Chapter 168


Clouds descend and flames appear.There seemed to be hundreds of black holes on the body of the Myriad Tribulation Demon Lord, which were constantly devouring the fire energy.The billowing cloud turned into hundreds of flowing clouds and rushed into the body of the Demon Lord of Myriad Tribulations.

The catastrophe is from weak to strong, and the fire catastrophe is also gradually strengthening. The Demon Lord of Myriad Calamities didn't waste too much energy to resist the temperature of these fire catastrophes. If his body can't bear it, it's not too late to take action. Fire Tribulation, Myriad Tribulation Demon Venerable didn't think he could force himself to make a move.

The flame is scorching hot, rising to the level of real fire, sky fire, and divine fire. The real fire burns, and one kind of real fire comes one after another, including many top-level sky fires such as the real sun fire, the crape myrtle sky fire, and the Xuantian Jieyan.

But the Demon Lord of Myriad Tribulations stood in the void, he didn't care at all, the exercises on his body were constantly running, no matter how much real fire came, he could quickly devour it and strengthen his mana.

With the complete dissipation of the cloud.


Demon Lord Myriad Tribulations turned into a burning man, and a mass of chaotic fire was burning inside Demon Lord Myriad Tribulations.

"This is... Chaos Fire?" Someone asked in surprise.

"Yes, this is indeed chaotic fire. It cannot be resisted, but it can only be endured. It is a level higher than real fire and sky fire, and it can even threaten Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian." Some people with great supernatural powers know this kind of fire.

"It is said that the chaotic fire is divided into chaotic mysterious fire, chaotic sky fire, chaotic fairy fire, chaotic divine fire, chaotic holy fire, and chaotic dao fire from low to high. Generally, we only talk about chaotic black fire and chaotic sky fire, and the others are very rare , It’s hard to see. However, even if the Chaos Profound Fire and Chaos Sky Fire are very powerful, quasi-sage masters can’t bear it for ten breaths, even Hunyuan monks can hurt it.”

"Really, it seems that the Demon Lord of Myriad Tribulations is going to be unlucky."

"Not always……"

Another three years have passed.

After the calamity of fire passed, Demon Lord Myriad Tribulations soon returned to normal.

At this moment, the thunder catastrophe above the nine heavens has already covered the entire universe. The violent thunder and lightning raged in the air, lightning flashed and danced, and the ten directions died out. The entire universe below the golden immortal trembled.

Pay attention to the powerful people here, one by one is truly solemn. The previous wind and fire disasters are a bit easy for the Demon Lord Wanjie, which makes them have to admit that the Demon Lord Wanjie is more powerful than imagined .

Now, only the Thunder Tribulation and the Heart Demon Tribulation are left. However, it is possible that the Heart Demon Tribulation will land with the Thunder Tribulation, or be interspersed with the Thunder Tribulation. Judging from the previous situation, the Thunder Tribulation will definitely not be easy. This is the most important tempering to form the Tao body.

"I don't know what kind of thunder disaster this thunder disaster will be. It has been brewing for six years. It must not be easy!"

"Yeah, I don't know if the Demon Lord of Myriad Tribulations can survive this calamity?"

All the powerful people in the world watched nervously. Demon Lord Myriad Tribulations' crossing the catastrophe would definitely not be easy, and they all looked forward to it.


I don't know who said that, the Demon Lord Wanjie looked up at the sky, his face was calm, his eyes were flickering with madness, and the devilish energy was flying across his body.

Rifts of purple light pierced the sky and landed like tearing the sky apart, like the Thunder Emperor who ruled the nine heavens descended, personally suppressing and killing the Demon Lord of Myriad Tribulations.

The endless thunder light, coming up is the ninety-nine 81 heavy purple sky catastrophe, that is the light of the avenue, turning into purple air pressure and falling down, the highest and the greatest, vast and unparalleled.

Everyone can see that each level of the ninety-nine calamities is like a layer of heaven, the purple air is misty, the galaxy is crushed, the void is broken, and the universe is shattered.

This is just the beginning. All the big stars in this void exploded and became shattered. There was not a single one left. This scene made people tremble and feel horrified!

There is no such thing as a catastrophe. It destroyed this void as soon as it came up. At least ordinary monks have never seen it. Even when the saint was sanctified, there was no thunder catastrophe. Therefore, I am afraid that even the saint has never seen it Such a catastrophe.

"Crush it to the deity!"

The Demon King of Myriad Tribulations let out a loud roar, and the demon-robbing sword in his hand was majestic, with demonic energy all over his body, and the blade rapidly enlarged, turning into a huge magic sword that covered the sky, and slashed towards the thunder layer above the nine heavens.


There was only a bang, and the 81 Zixiao Shenlei were split in half, with a huge gap in the middle.

"Wan Dao Senluo, you are a fool!"

Before anyone could react, they heard a roar from the Demon Lord of Myriad Tribulations, and suddenly a huge chaotic cave was raised above his head. The devouring power turned into a huge hole, swallowing the divine thunder that was split in half by the magic knife, and there was a vacuum in the sky and earth, and nothing was left.


This scene was too horrifying, and all the great gods who paid attention to this place gasped one after another. It would take a lot of mana to make this sea of ​​thunder disappear.

You know, this misty purple air shattered this piece of void, and the galaxy scattered and became fragments, and finally ceased to exist.

Slashing out together, chopping the sea of ​​thunder, coming out of a hole, swallowing the punishment of heaven, is completely a sage's method, beyond the understanding of the world!

At the same time, all places in the prehistoric region can no longer be peaceful. Such a great catastrophe shocked all places as soon as it first appeared, especially the great saints chose to watch.

"Such a big catastrophe has infinite potential. If you can survive this catastrophe, you can become a Hunyuan, and it's not a weak Hunyuan."

"The Demon Lord of Myriad Tribulations? It is really possible to succeed!"

"The catastrophe is also an opportunity. If you pass it, you will go one step further. If you don't pass it, everything will come to an end!"



The catastrophe became even more violent, the mysterious light destroyed the world, the vastness and boundlessness, this shattered void became the source of destruction, everything was annihilated, and nothing ceased to exist.

The vastness of the sea of ​​thunder has surpassed the imagination of the world, and it is incomprehensible. This place has been turned into a calamity. As long as life comes in, it will be smashed to pieces, and there will be no bones left.

The Ten Thousand Tribulation Demon Venerable looked dignified, and he was trying to resist. This was just the beginning. The Great Tribulation was so violent that it was enough to chop the quasi-sage Dzogchen master into ashes. No matter how powerful he was, he had to be treated with caution.

The thunder robbery that had been swallowed by the chaotic hole before was received by him into the demon world, turned into nourishment, increased the energy of the demon world, and turned into the power of heavenly punishment from the demon world.

The universe is mourning, the thunder and ocean are surging, and the heaven and earth are all its light. There are no stars twinkling, and every strand of blazing electricity is intertwined and erupting.

The traces constructed by the most original rules of the universe split everything. This is the opening of the sky. The breath of the beginning is turbulent, and the relative power of destroying the world is also mighty.

This kind of catastrophe continued, and another divine pattern came again. Dozens of thunders and punishments came together on the sky, and they rolled forward. The Magic Tome of Myriad Tribulations is also running rapidly, absorbing the calamity energy of the world and absorbing the thunder calamity around it.

This place has become the most terrifying place in the prehistoric world, nothing can be seen, the blazing light shines on the ancient and modern times, the sky and the earth tremble, and the master of the dark seems to have arrived here. respect.



(End of this chapter)

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