Chapter 166

In the wilderness, under the attention of all the great gods, the sudden emergence of the Demon Lord of Myriad Tribulations resisted the Zhunti Saint, causing everyone in the Three Realms to be shocked. The name of the Demon Lord of Myriad Tribulations had completely resounded throughout the Three Realms.

In the chaos, the Nuwa sage and the guide sage are fighting, a way of good fortune, and a Buddhist way of extinction, which seem to restrain each other, the way of good fortune, the way of good fortune, the creation of all things, the way of extinction, the way of silence Destroy the world.

The battle was very dynamic, even earth-shattering, but apart from a few saints, few people could see it clearly, and few dared to go to watch it. The battle between saints and Taoism was shocking, and the aftermath could kill some great supernatural beings. destroy.If one is not careful and happens to encounter this, isn't that bad luck?

Of course, the saints didn't care about that. Their holy thoughts stretched out into the chaos, watching Nuwa fight and lead.Although Sanqing hoped that Nuwa could win, in fact, Nuwa still fell into a certain disadvantage.

Jieying deserves to be called Jieying, after all, it is considered a person with great perseverance, who can insist on beheading three corpses, while Nu Wa just beheaded one corpse, and became a saint with merit.Therefore, Nuwa was a little weaker after all.Of course, there is also the reason why Nuwa is not good at fighting.

On the western land, on the top of the sky, Demon Lord Myriad Tribulations has the aura of robbery rolling all over his body. With his bewitching eyes, fluttering black hair, bloodthirsty eyes, and supreme demon body, he is extremely ferocious. Although he has always been at a disadvantage, But he was not killed or captured by Zhunti.

Around him, a black demon field was formed. Inside, the demon energy rolled, the evil energy shook the heavens, and the calamity aura filled the air. Bloodthirsty and warlike robber demons rolled and appeared in it. They held weapons and fought together with the Demon Lord of Myriad Tribulations. .

"Who says a saint is invincible? Who dares to call himself invincible? Today, this deity will splash the blue sky with my demonic blood! Roar!"

The Demon Lord of Myriad Tribulations had a ferocious face, uttered wild words, and flew the magic knife in his hand, driving the supreme magic power, and slashed at the Zhunti saint.

"Huh? His strength is increasing? Could it be..."

A flash of anger flashed in Zhunti Saint's eyes, he looked at the Demon Lord of Myriad Tribulations, felt his strength, thought in his heart, thinking that the Demon Lord of Myriad Tribulations must use his pressure to break through the Hunyuan.Zhunti was a little annoyed. It would be fine if he didn't break through, but if he did break through, then it would be fine. Wouldn't Pindao become the laughing stock of others in the future?No, absolutely not.

He could imagine that when others mentioned the Demon Lord of Myriad Tribulations in the future, they would think of him mentioning the saint, and that the Demon Lord of Myriad Tribulations used him to mention the saint.Thinking of this, Zhunti simmered with anger in his heart, grabbed the Qibao Miaoshu in his hand, mana surged all over his body, and all kinds of Taoism and supernatural powers fell like a torrential rain.

"Have you found it? Unfortunately, it's useless. Hehe."

The Thousand Tribulation Demon Lord sneered in his heart, and he struck fiercely. He was surrounded by the Demon Realm, covering the sky, and the demon power was fully displayed. He held the Demon Sword in his hand, which was astonishingly powerful.The more he fought, the more fierce he became, and the stronger he became, the demon world in his body was rapidly improving, with only the last bit left, he could break into the ranks of the middle thousand worlds, and the source of the demonic way was also rapidly condensing, only the last small gap was left. Consummation.

"Fight! Wan Dao Sen Luo, Nirvana Demon Dao!"

The Demon Lord of Myriad Tribulations is roaring, his black hair is dancing wildly, the power of the demons frightens the heavens, the fierceness shocks the heavens, and as soon as the sword comes out, the black swords fill the world, the aura of robbery demons, overwhelming, the world of demons, the world of demons, the extinction of all things, the extinction of magical powers, mana Annihilation, life is annihilated, everything will return to annihilation.

The further back, the Demon Lord Myriad Tribulations will become stronger and stronger. Even now, the Zhunti Saint can only suppress Demon Lord Myriad Tribulations a little bit, and cannot completely suppress Demon Lord Myriad Tribulations as before.After a long time, Demon Lord Myriad Tribulations has naturally adapted to the means of the saint, and he will not be so passive.

"All conditioned dharmas are like dreams and bubbles, like dew and electricity, and should be viewed as such!"

The sage Zhunti once again sacrificed the vast Bodhi Dharma, and the light of wisdom shined, making the sage Zhunti high above the sky, shining all over the world, and the rhyme of the Tao is bubbling, and the stalwart is incomparable.When people take a look at it, they will fall down and worship, their mana will be improved, and their wisdom will be greatly increased.

