My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 160 Heavenly Court Reestablished

Chapter 160 Heavenly Court Reestablished (Fourth Update)
"Congratulations, God."

After seeing other people leaving, Jieyin and Zhunti hurriedly congratulated. As long as Haotian and Yaochi communicate well, things will be much more convenient in the future. Yaochi dismissed it, it was their business, as long as he did his own thing well.

"Thank you two saints."

Haotian and Yaochi have experienced so much, so they can see the situation clearly. They are not arrogant people. Although they were named Emperors of Heaven by Taoist ancestors and ruled the world, they dare not offend any saint.You know, this is a world where the weak are prey to the strong after all, strength is paramount, and under saints, they are ants after all.

After thanking the two Western saints, they also left. As for Xuantian, he left after Sanqing left. The affairs of the heavens have nothing to do with our human race.

In the huge Zixiao Palace, only Haotian and Yaochi are left at this moment.Haotian's face was gloomy all of a sudden, looking at the disappearing saints, he was extremely upset, and cursed secretly.He has already thought of the fate of being ostracized by the saint and used as a puppet in the future.

Seeing that Haotian's expression was not good, Yaochi immediately asked: "What's wrong? Haotian."

"It's okay, let's go, let's go to see the heaven first." Haotian came back to his senses, waved his hand, and said.

"Well. I also want to see what the heaven we live in will look like in the future."

Immediately, the two left Zixiao Palace and headed towards the heaven.

When they came to the Heavenly Court, the two of them were stunned. There was no singing of birds and fragrance of flowers, no imposing aura, nor the appearance of a blessed land of immortals with swaying fairy sounds and flying cranes.At a glance, there are ruins everywhere, a dilapidated scene, how can there be any royal majesty.

Seeing the appearance of Tianting, the two of them suddenly felt a chill in their hearts, and they kept muttering: "Is this the Tianting? Why is it different from the Tianting in their imagination?" They looked unbelievable.

Immediately, they thought of the war between witches, demons, and humans, and the Heavenly Court is the most important place of the demon clan. It is inevitable that it will be affected by the war and destroyed. It is not incomprehensible to see this dilapidated scene now.It's just, what are they going to do now, they are the lords of the Heavenly Court today, should they be allowed to live in such a dilapidated place?At that time, what will be the majesty of the heavenly court, and what will be the face of the heavenly court?
Immediately, Haotian and Yaochi's hearts felt cold, and they became bad.

After a long time, they realized that to become emperors of heaven, they had to worship the sky and pray to the sky like the witches and demons before, otherwise they would not be recognized by the heavens and the earth.

So, the two of them immediately set up an altar, kowtowed nine times in the direction of Zixiao Palace, prayed to heaven, and said:

"Thanks to Taoist ancestors not giving up, I, Haotian, Yaochi, have ascended to the position of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor. From now on, I will put the world's common people first, and hope that the heavens will bless me, and the heavenly court will be blessed forever."

After three bows and nine kowtows, there was a bang in the heavenly court, and the Emperor Haotian was dressed in a robe, and he was honored as the Jade Emperor.The full name is "Taishang Kaitian Holding Talisman Yuli Contains True Body Dao Haotian Supreme Jade Emperor", or "Haotian Jinque Supreme Supreme Naturally Wonderful Mira to True Jade Emperor God", "High Heaven, Great Sage, Great Merciful Jade Emperor, Great Heavenly Venerable Xuanqiong High God".

The Yaochi phoenix robe is added to the body, and it becomes noble instantly. It is known as "Jiuling Taimiao Guishan Golden Mother", "Tailing Jiuguang Guitai Golden Mother" and "Yaochi Golden Mother".

When the two saw this, before they could be overjoyed, they saw the ruined walls and the collapsed palaces and temples on the heavenly court slowly disappearing into the void one by one. After a while, they all disappeared, and the whole heavenly court became a flat land without any sight. thing.

Under the dubious gazes of the two, they saw something flying in the sky, slowly zooming in from far to near, and it turned out to be a huge palace, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of miles, emitting thousands of golden lights , There are thousands of auspicious qi shrouded in it.

It has to be said that this is a real wonderland.

Looking around, at the entrance of Gongluan, there is a huge pillar piercing into the sky. I don't know how high it is. Inside the pillar stands a huge archway, all of which are made of colored glaze, shining with precious light. The three gold-plated characters of "Nantianmen" stand out.

Looking inside through the Nantian Gate, there are pieces of smoky fairy clouds rolling up and down, and there are faint bursts of fairy sounds floating out, light and moving, mellow and melodious.Several spirit birds, white cranes, danced freely, arousing bursts of fairy wind, and fairy clouds floated on it like flowing water.

Looking inside, there is a large hall with a few large pillars in front of the hall. On the pillars are carved red dragons with golden spirits shining on the sun, and there are several fairy bridges with phoenixes of colorful feathers hovering on the bridges.

The main hall is the Lingxiao Palace where the immortal officials pay homage to the Jade Emperor. It is divided into upper and lower floors. Standing place.

There are countless fairy palaces outside Lingxiao Palace.Such as Taiyang Palace, Xianle Palace, Bliss Palace, Wuji Palace, Wuming Palace... There are also several treasure halls, Naichaohui Hall, Lingxu Hall, Baoguang Hall, Tianwang Hall... There are gardens, cities, troubles, Levels are distributed around the palace.

The heavens once again restored the appearance of the 33 heavens, the ninth is the supreme, and the Jade Emperor lives in the nine heavens.Other places, or immortal officials' residences, or desolate lands, or gardens, cities, etc.

All the celestial stars also have palaces rising, there are 28 stars guarding the Gouchen Shang star in the west pole, 36 celestial gangs and 72 earth demons guarding the Ziwei emperor star in the north pole, and the star power of the celestial constellation directly shines into the heavenly court, along with the essence of the sun and the moon, the stars The shining of the essence made the Heavenly Court full of aura, not weaker than before the prehistoric world was broken.

When Haotian and Yaochi saw this scene, they were overjoyed immediately, and felt that only living in such a luxurious and magnificent palace could be worthy of the title of supreme being of heaven and earth.

At this time, hundreds of immortals came to Haotian and Yaochi, kneeling down and saluting, but Hongjun saw that Haotian and Yaochi did not have any team members, so he sent a few little immortals to serve him.The cultivation base of these little immortals is not high, and they are different from heavenly immortals to golden immortals. They only obey the orders of the emperor of heaven.

However, most of these people's duties have been fixed. They are all messy petty officials. Those who are in charge of marriage, fortune, and handyman are all trivial roles.

Haotian also understands that he is short of talents at the moment, and having them is better than not having them after all.Although they are not strong, they are better than nothing.As for the future, I will settle it later. I have become the Emperor of Heaven. Are you afraid that no one will come to seek refuge?
After discussing with each other, they arranged their immortal status, Tianlu and other matters, and from then on they obeyed the orders of heaven.

After discussing it, they prepared to sacrifice to heaven and officially hold Haotian's enthronement ceremony.The two were also very polite, and they planned to post a post to invite all the great supernatural beings and several saints from heaven and earth to come to watch the ceremony and witness their enthronement ceremony.

After some discussion, the two set the formal accession to the throne after a hundred years.


(End of this chapter)

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