My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 144: The land is no longer a witch, the lord of the underworld!

Chapter 144: The land is no longer a witch, the lord of the underworld!


There was a bang, and Houtu's new body quickly condensed, and in an instant, she became extremely tyrannical, and her aura soared all the way. a stagnation.


Under the intense gaze of the prehistoric sages and all the great supernatural beings, under the attention of thousands of people, the heaven and the earth gradually resounded with celestial music, the sun filled the sky, thousands of laces, golden lotus springing from the ground, golden flowers falling from the sky, majestic purple energy, and spiritual energy shape.

With the help of the infinite merits of opening up reincarnation, Houtu broke through the bottleneck in one fell swoop and became the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

The creation of reincarnation is a major event in the creation of the world. The immeasurable merits of thousands of years and thousands of years can be called the first power of merit after the creation of the sky. This is more merit than Nuwa's sanctification. After all, Nuwa only created an acquired race. If it weren't for the fact that this acquired race was about humanity, she wouldn't have gained so much merit.

However, Houtu's creation of reincarnation has an extremely important relationship with the prehistoric and myriad spirits, the evolution of the heavens, and the evolution of the world, so the merits she has obtained are also immeasurable.


There was a sound of gasping, and the prehistoric gods were all taken aback.This is the first one in the prehistoric era who did not use the primordial purple energy to become enlightened, and to prove the existence of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.Of course, that's because they still don't know about Yuanshi's proving of Hunyuan at this time.

How can this not be surprising, how can it not be shocking?
Houtu's move opened up a precedent for the people who came after the prehistoric era, and strengthened the Taoism of many people, so that the gods would not be so desperate. Others can do it, so why can't you?
With the first one, the people behind will naturally see hope.

Therefore, seeing this scene, many quasi-sages and great supernatural powers who were about to prove their way were very excited.

Among them, Taoist Styx is the most.He created the Asura tribe before, established the Nether Sect, gained countless merits, and became a quasi-sage Dzogchen powerhouse. If he is the closest to a saint, it belongs to him.

"Houtu empress, congratulations!"

"Congratulations fellow daoist, you have obtained Hunyuan!"

The prehistoric saints and many great supernatural powers descended one after another, all with smiles on their faces, and congratulated Houtu Kaihou.

"You don't have to be too polite!"

Hou Tu's face was flat, facing all the saints without the slightest ripple, he said calmly: "Everyone, please go back, the reincarnation has just opened, I still have a lot of things to do in this palace, it is difficult to entertain everyone here!"

"So, I will take my leave!"

Seeing this, the saints also left with interest.At this time Taoist Sansheng had the opportunity to go forward and talk to Houtu in front of him.

He looked at the back soil in front of him, this back soil that he was familiar with yet somewhat unfamiliar.Familiarity is because he felt the aura of Houtu Zuwu in her body, and it was unfamiliar because she felt another aura of confusion in him.Although the breath was so slight that even a sage couldn't detect it, it was still discovered by Taoist Sansheng.

Of course, the main reason is that he is also somewhat familiar with that strange breath, because it belongs to the breath of chaos, but indeed, it belongs to the breath of the Chaos Demon God.

Daoist Sansheng is naturally no stranger to the unique and boundless aura of the Chaos Demon God, because he was also the Chaos Demon God back then.

The moment Houtu Yuanshen first appeared, Taoist Sansheng discovered it.At the same time, Taoist Sansheng finally understood why there were some mysterious law fragments in Houtu's blood besides the law of earth.

There is only one reason, that is, the demon god of reincarnation turned to Houtu.

As for why the Demon God of Samsara hadn't awakened before, it was probably because Houtu was of Pangu's bloodline, and was suppressed by Pangu's bloodline, so she didn't wake up in time.Of course, there could be other reasons too.

However, that doesn't matter anymore. The important thing is that today's Houtu is no longer the original Houtu, but a combination of Houtu and some reincarnation demon gods.Taoist Sansheng did not know how to deal with this.

Actually, Taoist Sansheng's guess was correct. The Demon God of Reincarnation was indeed hacked to death by Pan Gu. However, because she was in charge of the law of the Dao of Reincarnation, she escaped a ray of remnant souls, and then turned to the newly opened flood.

