My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 128 Questioning Nuwa

Chapter 128 Questioning Nuwa
Looking at Empress Nuwa in the sky, Xuan Tian frowned.

Regarding Nvniang Niangniang, Xuantian still feels a little complicated. After all, Nuwa is the Holy Mother of the human race, and she created the human race. It can be said that without Nuwa, there would be no human race today.From this point of view, the human race should also be grateful to Nuwa.

However, Empress Nuwa's actions are really chilling to the hearts of the people.Letting the monster clan come to ruthlessly slaughter the clan is not to say, it is because she is caught between the two clans, and it is not good to favor anyone. She doesn't care if she doesn't ask, although Xuantian is upset, she can understand it, but she still wants to Stopping Xuantian before he killed Di Jun, and even using Shengwei to oppress Xuantian, this is very excessive.

After all, the human race is also your child. Is it really good for you to favor the monster race in front of them like this?At this moment, he had no affection for Empress Nuwa at all.

Xuantian frowned, relying on the void, his eyes had returned to indifference, and he couldn't see the slightest emotion. Looking at Nuwa in front of him, he taunted lightly:

"The saint, Jingui, came to the human race, probably not to see the human race, not to mention the humble human race, I am afraid it will stain the holy eyes of the saint."

Empress Nuwa above the nine heavens was shrouded in auspicious aura and surrounded by auspicious clouds. Hearing this, she frowned in displeasure. She looked into Xuantian's eyes, as if she wanted to know what he was thinking, but unfortunately, she was disappointed , she couldn't see the slightest emotion from Xuantian's eyes.Looking at the human race below who were constantly being slaughtered, for some reason, her heart was aching, and deep in her heart, there was a faint feeling of regret, but after a moment, she cut off this emotion, and said to Xuantian lightly:
"Fellow Taoist Xuantian, for my sake, let the Demon Emperor and the Eastern Emperor go together?"

Hearing this, the disappointment in Xuantian's eyes became even worse, and he was even more angry in his heart, and his anger came up in a flash.The monster race is your relative, isn't the human race?For the sake of the monster race, it’s fine if you don’t help the human race, but now the human race is here to intercede for the monster race. Why didn’t you come when Di Jun slaughtered the human race before?
"The Virgin is not fair!"

After hearing Nuwa's words, the human race Suirenshi and other human races below shouted loudly.At this moment, they were very disappointed in Nuwa, but after all, Nuwa was the Holy Mother of the human race, and the mother was unfair to the son. Could it be that the son would be unfavorable to the mother?After all, a son is born to a mother. The mother can be unfair, but the son cannot be unfilial.

They suppressed the anger in their hearts, and they no longer had any hope for Nuwa.

Xuan Tian took a deep breath, laughed out of breath, and said loudly:
"Good! Good! Good! Nuwa, you are a sage of heaven. Since you didn't interfere with the killing of the monster race before, why should you care about the killing of the monster race by the human race? The monster race is your relative, isn't it the human race? ? Are you not afraid that the human race will be disappointed with you by doing this?"

"Humans dare not!"

After hearing Xuan Tian's words, the human race lowered their heads and shouted loudly.

"Hahaha! Listen, look, how filial your children are to you!" Xuantian sarcastically sarcastically addressed Nuwa, and then yelled loudly to the kneeling human race below:
"Humans, although they are an acquired race, how can they tolerate and humiliate them? To be a human being, you must have backbone. , don’t respect the sky, don’t worship the earth, don’t respect ghosts and gods, don’t worship gods and Buddhas, don’t be afraid of demon gods, be self-improving, and sooner or later, our human race will be able to trample on this world.”

"We are humans for a day, and we will be humans for eternity. We will step out of our own human way, which does not belong to the way of immortality, Buddhism, demons, demons, and gods. We can only be human. Immortals want to deceive I, I will kill the gods, Buddhas will deceive me, I will kill Buddhas, demons will deceive me, I will destroy demons, demons will deceive me, I will bury demons, gods will deceive me, I will kill gods! From now on, the human race , only respect yourself!"

"Remember the teachings of Martial Ancestor!"

After the crowd heard this, their blood boiled with enthusiasm. A heaven-defying courage emerged from the depths of their hearts. They were not afraid of gods and demons, but burned with raging anger. They looked at Martial Ancestor Xuantian, and established a powerful spirit in their hearts. belief.

This belief, soaring to the sky, not only shocked all the great powers, but also made some creatures, even monsters, witches, and Qi practitioners admire it, and moved Saint Nuwa.

Nu Wa looked at the fighting spirit and belief of the human race below, but she couldn't feel happy in her heart at all. Instead, she felt a little pain, as if something was about to leave her.

Xuantian looked at Nuwa again, his eyes had recovered calm, without any emotion, he said lightly:

"Nuwa Empress, for the sake of you being the Holy Mother of the Human Race, Dijun and Taiyi can be taken away by you this time, and you should treat it as the Human Race owes you, and use them to pay back. From then on, the Empress is the Holy Mother of the Human Race, and she is only a human race. Holy Mother, there is no other relationship.

However, if there is a next time, then don't blame me for not being merciful.If it really comes to that time, even if you, Nuwa, make a move, our human race will not pay attention. "

As soon as Xuantian finished speaking, Nuwa immediately felt the luck of the human race on her body, which was less than half, and her cultivation did not change much, but her cultivation speed was greatly reduced.Immediately, Nuwa looked at Xuantian with cold eyes, and anger rose in her heart, as if she couldn't help but wanted to kill Xuantian.However, she knew that she couldn't, couldn't do this, if she really killed Xuantian in front of the human race, then the remaining half of her human luck would also disappear.

Nuwa's eyes were cold, and she looked at Xuantian coldly, but Xuantian was expressionless. He no longer had any affection for Nuwa in his heart, and the remaining family affection had long since disappeared. He looked at Nuwa, just like It seems to be looking at an ordinary fairy.


There was nothing Nuwa could do to stay here, she was so angry that she even looked at Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi in her eyes, but after all, she didn't say much, just looked at Xuantian coldly, and then went on. With a complex expression, he glanced at the people below, turned around, and disappeared.Along with them, Di Jun, Tai Yi, Bai Ze and other remaining demon clan and demon gods also disappeared.

Xuantian watched Nuwa leave with a blank expression on his face. No one knew what he was thinking. After standing still for a while, he turned around and said coldly to the human race below:

"The monster race has temporarily left, but for us, the crisis of the human race is far from being resolved, because our enemy is the witch race, the witch race is treacherous, backing the alliance, and anti-killing race, the most abominable. Next, we will Kill all the witches in Shouyang Mountain!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!..."

The human race waved the weapons in their hands and shouted loudly. The roar was earth-shattering and made people's blood boil.Then, without fear, they killed the witches who attacked the human race.


(End of this chapter)

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