My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 122 Human Race 9 Emperor Earthquake Great Desolation

Chapter 122 The Nine Emperors of the Terran Earthquake the Great Desolation ([-]rd)

Once the Dharma comes out, who will fight?

The fighting method of the human race is simple and direct, and extremely ferocious. These are the experienced martial arts acquired by the human race from fighting outside. The fighting has long enriched their combat experience.

As for the monster kings of the monster clan, although they have innate supernatural powers and can even conjure monsters themselves, these are still not enough for the human race's heaven and earth law and the human race's ferocity.

The masters of the human race are not afraid of death, not afraid of death, and have hatred for the monster race in their hearts. When the soldiers stand up, they are all like demon gods. Many monster kings of the monster race have already broken their guts. It is the same way that the clan devours the human race, but now the roles are reversed, and it is the master of the monster race who is slaughtered by the master of the human race.

Dead, the demon king of the demon clan Daluo Jinxian was slaughtered alive by human warriors.

"Hiss! How is it possible? Didn't I read it wrong? The Yaozu was hanged and beaten?"

"Really, the demon king of the demon clan was hanged and beaten by a warrior of the human race. How is this possible?"

"The human race is really terrifying, none of us understand it."

"Did you find out that the martial arts practiced by the human race is the method created by the shocking prehistoric people back then. This method is too domineering. I didn't think much of it at the beginning. Now it seems that this method is specially created for the human race."

"Yes, I also discovered that this martial art is very suitable for the human race."

"Now Dijun and Taiyi look better, hehe!"


The many cultivators who followed this battle all gasped, sneered secretly while being horrified, the Yaozu suffered such a shame and humiliation this time, it's no wonder that the Yaodi Jun and Donghuangtaiyi didn't go crazy.

Above the sky, Di Jun and Dong Huangtai looked surprised at the monster king who was constantly being slaughtered by the masters of the human race, but it was more cold. In their view, the human race is the blood of the monster race. Food is born to be food for the demon clan, but now the food wants to kill the master, how can this not make them ashamed.

To exterminate the clan, they must be exterminated, so as to wash away the humiliation of my monster clan and relieve the hatred in my heart.

"court death!"


The Eastern Emperor was furious, and raised his hand to condense a palm that covered the sky. It was unparalleled in power and power.This palm was slapped towards a human warrior, as if slapping an ant to death.


Just when everyone thought that this time the human race was doomed again, suddenly a shout came from the Human Ancestor Hall, resounding through the nine heavens, shaking the sky, and scattering the condensed hands of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

"Who? Get out, my lord!"

The Eastern Emperor gave a loud shout, staring fixedly at Renzu Hall.

"Hahaha! Tai Xiaoer, if you want to destroy my human race, don't even think about it!"

There was a burst of hearty laughter, and then nine figures came out from the Human Ancestor Hall. They looked ordinary, as if there was nothing special, but they made Di Jun and Tai Yi's expressions even more serious, because They can feel the deep energy and blood from these people, comparable to quasi-sage masters.

"Who's here?"

Donghuangtai's eyes became even colder, and he looked at several people with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Renzu, Suihuang, Suirenshi!"

"Renzu, Chaohuang, and Chaoshi!"

"Ren Zu, Yi Huang, Zi Yi Clan!"

The aura of the three clans of the ancestors suddenly rose sharply, and their qi and blood pierced through the sky like a rainbow, forming a confrontation with Emperor Jun Taiyi.

"Human Race, Taihuang, Taihao Clan!"

"Human Race, Young Emperor, Shaohao Clan!"

"Human Race, Rain Emperor, Yu Bo!"

"Human race, Fenghuang, Fenghou!"

"Human Race, Sword Emperor, Chisongzi!"

"Human race, Panhuang, Panwang!"

The remaining six people burst out their names in one breath, their whole bodies are magnificent and their will is high, forming a general trend to fight against Di Jun and Tai Yi.


At this moment, the world lost its voice, and all the great powers in the world took a breath, and they were horrified. They couldn't believe their eyes.What did they see and what was it?
Quasi-sage strong!That is the quasi-sage powerhouse, nine, nine quasi-sages!Although they are all early quasi-sages, and the last six are quasi-sages who have just been promoted, they cannot be ignored.

So scary, so real scary!
What is quasi-sage?The quasi-sage is the strongest under the heavenly saints, that's not Chinese cabbage!
The human race, as an acquired race that has only developed for ten thousand years, has nine quasi-sages, what incredible news.

How can this not be shocking!
At this moment, countless people stared at the human race, wanting to find out what was hidden in the human race. How could there be so many quasi-sages?This is no longer a miracle.

Unfortunately, let them down, they did not find anything.

"Human race, it's really enviable!"

"Human race, I can't complain anymore. Today's shock is enough. No matter how big a miracle happens, I can accept it, just because I'm so shocked that I'm numb."

"The human race has already become popular, and will become the third largest race after the witches and demons."


At this moment, even the sage was dumbfounded, let alone the others.

In fact, the human race did not cultivate for only ten thousand years as they guessed.They don't know that among the human race, Martial Patriarch Xuantian comprehended the law of time and created a space-time realm. In the space-time realm, time is a hundred times longer than outside.One year has passed in the prehistoric world, and a hundred years have passed in the world of time and space.Therefore, they have actually practiced for nearly a million years.

Although the effect of staying in the time and space realm is lower when the cultivation base is about the later, and the warriors above the magic phase realm do not even have the effect of cultivation, but for the warriors in the realm of body refining state to cave sky state, it does play a great role , can save them a lot of time.

But even that was shocking enough.Let me ask, in the prehistoric world, which quasi-sage master has not been cultivated for thousands of millions of years. It is incredible that nine quasi-sages can appear in the human race in just a million years.

High above the sky, Emperor Jun Taiyi's eyes flashed with horror. They were indeed shocked. They really didn't expect that the human race was so terrifying. At this moment, they deeply felt the huge potential behind the human race, and felt the great potential of the human race. great threat to the future.No, now they are a huge threat.They really don't know that if the human race is allowed to develop for a period of time, what other races in the world can restrict the human race, not the monster race, nor the witch race.

At this moment, Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi had an incomparably strong murderous intent in their hearts, which was even stronger than their murderous intent towards the Wu Clan.Because the Witch Clan can only be on par with them at most, but the performance of the Human Race has already surpassed the Monster Clan and the Witch Clan.

Taking a deep breath, the incomparable murderous intent in Di Jun's eyes seemed to be real, which made people feel extremely chilling.He just wanted to raise his sword to kill, but unexpectedly, someone else has already found him.

"I have admired the name of the Demon Emperor for a long time, and today the younger generation of the human race dares to challenge me, and I still don't forget to give me a lesson!"

(End of this chapter)

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