My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 162 Heavenly Dao Saint, True God Emperor, Human Dao Emperor

Chapter 162 Heavenly Dao Saint, True God Emperor, Human Dao Emperor
After Xuantian returned to the human race, he summoned many leaders of the human race to discuss the future development of the human race.

In the Hall of Human Ancestors, Xuantian sits high above the head seat, next to him is the third ancestor of the Suiren clan, then the tribal leaders of the Taihao clan, Taikang clan, Shaohao clan, and Dayi clan, and then Chisongzi, Yu Bo and other human masters.

Glancing at the crowd, although the human race suffered heavy losses in this three-clan war, the human race that has been baptized by the war is different.Now the atmosphere of the human race has changed, and the human race has become self-improving, so Xuantian doesn't need to worry about it anymore.

Xuan Tian asked:
"First report the casualties of the human race in this war."

Suiren's Spiritual Association, glanced at everyone, and said:

"In this war, our human race also suffered heavy losses. Three of the runner emperors died, Panhuang Panwang, Fenghuang Fenghou, and Ronghuang Rongchengzi. The other major powerhouses were also injured, and there were no three-five-hundred-year-olds." Time cannot recover.

As for the Fa Xiang Wu Xiang state, there are thousands of people who died, the Dongtian Venerable state, more than tens of thousands died, and the supernatural king state, nearly a million people died, and the human race suffered heavy casualties. "

After hearing this, everyone's heart became extremely heavy, and they felt a burst of heartache and sadness.These people are all people who fell for the rise of the human race. Although the human race has won, they are no longer there.

"This is an inevitable thing. If the human race wants to rise, these sacrifices are inevitable. The human race will not forget them. Build a Hall of Heroes on Shouyang Mountain for me, and engrave the names of these fallen heroes in it." , the human race can go to worship them in the future. They have made great contributions to the rise of the human race, and the human race will never forget them.

Also, if those heroes have family members, they will take good care of them in the future. Since we have already felt sorry for these heroes who sacrificed for the human race, we can let them die peacefully and feel better. "

Xuan Tian's heart was also heavy, but he was not too sad, maybe this was the helplessness of the strong.He tidied up his mood and gave instructions to the people below.

"Yes, Martial Ancestor!"

"Thank you, Martial Ancestor!"


After hearing this, the others thanked Xuantian one after another, saying that they are indeed lucky to have a leader who can be sympathetic to the people.

"Okay, we must always keep in mind the pain of the past, and always motivate ourselves, but the human race has to look forward. The human race has risen from the humble beginnings, experienced various wars, suffered countless hardships, and sacrificed countless Yinghao has finally defeated the witches and demons and walked on the road of glory. However, the human race has not yet fully flourished, and what I called everyone to discuss today is for the future of the human race."

Xuan Tian said slowly to the high-level people of the clan.

"The human race wants to embark on the path of the protagonist, but these are not enough. We want to cover the entire prehistoric land with the footprints of the human race. Therefore, the next thing the human race has to do is to go out."

"Going out? How to go out?" Everyone wondered.

"Yes, going out, we need to relocate, with Shouyang Mountain as the source, and slowly move to other places in the prehistoric. If the human race wants to develop into the largest clan in the prehistoric, it is impossible to guard a Shouyang Mountain. I hope that soon In the future, no matter in the east, west, north or south of the Great Desolation, there will be tribes of our human race. However, there are many hidden masters in this prehistoric wilderness. If we want to do all this, we need more masters from our human race convoy."

"So, our human race can move to some safe places first, and then when the human race develops and there are more masters, we can move towards other places step by step."

Everyone present could only hear their blood boiling, as if they could see that the future prehistoric is dominated by the human race, the human race is the protagonist of the prehistoric, and the prehistoric is full of grand scenes of the human race.When they think about it, their blood boils, and their hearts suddenly feel full of pride.

"However, if the human race wants to prosper, it needs to establish three emperors and establish five emperors, so as to suppress the luck of the human race, so that the luck of the human race will last forever."

"Brother, which three emperors and five emperors do you mean, which are the three emperors and which five emperors? Do you mean people who have reached the realm of emperors or emperors, or other special people?" Ziyi asked.

As soon as these words came out, the others looked at Xuantian together, wanting to see how he would answer, if anyone could do it, then they themselves could do it too, when they thought of this, their hearts became extremely hot.The three emperors occupy the luck of the human race, and their cultivation must be extremely fast.

Xuantian looked at Ziyi with approval, and said slowly:
"The prehistoric world opened up and separated the three talents of heaven, earth, and man. The number starts at one, stands at three, completes at five, prospers at seven, and stands at nine. Therefore, there should be nine saints in the way of heaven. , Originally, there was still Hongyun Patriarch, but why... There is also a escaping Primordial Purple Qi, a total of nine.

The real way is the six realms of reincarnation in the nether world, and there should be nine god emperors, namely the reincarnation queen earth, the five ghost emperors, and the three underworld masters.Therefore, there should also be nine emperors in the human realm, the three emperors and five emperors, that is, eight of the emperors of the human realm, and the remaining one is the one who escaped. "

"Aren't the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors the same as that prehistoric sage?!" Someone horrified.

"It is true, but it is not. The heavenly saints, the human emperors, and the authentic emperors, to a certain extent, can be said to have the same status. However, at the beginning of the opening of the sky, the heavens have been perfected, but the human way and the authentic way are later. To make up for it, the power of Heaven is the most powerful, ruling the authenticity and humanity. Therefore, the saints of Heaven are also the most powerful. However, if the saints of Heaven want to take action against the Emperor Humanity and the Divine Emperor, they will also suffer karmic punishment from heaven.”

Xiantian thought about it and said so.

"Hiss! Doesn't that mean that the Three Sovereigns and Five Sovereigns can also be like the saints of the heavenly way, and survive through thousands of kalpas?" People were shocked.

"To a certain extent, it can be said that it is. As long as the human race is not destroyed and humanity is not destroyed, the Emperor of Humanity will not die."

Xuan Tian said.At the same time, he secretly said in his heart that the Three Emperors and Five Emperors seem to be good, but in fact there are restrictions.Their luck is completely linked to that of the human race, and both will lose, only one side will lose, and the other will suffer backlash.

"There are restrictions on choosing the Three Sovereigns and Five Sovereigns, right?"

As a woman, Ziyi is very careful, she does not believe that anyone can become the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, there must be some kind of restriction.

Xuantian took a deep look at Ziyi, and said slowly:

"Yes, the choice of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors is not something that anyone can do if they want to. The selection criteria not only need to make a great contribution to the human race, but also need to have a strong cultivation base. More importantly, this is the way of heaven. , is not controlled by humans. Humans can intervene, but they cannot be controlled."

"Well, that makes sense."

The enthusiasm in people's hearts slowly dissipated, and they also felt that this made sense. If anyone could do it, wouldn't the world be in chaos?

"Okay, in the future there may be disciples of saints appearing in the human race, whether they are recruiting disciples or something else, you should pay more attention and don't be calculated by others."

"Yes, Master Martial Ancestor!"

All the high-level people in the race are thoughtful. The news they got today is too great. They need to go back and think about it. What's more, there are many important things waiting for them in the human race.

However, they all understand one truth, the new era of the human race has arrived.


(End of this chapter)

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