My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 178 The Mysterious Fuxi

Chapter 178 The Mysterious Fuxi

On a hill with beautiful mountains and clear waters, a child of four or five years old was sitting on a high stone, looking up at the stars in the sky, in a daze.If you look carefully, you will find that there is a trace of vicissitudes in this child's eyes from time to time.

This child is Fuxi.

Since Fuxi was born, he has been extremely intelligent. He can speak in three days and walk in five days. When he is a little older, he can have his own views on things.

Since the last vision appeared, the people in the tribe also knew that Fuxi was not a monster, but a great sage of the human race, and their mother and child were taken back to the tribe.So, now, he is living in the tribe.

"It's been five years since I came to this world. It seems that I can't go back. I didn't expect that this world is surprisingly similar to my own. Moreover, my name is also Fuxi. Is this a coincidence? "

The child muttered to himself, the voice was so soft that only he could hear it.

If someone could hear the child's words at this time, there would be a storm in their hearts.The child in front of him was not from the prehistoric world.Yes, the child named Fuxi in front of him is not from the prehistoric world, he is from a place called Shenzhou.In his world, there is an astonishing similarity to the prehistoric world of this world.There is also Honghuang in Shenzhou, but Honghuang there is just one of the billions of stars, they call it the emperor star.

China is also divided into the ancient mythological era and the ancient era.In the age of mythology, Allah, an extraterrestrial demon, led endless demons to invade China. Daozu was the only immortal at that time. He fought against Allah, and both disappeared in the universe, and then disappeared without a trace.

Afterwards, a great battle broke out between the two sides, and the Supreme Being of Shenzhou joined the battle and defeated the Heavenly Demon. After the Heavenly Demon retreated, because the major forces in China were afraid of the mighty power of the Primordial Emperor Star, they joined forces to invade the Emperor Star.The Great War broke out, the Demon Emperor died, the Wa Emperor died, the Buddha Emperor was killed, Tongtian died in battle, Yuanshi died in battle... In the end, Dao Zun had to sacrifice himself, seal the Great Desolate Emperor Star, and hide it deep in the starry sky, so that the people of the Emperor Star, To survive.

In the ancient times, the human race was reborn, they drank blood like hair, had no food to eat, and demons were rampant. The human race was like rootless duckweed, surviving in the cracks.At that time, Fuxi was born, created gossip, fixed mountains and rivers, sought advantages and avoided disadvantages, proved the supreme Tao, and led the human race to self-improvement.Afterwards, he resolutely walked towards the starry sky, fighting to the death with the forces that fought against the prehistoric era, paving the way for future generations, and it was in that battle that he died.

Death, and sometimes rebirth.

Unexpectedly, Fuxi came to this world called Honghuang after his death.

In this world, he found that it was more dangerous than the world before him. Although the characters were similar, they were countless times stronger than the world before him in terms of strength.Not to mention the people who would destroy the world and reshape the world like the Seven Sages of the Desolation, he couldn't even imagine it.

In this world, there are no extraterritorial celestial demons in the ancient mythology era, but there are endless calamities such as the Dragon and Han catastrophe and the Lich catastrophe.

In this world, the human race is much better than he imagined, and the strength of the human race is also very strong. There are human race ancestors creating martial arts, the rise of the human race martial emperor, and the battle between the two clans of liches. Now it is even more unfathomable. The world before him is comparable.

Flying through all the past in his thoughts, Fuxi looked at his small body now, sighed deeply, and said:

"That's all, that's all! If you are here, you will be safe. Now that I have come to this world, I will complete my mission. If I am not wrong, my mission is to lead the human race to prosperity. Although the human race is strong today, But it is far from reaching the stage of great prosperity. As for the previous world, I have done my best, and the rest will depend on future generations.”

After finishing speaking, a flash of determination flashed in Fuxi's eyes, he looked towards the void, turned around and ran down the mountain.One step is several feet, obviously, his strength is not what it looks like.

Kunlun Mountain, in Yuxu Palace, Yuan Shi looked at the water mirror in front of him and laughed: "Interesting, interesting!"

The water mirror in front of him showed the scene of Fuxi looking up at the starry sky.

