My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 164 War Quintessence

Chapter 164 War Quintessence (fourth update)

"Form is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different from form, form is emptiness, emptiness is form, and the same is true of thinking and knowing."

As soon as the Zhunti sage made a move, it was extraordinary, the void fluctuated, everything was empty, and all dharmas were nothingness. Everyone only felt a mysterious force passing through the void, affecting their own thoughts, allowing themselves to give up all resistance and obey the Buddha's arrangement .Everyone watching the battle was like this, not to mention Demon Lord Myriad Tribulations.

Zhunti Saint made a move to deal with the Demon Lord of Myriad Tribulations, so most of the mana was directed at him.Everyone guessed that the Demon Lord Wanjie must be trying his best to resist this mysterious force, but of course people looked at it carefully, but they were dumbfounded, because the Demon Lord Wanjie seemed to be unaffected at all, with a sneer on his mouth and the magic knife in his hand. Cut it off at the Zhunti saint.

"Empty your sister! Everything is empty, what are you still doing here?"

Myriad Tribulation Demon Venerable dismissed this in his heart, Buddhism emphasizes that the four elements are all empty, everything is empty, since all these are empty, then why is he still here.

This is the difference between Buddhism and Taoism. Taoism pays attention to cultivating the truth, seeking the truth from the false, and making the false into the real, while Buddhism emphasizes cultivating the false and emptiness. They believe that all dharmas are empty, and they believe in the afterlife. Become a Buddha in the next life.

A huge black sword light seemed to cut through the sky, crossed the void, and slashed towards Saint Zhunti.

Zhunti Saint's Taoism was broken by Wanjie Mozun, and there was a moment of pause, and he saw a huge saber light cutting towards him. With a thought, he immediately formed a solid defense in front of him, and then slammed his palm. Come out and smash the sword glow.

"Amitabha, the sins of the benefactor are serious, and the poor should eliminate demons and defend the way."

The leading saint also stood up at this moment, and wanted to make a move at the Demon Lord of Myriad Tribulations. He stretched out his hand and lightly tapped on the Demon Lord of Myriad Tribulations. The radiance shot towards the Demon Lord of Myriad Tribulations, where the radiance shone everywhere, everything died.


At this moment, the same cyan light of good fortune came from a distance, met the light of extinction, and the two collided, causing a violent explosion, and annihilated in the void.

"Fellow Taoist, as a saint, why do you bully the few with the more? Why don't we discuss the Dao, how about it?"

Immediately afterwards, a melodious voice came to everyone's ears, as if a huge wave had been stirred up, and it was the sage Nuwa who made the move.

"Junior Sister Nuwa, why is this?"

Jie Yin looked at Nuwa, not understanding what was the relationship between Nuwa and the Demon Lord of Myriad Tribulations in front of him, and why he would help him. He probably meant that if Nuwa didn't tell a reason, he would take action.

"This palace once owed a share of karma to the Demon Lord of Myriad Tribulations, so please brother not to intervene." Nuwa said flatly.

"So that's the case, what if the poor Daoist wants to make a move?"

Jieyin continued to say that it is not so easy to give up when it comes to the inheritance of the Demon Ancestor.

"Then I'm going to come here to try out the master's tricks." Nuwa said calmly, her expression unchanged.

"Oh, then, Junior Sister, how about we go to fight against Chaos?"

Nuwa turned around without hesitation, and flew towards Chaos, and then, the leading saint also flew towards Chaos.

Everyone in Honghuang looked at each other in blank dismay, what's going on?Even Saint Nuwa has taken action, who is this person in front of him, who knows Saint Nuwa?

Soon, suddenly there was a violent vibration sound, earth-shattering, chaotic riots, destroying the world, everyone only felt the burst of magical powers and mysterious lights, and the world began to shake.

Apparently, Nuwa has already fought against Zhunti Saint.I just don't know which one is stronger and which one is weaker?

"It turns out that your second hand is Nuwa Junior Sister, no wonder you have no fear." Zhunti Saint suddenly realized, and then continued to sneer:
"Now that Junior Sister Nuwa is gone, let me see what tricks you have."

