My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 152 Yuanshi visits Emperor Wa

Chapter 152 Yuanshi visits Emperor Wa (third shift)

"Junior Sister Nuwa, how about you and I discussing the Tao?"

Yuan Shi's faint voice suddenly sounded in Wa's palace, making Nuwa's thoughts of wanting to make a move stagnate.

"Okay, since that's the case, then junior sister will come and learn from senior brother's brilliant trick!"

There was a flash of anger in Nuwa's eyes, but she quickly adjusted.She knew in her heart that the other saints would never allow her to intervene in the war of the three clans, because several saints were plotting in this battle. She had thought that someone would definitely stop her, but she never thought that this person would It is Yuanshi.

As the head of the six sages, Yuanshi is also the most powerful. If he doesn't make a move at ordinary times, no one will know how strong he is. Now she just wants to test it out.

The sage Nuwa knew how powerful Yuanshi was, so she was merciless when she made a move. Nuwa turned over with one hand, and the Xiantian Lingbao red hydrangea appeared in her hand. With a light toss, the red hydrangea quickly became bigger and bloomed dazzling red. In the midst of the rolling, with the light of destruction, Nuwa blessed her body with the law of good fortune, and rushed towards Yuanshi at a high speed.

The chaos rolled endlessly, and was quickly broken by the red hydrangea. The ground, water, fire, and wind surged and rolled, and were endowed with various forms by the laws of good fortune, rushing towards Yuanshi.


Looking at the red hydrangea that hit him with the mighty power that opened up the world, Yuan Shi was unmoved, his face was indifferent, and he could not see the slightest change. He slowly stretched out a finger and pointed towards the void.This finger seems to be very slow, but in fact it is very fast. There is no mysterious light, no lawful fluctuations, and no mysterious power. It is just a simple, unpretentious finger.

Suddenly, the void stopped, time seemed to slow down, and everything around seemed to disappear, leaving only a simple finger.

"go with!"

Yuan Shi's finger flicked lightly, and immediately, the red hydrangea carrying supreme power was flicked back by Yuan Shi's finger, and it also hit back with unparalleled power.


Nuwa caught the retreating red hydrangea, and suddenly there was a violent turmoil in Wa's palace. The saint Nuwa retreated dozens of steps before stopping.

"Come again!"

Nuwa refused to admit defeat, and the red hydrangea waved in her hand, rolling from one hand to the other. The law in her hand was mysterious, the void created waves, and created all things, and then flew away with great power. When she got up, Nuwa turned over and kicked the red hydrangea.

Immediately, the red hydrangea hit with a stronger force, and the void was directly torn apart. You must know that this place is the Saint's Palace, and the space is several times stronger than that in the wild, but it was still directly destroyed. It can be seen that its The strength is beyond imagination.

The red hydrangea submerged into the void, carrying unparalleled power, just like a huge ancient god, awakened from the chaos, and bombarded with a punch.

Nuwa kept shooting down the void with her hands, but in a short time, she opened up dozens of small worlds in the void one after another. The worlds went up and down and gathered into a huge world, which was split out by Nuwa's palm. , with the destructive power of destroying the world, hit Yuanshi and went away.

"It's interesting, the peak of the second heaven of saints is still a little weak."

Yuan Shi looked at all this with great interest, his face was indifferent, and suddenly, he punched into the void next to him.


The void exploded, revealing the red hydrangea inside, and then he slapped it out with one palm, sending the red hydrangea back to Nuwa's hands.Yuan Shi didn't stop, looking at the vast world that was about to explode in front of him, he quickly used a few spells to seal the world, and then he grabbed that world with one hand, and threw it into the depths of the chaos .


There were violent explosions from the depths of the chaos, destroying the sky and destroying the earth. The chaos storm continued to condense, the storm continued, the chaos air raged, and a powerful wave swept in, even the Wa Palace was shaken.

Yuanshi's whole body was suppressed, and the shaking was suppressed in an instant, and Wa Palace returned to calm again.