But because of time, coupled with the attrition and suppression of Pangu's bloodline, her remnant soul has been weakened, and now there is not much strength left.

If it weren't for the reincarnation of Houtu this time, the remnant soul would not have awakened, and Houtu would not have a primordial spirit because of this, and be able to prove the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

However, even if awakened, the current Houtu is only the Houtu who has accepted part of the demon god's memory, and there is no phenomenon of one devouring the other, because after countless years of running-in, they have already become one.

Looking at the beautiful woman in front of him, Taoist Sansheng flashed a complicated look in his eyes, sighed, and said:
"Are you Houtu, or reincarnation?"

Taoist Sansheng knew that Houtu could understand what he said.Sure enough, the woman on the opposite side smiled lightly and said:
"Houtu? Or reincarnation? What's the difference? From now on, there will be no Houtu and reincarnation in the world. I am Pingxin, the Pingxin of Yongzhen Youming."

Empress Pingxin had a calm expression on her face, she was like the Hongjun Taoist ancestor who fit in the way of heaven, fit in the way of Tao, and had reached the point of being impartial and selfless.

The Houtu is gone, and the reincarnation has also disappeared. What is there is just Empress Pingxin!

I saw Empress Pingxin waving her hand and a beam of brilliance flowed by, suddenly, Jiuyou shook, and I saw a palace rising from the ground in the underworld, with the inscription "Pingxin Palace".The palace door opened slowly, and Empress Pingxin walked in.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter whether you are Houtu or reincarnation. Then, it's time for me to complete my mission."

Taoist Sansheng looked at Pingxin who entered the gate of the temple, was silent for a moment, and then suddenly smiled, which is called a free and easy one.

"Today, I, a Daoist of the Three Lives, enter the underworld, hold the nether world, and master the three lives. I use the book of life and death to bind the spirits of all living beings. From today, the netherworld is officially in operation. Eighteen levels of hell are opened, and all the common people in the world are recorded. The book of life and death, the living beings in the world, will go to the underworld after death, judge merits and demerits, reward and punish public punishment..."

Suddenly, in the middle of the Netherworld, Taoist Sansheng yelled loudly, and the aura of the late quasi-sage blossomed out of his body, which shocked the prehistoric people.

"What? Taoist Sansheng? Who is that?"

"Taoist Sansheng, in charge of the underworld? This..."

The prehistoric sages and the gods were shocked, not knowing who this Sansheng Taoist was. It was really bold to seize the position in the underworld right after the establishment of reincarnation.However, Empress Parallel is still not angry about this?
In the underworld, bursts of yin qi roiled, and there was a huge earthquake in the nine secluded places, and a building suddenly rose up, majestic, simple and unsophisticated.

"The Flower of the Other Bank, the Stone of Three Lives, and the Bridge of Naihe, all of which are based on my book of life and death..."

Taoist Sansheng sneered coldly, his face was imposing, with a hint of domineering.

"From now on, I am the Lord of the Underworld, the Great Emperor of Three Lives."

Afterwards, three figures walked out of Taoist Sansheng again, and flew towards different directions of the underworld.

"I am the Lord of Hell!"

Soon, a loud shout came from the direction of the eighteenth floor of hell, which shocked Jiuyou and shook the prehistoric world.

"I am Emperor Jiuyou!"

At the same time, there was also a loud shout from the Nine Nether Abyss.

"I am the Emperor of the Underworld! In charge of the Netherworld!"

From the other direction, there was also a loud shout.

However, Emperor Sansheng still didn't stop, and continued to shout:
"The ghost emperors of the five directions appear, and Yama of the ten halls appears!"

As soon as he pointed out, dozens of figures appeared in front of Taoist Sansheng one after another. They entered various parts of the Lord's Mansion respectively, sitting in the Netherworld, and performing their duties!
From the nine heavens, countless merits and virtues descended again, which were descended by Emperor Sansheng who perfected the underworld system.

In this way, a complete nether world was formed, with Pingxin empress in charge of the six realms of reincarnation, which is equivalent to a realm of heaven, the emperor of the third life is the master of the underworld, after that, the ghost emperors of the five directions, Yama of the ten halls, and judges from all over the world, etc., the system is perfect .

From then on, Hong Huang had reincarnation!
(End of this chapter)

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