

"Brothers, hurry up and form a large array of gods and gods, let them know how powerful I am Pangu Zhengzong!"

Di Jiang saw that the situation was becoming more and more unfavorable for the Wu Clan. Although they practiced the "Witch God Art", the time was too short after all, and this is not the time to talk about individualism.


The twelve ancestor witches responded one after another, and they all jumped out of the battlefield. They gathered together and prepared to launch the formation of the gods and demons in the twelve capitals!


The Twelve Ancestral Witches shouted loudly, and suddenly there was a roaring sound, Di Jun, Tai Yi and the others looked at it, and saw the ancestral witches operating their respective powers of laws.Immediately, the void manifests, gold, wood, water, fire, earth and the five elements are interdependent, time, space, thunder, electricity, rain and other twelve fundamental laws of the world.

"Pangu's will is immortal!

Twelve Capital Heavens, the power of gods and evil spirits! "

"Pangu Capital Heaven, the Great Array of Gods and Fiends, now!"

As Di Jiang and the others yelled loudly, behind Di Jiang and the others, everyone could see that the evil energy was condensing all over the sky, and the twelve ancestral witches actually condensed into one person, looking faintly, chanting, a vast, vast, boundless, and ancient phantom appeared !


(End of this chapter)

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