On Kunlun Mountain, Taiqing and Tongtian opened their eyes, looked towards Chaos, thoughtful, then stopped paying attention, but focused on the battle between the three clans.

Western Lingshan, Jieyin and Zhunti saints looked at each other and smiled mysteriously.

"Senior Brother, it seems that Yuan Shi fought against Junior Sister Nuwa," Zhun Ti said.

"That's right, Yuan Shi went to offend Nuwa Junior Sister, which is beneficial to us after all. But, then again, Yuqing Yuanshi's strength is really unfathomable. Every time I see him, I have a feeling that I can't see through it." The situation is like meeting a teacher. Logically speaking, we are all saints, so this shouldn't be the case." Jie Yin secretly said.

"Yeah, Yuanshi, Sanqing, none of them are simple people. When will we be able to be prosperous in the West?" Zhunti sighed, filled with grief.

"Junior Brother, don't worry, sooner or later I will be prosperous in the West."


Chaos beyond the sky, Wa Palace.

"How about it, Junior Sister Nuwa, do you want to continue?"

Yuan Shi stood indifferently in the void, as bright as the sun, moon and stars, and all kinds of dharma were reflected in him, as if he was the incarnation of Tao.

"Senior brother's morality is profound, but junior sister is not as good!"

A trace of unwillingness flashed in Nuwa's eyes, but more of it was helplessness. Yuanshi's strength was too strong. Although there were only three moves in this fight, she had already exhausted all her strength. But it should also spy out part of the reality of Yuanshi.However, the truth shocked her, because she still didn't know where the limit of Yuanshi's magic power was, and even the tip of Yuanshi's iceberg made her feel powerless.

Yuan Shi smiled slightly, and was not surprised that Nuwa conceded the defeat. Nuwa was concerned about the Fuxi demon sage who was fighting outside, so there was no need to waste too much energy with herself here.

"What do you think about the war between the three tribes of humans, demons, and witches?"

After a while of silence, Yuanshi asked such a question, wanting to know what Nuwa was thinking.

Nu Wa glanced at Yuan Shi, as if she knew what he was thinking, she said lightly:

"I already know what senior brother thinks in his heart. Don't worry, junior sister will not intervene in the tribal war."

"That would be great. Fighting and killing, what good is there? How can you be happy when you are free and unrestrained? For those forces that want to fight and kill, there is no need to exist."

Yuanshi showed a hint of warning, and at the same time, he also decided the future fate of the witches and demons.


Nuwa was a little angry, her pretty face turned red, her eyes widened, and she glared at Yuanshi. She knew that Yuanshi didn't like the Yaozu in her heart, and she wanted to use this battle to cut off the dominance of the Yaozu. Although she promised Yuanshi, Not to intervene in the tribal war, but she is still a little unhappy.It is true that anyone who is threatened will feel unhappy.

"Hmph! Junior sister, I'm going to retreat, so I invite senior brother to go back."

Nuwa snorted coldly, didn't have a good look at Yuanshi, said lightly, and started to chase people away.

"Ha! I think Junior Sister's environment here is good, so it's okay to stay a little longer." Yuan Shi was not embarrassed to face Nuwa's chasing him away.


Nuwa snorted coldly, sat down in the pavilion next to her, and didn't care too much, because she knew that the other party didn't trust her.In fact, even though she herself said so, if the Yaozu were really in danger of being wiped out, she would definitely take action, because she couldn't just watch the Yaozu be wiped out.

Yuan Shi waved his big hand, and a picture appeared in the pond in front of him, which was the scene of the battle between the three clans in the wild.

The two quietly watched the tragic battle between the three clans. Of course, what caught their attention the most was the battle between the Martial Ancestor Xuantian of the Human Clan, Wudi Jiang, the Ancestor of the Witch Clan, Di Jun of the Yao Clan, and Donghuang Taiyi.

(End of this chapter)

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