"All the traversers have appeared, this world is getting more and more interesting, ha ha!"


Decades have passed, and Fuxi is now the head of the clan.During this period, Fuxi showed extraordinary thoughts. He educated the human race, formulated the human relations guidelines, uncles, brothers, aunts and sisters.And this kind of influence has also spread out a little bit, and other tribes have followed suit.

His martial arts cultivation is also terrifying, and now only a few decades have passed, and he has already reached the extreme Jindan Martial Ancestor Realm, and he is only one step away from entering the Supernatural King Realm.

At the same time, Fuxi also had a younger sister named Nuwa.Of course, this Nuwa is not a saint Nuwa, but if there is no relationship between the two, none of the saints would believe it.

During this period, Fuxi led the tribe to weave nets to catch fish, hunt and collect fruits, and domesticate docile beasts.In this way, the name of Fuxi gradually spread, affecting the surrounding tribes and spreading far away.

The life of the human race is getting better and better, and the development of the tribe is getting faster and faster. The surrounding tribes gradually come to seek refuge. The Feng tribe gradually grows, and Fuxi's reputation is getting higher and higher.

Hundreds of years passed like this.

Fuxi's name has now spread throughout the prehistoric human race, and his reputation among the human race is getting higher and higher.But Fuxi was not happy, he knew that he was still short of the most critical step, and, with his previous life, he also knew where the gap was.

He also thought about creating gossip, but unfortunately, the rules of this world are more obscure and profound than those of the previous life, and the eight monsters of his previous life are no longer suitable for this world, so he needs to re-deduce.But to deduce gossip, the most important thing is missing, otherwise it will be very time-consuming.

Thinking of this, he explained the situation to his teacher, the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit. After all, the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit is a disciple of the saint, and there may be some solution.

After meeting the turtle spirit, Fuxi directly explained his purpose of coming, and wanted to ask for a way to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages for the human race, and break free from the sea of ​​suffering.

When Gui Ling heard this, he narrowed his eyes and began to calculate the secret.After a while, the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit smiled at Fuxi: "You do have a chance, which is related to what you are looking for, so let me go for you as a teacher."

After speaking, the Holy Mother of Guiling flew towards Kunlun Mountain.

After returning to Kunlun Mountain, the Holy Mother of Guiling directly explained the purpose of her visit to the leader of Tongtian. After hearing this, Tongtian laughed and said, "I already know about it. You just go to teach Fuxi. If the time is not up, don't force it. When the time comes, the opportunity will come." arrive."

"is teacher."

Despite some doubts, the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit didn't ask any more questions, but returned directly to the human race.

After she left, Tongtian's face became serious. He thought for a while, and then he directly told Nuwa about it via voice transmission. After all, Fuxi is Nuwa's eldest brother after all, and she cares more about Fuxi's proof of the Dao than anyone else.

After Nuwa heard this, a hint of anger appeared on her face, and she said, "Well, you Tongtian, your disciples teach the emperor, and you still need my hand. I don't want to solve the matter by myself, I just want to get merit, hum! "

Nuwa is well aware of Tongtian's calculations, but she can't help but worry about this matter, because everyone knows that she cares about Fuxi beyond the ordinary, and it's just like this, Tongtian will have the opportunity to plot against her .

Nuwa's eyes flickered for a while, and she thought about it in her heart. She said silently: "The karma owed to me by the Supreme Master has not been repaid. It seems that this karma still has to be settled in this matter."

Saying that, Nuwa set off directly, found the Supreme Taoist Master, and explained her purpose.The Taishang also knew the cause and effect of this time, so he had no choice but to agree.At the same time, he felt a little unhappy in his heart, because he was unhappy with Tong Tian's behavior.Tongtianjiao disciples want him to make a move.Tongtian also knew that he owed Nuwa karma, but he still found Nuwa. Didn't he consider this relationship?He didn't believe it.However, Tongtian was also his brother after all, so he didn't care too much about it, he just kept this matter in his heart.

After watching Nuwa leave, the Supreme Master thought about it, and he became concerned about this matter, and then directly announced to his disciple Xuandu:
"Come here, ask Xuandu to come over."

"Yes, sir."


(End of this chapter)

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