My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 131 Battle Ancestral Witch

Chapter 131 Battle Ancestral Witch

With the addition of Shebishi, Xuantian changed from one person fighting against the third ancestral witch to one person fighting against the fourth ancestral witch.

Xuantian fought against the four great ancestor witches by himself, and he still seemed not panicked. The void shattered between the waves of his hands. There were no fancy and unpretentious moves in the various moves. Some were just the simplest, most direct, and most effective punches and fingers. , one palm, one leg, etc., but among the simplest moves like this, they are more powerful than other big moves.

In fact, for Xuantian, moves can only be regarded as a method. At his level, the use of Taoism and rules is more powerful than many moves.In fact, moves are only part of the application of the rules.

In front of Xuantian, all the big moves are false, when he waved his hands, he was attacking according to the way, which is also the reason why he was able to fight against the four great ancestor witches alone.

The ancestral witches pay attention to the physical body and break through all laws with one force. On the contrary, they are much weaker in using the laws in the body, which gives him Xuantian a huge advantage.He can even learn the laws of the witch clan while fighting, and then use the other way to repay him.

Among the remaining two ancestral witches, the Houtu ancestral witch disapproved of the massacre of the human race. In fact, she was full of guilt towards the human race, because they were the first to break the covenant.However, because of Xuantian beheading Zhu Rong's ancestral witch, she had no choice but to deal with the human race at this moment, and her heart was full of complicated feelings.

As for the ancestor witch Xuanming, he didn't have too many thoughts in his mind, he just wanted to avenge Zhu Rong and eliminate future troubles for the witch clan, that's all.

Facing the massacre of the two great ancestor witches, how can the remaining human race resist?

Is the fate of the human race really going to end like this?

Just when the two great ancestor witches were about to massacre the clans and collect their souls and resentment to refine the demon-killing banner, four beams of light flew from high above the sky again, with a long rainbow penetrating the sun, intercepting the two ancestor witches, stopping in front of them. down.The light dissipated, and four young people appeared, two men and two women.

The man's face is firm and resolute, one is dressed in blue and the other is dressed in white, the woman is pure and beautiful, one is dressed in black and the other is dressed in white.As soon as they saw the two ancestor witches, they stopped them.

"who are you?"

Xuan Ming and the others looked at the four people who appeared in front of her with some vigilance. She could tell at a glance that the four people in front of her were quasi-sage masters. Now that they suddenly appeared in the human battlefield, they must have a special purpose.It’s fine if they are the enemies of the human race, but if they want to help the human race, I’m afraid...

"Qing Xuan!"

The man in the green shirt looked at the two clans of Liches in the battle in front of him, at the corpses piled up like a mountain, with blood flowing like a river, he looked at the clan of witches full of resentment, frowned, and said slowly.

"Yu Linglong!" The woman in the black dress said calmly with a dignified complexion.

"White clothes!"

"Feng Xiaoyue!"

The man in the white shirt and the girl in the white dress continued.

Xuan Ming and Hou Tu frowned, a little embarrassed, because none of them had heard the names of these four people.However, the prehistoric world is so vast, capable and strange men emerge in large numbers, and it is possible that a few hermit cultivators appear somewhere, and they don't know them.However, these are not important, what is important is to figure out the purpose of these four people now.Xuan Ming glanced at the four of them and said:
"I don't know why the four of you are here, and they are blocking my way?"

"I have admired the great names of the twelve ancestors of the witch clan for a long time, and seeing them today is really extraordinary. We want to ask the two of you for advice." Qingxuan said faintly.

Xuanming ancestor witch's eyes turned cold all of a sudden, her feelings really prevented her witch clan from killing people, I really don't know what relationship these four people have with the human race, is it worth them to offend the witch clan and help the human race?Without thinking about it, she said coldly:

"I don't care who you are, if you dare to stop my witch clan from killing people, you will die!"