His palm seemed to be very slow, but in reality it was as fast as lightning. The light palm suddenly made Demon Lord Myriad Tribulations feel as if he was facing a formidable enemy, his whole body trembled, and he felt that the crisis of life and death was approaching.

Everyone who sees that palm will become more and more fascinated, unwilling to look back, forever being reincarnated, like a dream, like an illusion, like a shadow, like a bubble, like dew, like electricity, could it be false, everything is empty, everything will cease.

"Call! Wan Dao Sen Luo, destroy the world!"

Demon Lord Wanjie uttered a low growl, shaking away the strangeness in his heart, and slapped Zhunti's palm with the same giant black palm with the momentum of overturning the sea and clouds. The Qi of Annihilation surged in like a turbulent wave, filled the heaven and the earth, descended like a calamity, destroyed the sky and the earth, and wiped out the sky.

"My palm of myriad calamities, the demonic way dominates! The realm of chaos, break it for me! Roar!"

All of a sudden, I only heard the Demon Lord of Myriad Tribulations yell loudly, the demonic aura was rampant, the misfortune was clustered, the demonic power slaughtered the sky, the black hair danced wildly, and the arrogance soared to the sky.


His whole body shook, and the Xiaoqian Demon Realm in his body, which had expanded to the extreme, also made a rumbling sound at this moment. The continent was expanding rapidly, and then split into three thousand Xiaoqian worlds, each of which evolved into a world. The black sun traversed the world. In the sky, the devil's sun soared to the sky, illuminating the devil world.The blue moon hides the void, and the sun, moon and stars are expanding rapidly, arranged according to the law of the sky.

The rest of the small worlds are also rapidly evolving. The heavens, earth, mountains and rivers, the sun, the moon, the stars, vegetation, insects, fish, birds, beasts, and birds are all rapidly evolving, but they all have a common characteristic, that is, the whole body is full of evil spirits. .

In the body of Demon Lord Myriad Tribulations, the origin of the evil way is also completely condensed at this moment. It is like a black disc with a circular trajectory engraved on it, representing the first heaven of Hunyuan. Guang Dasheng, all kinds of magical laws are recorded in it, and the rhyme of the Tao flows, and a phenomenon of perfection appears.

Hunyuan means perfection.


The aura of the Myriad Tribulation Demon Lord was suddenly shaken, and a monstrous demon power soared into the sky, surpassing the heavens and suppressing the sky.Above the nine heavens, the situation changed, the sun and the moon lost their luster, and the aura filled the sky, covering the sky and covering the sun, all ghosts howled, all spirits bowed down, and the aura of robbery spread across the world. Come on, earth-shattering.

"Forge my body with immortality, and refine my soul with monstrous demonic ways.

Heaven, earth, sun and moon hide my heart, and the supreme ruler dominates me! "

"This deity, Demon Lord of Myriad Tribulations, enters Hunyuan today, who dares to stop me?! Roar!"

The Myriad Tribulation Demon Lord roared loudly, shaking the heavens and the earth, and in an instant, wild demons danced wildly between the heavens and the earth, with demonic aura surging to the sky, a demon god comparable to a saint was born at this moment.


"What? The Myriad Tribulation Demon Lord actually broke through the Hunyuan and became the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. It's amazing!"

"Breakthrough, how is this possible?"

"It turned out to be true. It really broke through. Without the primordial purple energy, it can still break through the Hunyuan!"

"How is this possible?! How did the Myriad Tribulation Demon Lord do it? Without relying on merit, let alone the primordial purple energy, he was able to break through the Hunyuan just by relying on his own strength. It's incredible. Hiss!"


All the supernatural beings in the world, all saints, and other living beings were awakened by this shocking demonic power. Although the monstrous demonic power of the Demon Lord of Myriad Tribulations is not as shocking as the saints, its aura completely surpassed that of quasi-human beings. Holy, giving people a feeling of facing a saint. No one doubts that the Demon Lord of Myriad Tribulations is still in the quasi-sacred realm.

Everyone gasped, their faces were horrified, and some even screamed.Even the saints from all walks of life were very surprised. For this reason, Nuwa and the two saints who received the lead stopped the fight and came to watch.

Zhunti Saint's face was livid, his eyes were burning with anger, and he glared at the Demon Lord of Myriad Tribulations who was in the midst of the storm.Sanqing's face also became serious, the previous aloofness as a saint disappeared at this moment, because someone who came after them had already caught up with them.


Just when everyone's expressions were different, above the nine heavens, wind and clouds gathered, dark clouds rolled, storms continued, thunder and light blazed, rumbled, and a catastrophe of heaven and earth was about to come.

(End of this chapter)

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