Chapter 120


The sky is crying blood, the dark clouds are rioting, blood is pouring down, the wind is roaring, and thunder is flashing.

Facing the massacre of the Yaozu, the Human Race decided to fight back strongly, and issued a letter of war to the Yaozu, determined to fight the Yaozu forever.This not only shocked countless prehistoric great supernatural powers, but also made the Yaozu furious!

Under the order of the Demon Emperor Dijun and Donghuangtai, countless monster masters attacked together, and chased them towards Shouyang Mountain, the ancestral land of the human race. But that's all.

"Human Race, should be destroyed!"

They wanted to make this humble ants, born by good fortune, who dared to provoke their own monster race, disappear from the prehistoric world.From Di Jun and Tai Yi's point of view, Yaozu being provoked by this acquired race not only lost face, but also a great shame to Yaozu. Only with blood and killing can they vent their anger and murderous intent.

The shame can only be washed away with the blood of the human race. They can no longer take care of other people. The only thought at this moment is to destroy the human race!

The prehistoric world was trembling, and all living beings were terrified, and they all felt a breath of imminent catastrophe and the imminent destruction of the world, and they all trembled.

When the blood disaster comes, no one dares to change it. The saint Gao Gaozi is superior. In their eyes, the human race and the monster race are the same. Whoever lives and who dies has nothing to do with them.

Countless human races were crying loudly, and the roar shook the sky.

"The sages of the human race, please take action, this world will suffer a lot again, who can save the human race from the fire and water? Who can save the human race from the blood?! Huh..."

"The human race is already devastated, the supreme saint of the human race, please take action!

"Woooo... Where is Martial Ancestor Xuantian? Where is Emperor Sui? Where is Emperor Nest? Where is Emperor Yi? I will pray for you, please take action and destroy these butchers in front of me!"

The wails of all living beings were earth-shattering, and seemed to have spread to the entire world, which was a kind of spiritual sublimation induction.

The ancestral land of the human race, Shouyang Mountain.

All the old, the weak, the sick, and the disabled were moved to a safe place, protected by human masters, and in the wilderness with a radius of tens of thousands of miles, the Hall of Human Ancestors was already guarded by countless strong human races, arrayed in layers to prevent any enemies from approaching here .


Dark clouds overwhelmed the environment, and the billowing demonic aura carried overwhelming power. Countless demon soldiers, demon kings, demon gods, and demon saints came to Shouyang Mountain under the leadership of the demon emperor Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi.

Di Juntai was wearing a golden imperial robe, standing high above, looking down on the masters guarding the outside, his eyes were full of contempt and disdain, as if he was looking at ants!


The Eastern Emperor Taiyi snorted coldly: "The human race is only a master at this point, and they still want to go to war with the monster race, what a joke!"

"The human race is destined to eat the blood of the monster race!"

In their view, the most powerful of these human races is Dongtian Martial Venerable Realm, which is equivalent to the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and may be considered a small master in the prehistoric, but for the monster race, it is far from enough.


The human race didn't speak, their eyes were full of deep-seated hatred, wishing to devour them alive.

"Bai Ze, you lead a million demon soldiers to wipe out these human races, and you must fight quickly!" Dong Huangtai said lightly to the demon god Bai Ze with a cruel and cruel smile in his eyes, like a devil.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Bai Ze let out a loud roar, with a ferocious expression on his face, and shouted at the demon army behind him: "Kill me! Kill all these humble human races!"


All the monsters responded, and immediately swarmed up, fighting countless battles with the human race in front of them, blood flowed like a river, countless human warriors died under the innate magical powers of the monster race, similarly, the monster race did not take advantage of it, the ferocity of the human race warriors surpassed everyone expected.Countless monster soldiers and monster kings of the monster race died under the madness of the human race.

The martial arts of the human race are very domineering, and they can also cultivate all kinds of supernatural powers, and even the cave swallows them. The endless monsters are swallowed up by the powerful devouring power of the caves. The martial arts supernatural powers come with a wave, and the monsters also suffer heavy losses.At the same level, the Yaozu is no match for the Human Race, and if it weren't for the huge number of the Yaozu, they might still be at a disadvantage.

"Kill! You monsters, die for me!"

"I hacked you to death! You bastard!"

"Kill! I will fight with you!"

"Kill kill kill!"


A warrior of the human race had red eyes, and the endless hatred accumulated over the years erupted at this moment, with a ferocious face, roaring like a beast, and killing the monster clan with a surge of hatred.Even if he died in battle, he would drag the Yaozu along with him.The previous one fell, and the latter one continued to pounce, one after another, defying life and death!
No matter how strong your monster race is, so what?I will hack you to death!

I am afraid of everything, but you are not afraid of death!Come on, fight to the death, who is afraid of whom?

The human race cannot be humiliated, what are you monster race!
Since ancient times, no one has died in life, I recommend Xuanyuan with my blood!
How happy is life, why bother to die?I'm going to fight to the death for the human race today, so what?I deserve to die!

I swear that I will wipe out the crowd of evil spirits with my palm, swing the crowd of demons with my sword, kill all the enemies, and defeat all the evil spirits. Even though I died nine times, I still have no regrets!

The body can be mutilated, the blood can be shed, even the human race cannot be humiliated!

Never die!


"Kill kill kill kill kill!"

The battle between the two races of human beings and monsters gathered the gazes of countless powerful people. Looking at the scene in front of them, many great supernatural beings were shocked. What a strong will this is. , shocked countless monks.

Seeing this scene, most of the monks were silent, and they thought to themselves that they couldn't do better than this in the face of such a situation.At the same time, a sense of sadness rose in many people's hearts. Today is the human race, who knows if it will be their turn in the future?
What would happen if one's own race faced such a situation?
At this moment, they were silent.

Warriors of the human race kept falling, but the demon soldiers of the demon race fell more, more than one or three times more than the human race. The human race was brutal, the martial arts of the human race, and the domineering of the human race shocked everyone.

"It's a pity, there is no Da Luo Jinxian among the human race, and the human race will be wiped out."

In the eyes of everyone, there is no Da Luo Jinxian in the human race, and as long as the demon king and demon god of the Da Luo Jinxian make a move, can the human race still have the power to resist?

Although Dijun and Taiyi didn't bring too many monster masters with them this time, most of them were guarding the heavenly court to guard against the surprise attack of the witch clan, but there were also hundreds of big Luojin fairy demon kings following them, and countless The team is led by the ten great demon gods Luo Yuanyuan, and the most important thing is that there are two strong late quasi-sages, Di Jun and Tai Yi.

"Human race, what a pity. Hey!"

"The potential of the human race is still great. If you don't offend the monster race, you will rise sooner or later. It's a pity..."

"Yeah, the destruction of the human race is a foregone conclusion."


Some monks who were concerned about this battle secretly transmitted voices and discussed a lot. They were full of emotion. In this prehistoric world, it is common to be exterminated, but today's performance of the human race shocked everyone.

Let them feel a sense of desolation in their hearts, not only for the human race, but also for themselves.

Ask who in the world can be eternal, who can be immortal?
The human race is destroyed today, and other races are killed in the future. Is there really an unstoppable force in the world?
Can the Yaozu do it?Can the witches do it?At this moment, they became uncertain, because they remembered the ending of the dragon, phoenix, and unicorn clans in ancient times.

Isn't today's scene the same as that of that year?

(End of this chapter)

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