"is it?"

Demon Lord Wanjie sneered, and he didn't care, his bright eyes were as calm as a calm lake.A black demonic path lay horizontally in front of him, with demonic energy all over his body, giving the impression that he was a calm demon god, as if he had stood here since ancient times.

A majestic and boundless depressive aura came, Zhunti Saint took a deep breath, the eyes of this person in front of him were too calm, as if there was some trump card he didn't know, which made people uncertain.The Buddha beads in his hand turned involuntarily, emitting bursts of Sanskrit sounds, as if it could destroy all worlds.

Wanjie Mozun swung the magic knife in his hand, and slashed at the Zhunti saint. He had no interest in being beaten passively. No matter who he was, whether it was a saint or a god, it was in line with his character to do it directly.


A distorted black sword light that devoured the sky and cracked the earth cut off the space in front of Zhunqian. The space was shattered, forming a storm, which erupted in front of Saint Zhunti and swept towards him.

There are no gorgeous supernatural powers, no complicated handprints, and some are just a simple knife.

The Zhunti sage snorted coldly, and the rosary in his hand turned into a circle. This circle is composed of countless small worlds, and each small world is surrounded by powerful Buddhist rhymes.These worlds are connected together to form the hardest barrier in the vast void.

The rolling rhymes of Taoism and Taoism and the deep Sanskrit sounds surround the world. At this moment, as long as the monks are swept by the Sanskrit sounds and Dao rhymes, they seem to have a kind of enlightenment filled with Dao rhymes. Road rhyme.As long as you can feel this supreme Dao rhyme, you will be able to become a Buddha immediately and achieve great fortune.

Demon Lord Myriad Tribulations showed no expression on his face. The rhyme and Sanskrit sound impacted outside the demon realm around him, like a breeze blowing by, leaving nothing behind.

In terms of state of mind, Wanjie Mozun is the evil corpse of Yuanshi, and he is already in the middle stage of Hunyuan. What about the state of mind of the Venerable, what's more, the Demon Lord of Ten Thousand Tribulations practiced the "Magic Code of Ten Thousand Tribulations" by the Demon Ancestor. This exercise is the nemesis of the Buddhist exercises. The nemesis is just a question of who is strong and who is weak.

Myriad Tribulation Demon Lord's current strength, after several catastrophes of cultivation, has already surpassed the perfection of the quasi-sage, between Hunyuan and the perfection of the quasi-sage, it is half a step of Hunyuan, although he can't defeat Hunyuan for a while, But it is impossible for Hunyuan to defeat him.


The violent Dao Yun collided together, setting off an infinite storm, the space collapsed, the ground, water, fire and wind surged, and everything fell into the beginning of chaos.

The complexion of Zhunti Saint suddenly changed, and he realized that he had underestimated the man in front of him. It can be said that half of the man in front of him had stepped into the Hunyuan realm. Styx has not reached this level either.He quickly put away those distracting thoughts in his mind, and began to take the person in front of him seriously.

"Wan Dao Sen Luo, turning the cave into a ruin, devouring the sky and the earth, to bury the gods and demons!"

Demon Lord Myriad Tribulations seized an opportunity, so naturally he would not let it go, so he continued to attack.Based on the magic tome of myriad calamities, I will display the supernatural powers of the chaotic avenue in the myriad dao samurai.

A huge chaotic hole appeared in front of him, spinning slowly, forming a devouring force against the sky. During the devouring, it exudes endless devilish energy, which can affect people's minds and even devour people's souls. All the energy in the world Being plundered, the space becomes empty.

A huge black hole, exuding a chaotic demonic energy, swallowed Saint Zhunti with an incomparable magical power.

Saint Zhunti's face suddenly changed. He felt a deep threat from this mess. At the same time, he was sure that the person in front of him had indeed received the inheritance of the Demon Ancestor. It is a common method used by the Demon Ancestor.

"No Bodhi tree, nor stand mirror,

There is nothing in the first place, where does the dust come from? "


(End of this chapter)

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