The four of Qingxuan stopped talking, and took out their respective spirit treasures, and stood on guard.Qingxuan holds a blue spear in his hand, named Qinglong Qiang, which is a top-grade innate spiritual treasure with great power.Bai Yi held a silver spirit sword in his hand, the sword was bright silver, the sword light was gorgeous, and the hilt was jade, it was an unparalleled sword.

Yu Linglong flipped through her hands and took out a long black violin. The body of the violin was engraved with patterns of four fierce beasts, and the seven strings were of different lengths. It was also an innate spiritual treasure.Feng Xiaoyue took out a piece of torn white silk cloth, embroidered with swordsman, phoenix and vermilion bird and other mythical beasts, it was not an ordinary silk cloth, but a powerful spiritual treasure.

"Hmph! Fight!"

The ancestor witch Xuanming snorted coldly, and stopped talking nonsense, the other party's purpose was already obvious, so why should he talk so much nonsense.One word, that is - do it!

The ancestral witch is physically tyrannical, and Xuanming is the best among the ancestral witches. His strength is comparable to the peak of the quasi-sage mid-term. Naturally, one person is not enough to deal with her. Therefore, Qingxuan and Feng Xiaoyue need to join forces to fight against her. Against Xuanming.

And the Houtu Ancestral Witch is even more amazing. As the last Ancestral Witch born, her aptitude tends to be the best among the twelve Ancestral Witches. Her physical strength is comparable to that of the late quasi-sage. Fighting with the power of the earth is extremely powerful.Both Yu Linglong and Bai Yi were overwhelmed.However, Houtu Xinjie didn't have too much killing intent, so they could barely cope.

Yulinglong's Tianmoqin is a sound-attacking spiritual treasure, which can emit magic sounds and affect people's thinking. The weaker the soul, the stronger the influence.In addition, what she practiced was the phonological technique, which can intimidate people's primordial spirit and kill people invisible.Moreover, among the ancestral witches, the physical body is strong, there is no primordial spirit, and the soul does not practice often, so Yu Linglong's sound attack is just right to restrain the ancestral witches.

But it was only a little influence, because Yu Linglong's strength was not enough to kill the soul of Zuwu.However, even so, it would be able to win some advantages for the other three against Zuwu.

All of a sudden, on the coast of the East China Sea, in the ancestral land of the Shouyang Mountain human race, several battlefields broke out completely, and the battles continued to escalate, and the scope continued to expand. They did not fight in one place.The battlefield is constantly moving, and no one knows where they will go in the next moment.

At this moment, the gods from all walks of life who are paying attention to this war, their spiritual thoughts spread across the sky, covering the earth, and there is a lot of discussion, a burst of amazement, the human race is incredible.

"The Martial Ancestor fights against the Four Great Ancestral Witches alone. He is really powerful. In the prehistoric world, under the quasi-sage, who can be the enemy?"

"Other strong people in the human race are also very powerful, such as the third ancestor of the Suiren clan, who has three meritorious holy artifacts, so powerful!"

"Huh! That's..." Someone discovered Qing Xuan and other four newcomers.

"Who are those four people? Why did they appear at this moment to help the human race?"

"Are they also human?" someone guessed.

"No, if it's really a human race, then it's okay?"

"Hey, aren't those four people brought by Saint Yuqing to his last sermon? They were still sitting behind Saint Yuqing at that time?" A great god who had heard Taoist ancestor's sermon recognized the identities of the four people.

"Isn't that the disciple of Saint Yuqing?"


Everyone was shocked and came to such a conclusion that the four disciples of Yuan Shi all helped the human race. Doesn't that mean that the human race is backed by the sage Yuqing?Sanqing is one, with Yuqing, can Taiqing and Shangqing be far behind?
Behind the human race are three saints!

After reaching such a conclusion, everyone was startled, and when they thought of this, they couldn't calm down anymore.How can the human race allow the saints to treat them like this?

At this moment, everyone was silent, looking at the human race, the more they looked, the more frightened they became.

(End of this chapter)

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