My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 187 Races, Sects, Loose People, Squads

Chapter 187 Races, Sects, Loose People, Squads

The seventh heaven in the spirit world, Da Luotian.

The monks who can enter the Daluo Heaven are generally Daluo Jinxian, and their martial arts cultivation is equivalent to the Heaven and Earth Faxiang Realm.Da Luo Jinxian is already considered a master in this age when saints don't shoot, and he is also a top talent of one party's forces, because above him, there are only two realms of quasi-sage and saint. Saints generally don't shoot. Also very little.

To be able to become a master of Da Luo Jinxian, in a clan, they are generally elders.At this moment, all these masters of Da Luo in the prehistoric world are gathered in Da Luo Tian. There are millions of them, which is simply unbelievable.This is only the Da Luo Jinxian who has received the order of the spirit god. In the wild, there are more Da Luo Jinxians who do not have the order of the spirit god.

From this we can foresee the situation of the top masters in the prehistoric world.This is the case with Da Luo Jinxian, and the number of people below Da Luo is probably even more terrifying.

At this moment, except for a small number of the Da Luo Jinxians in Da Luo Tian who went directly to experience treasure hunting, most of them gathered together to discuss how to establish a side in the world of spirits and gods.

Most of these people are the elites of a race, and they naturally know how important the resources of a whole new world are, not to mention the many magical things in the world of spirits and gods, which they cannot refuse.Now when I come to such a world for the first time, the most important thing is not to explore or anything, but to establish a foundation in such a world.

When the world first opened, everyone’s situation is the same. They entered this world together, and their understanding of this world is also the same. Everyone starts from scratch, wants to occupy more resources, and wants to get more benefits. Land issues are inevitable.

Only by establishing a stable base can we develop better in the world of spirits and gods.If there is no stable place for one party, people will be like rootless duckweed, drifting with the tide, and even if they get resources, they will be extremely limited.

As a result, just after the Spiritual God Realm appeared, people of the same race gathered together tacitly. They jointly explored the basic situation of the Spiritual God Realm, established a mountain, established influence, and laid a foundation.

In the east of Da Luotian, there is also a Kunlun Mountain, which was established by Yuanshi according to the appearance of the prehistoric Kunlun. Now in this Kunlun Mountain, there is also a Yuxu Palace, which is full of Yuanshi's apprentices.

Among the seventeen apprentices of Yuanshi, except Ran Deng, who had heard the Taoist preaching once and became a quasi-sage master, the others were Twelve Golden Immortals, Yun Zhongzi, five-color peacock Kongxuan, and golden-winged roc Garuda. , the golden Taoist who Daojin enlightened his spirit is now a Daluo Jinxian.

Although there are some high and some low cultivation levels among them, the tallest Guangchengzi has already reached the Consummation of Daluo, and he is only a hair away from the quasi-sage.Guang Chengzi learned the five-element seal, four-element seal, yin-yang seal, and Wuji seal from Yuanshi, and among Yuanshi's disciples, he was the one who received the most inheritance from Yuanshi. Based on these four seals from Yuanshi, he created his own fairy law "The Secret of Longevity" ", which contains the Tao of yin and yang, four images and five elements, with infinite changes and boundless power.He also has a top-grade congenital spirit treasure turning the sky seal, which is half of Buzhou Mountain's return to its source. With one seal, the sky can be turned over, the power is huge, and it can fight quasi-sage masters.

The second master is not one of the Twelve Golden Immortals, but the five-color peacock Kongxuan. He is also a master of Daluo Consummation. Brush, the power is huge, and it is also a quasi-sage.

After Kong Xuan, it is Yuding Daoist, Taiyi Daoist, Golden Wing Dapeng, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, Golden Taoist, etc. They are all masters in the late stage of Daluo. Except for them, the rest are in the middle stage of Daluo.

Among them, there are more or less fundamental seals that have been passed down to Yuanshi, but for some reason, no one has been able to learn Yuanshi's Dao Yiyin and the ultimate seal of Yuanshi.Of course, this may be related to talent and opportunity. The most important thing is that Yuan Shi Yin needs to be proficient in all other printing methods before it can be displayed. You must know that Jiu Yin Gathering and Yuan Shi Xian are not just talking.

At this moment, Guang Chengzi, as the major disciple of Chanjiao, is assigning tasks about the world of spirits and gods.

Although Yuanshi was their teacher, he did not give them any news about the spirit world, but let them explore by themselves, and also assigned them many tasks, requiring them to make breakthroughs in a hundred years without seeking the realm. A breakthrough, at least a major breakthrough in combat power.

Yuan Shi took the elite route in accepting apprentices.What is an elite, an elite is a person who can be ten, a hundred, or a thousand, not ordinary people who can only win one-on-one.If you want to become an elite, you will naturally need more tempering. For this, in order to take special care of them, Yuanshi also specially arranged many powerful beasts, fierce beasts, etc. near Kunlun Mountain. Those are all a group of Can fight quasi-holy monsters.


On the East China Sea of ​​the Spiritual God Realm, there is an island, which is the address of Jiejiao, named Jinao Island, and there is a palace on it, named Biyou Palace.

This time, the interception of teaching was not together with the interpretation of teaching, but they chose to separate. I don't know if this means Yuanshi, Tongtian, or both.

Tongtian's way of preaching is to teach without distinction. Except for a few true disciples, most of them choose the free-range model.There are too many members of the Jiejiao. It is said that the Ten Thousand Immortals will come to court. There will be all kinds of people, arrogant, lazy, rebellious, there are demons, there are fierce people, and there are fierce people. Of course, there are also kind monks.Among these people, there are many factions. Among them, no one obeys the other. On the surface, they are not very good, but secretly, they have their own struggles.

It has to be said that Master Tongtian is still very far-sighted. He did not force them to correct, but chose to ignore it, reflecting the Taoist thought of doing nothing but curing.In this way, although the ruthless ones became more ruthless, and the arrogant ones became more arrogant, it was just like this. A tacit competition formed among his sects, and each was making progress.

Although they do not accept anyone internally, but once external, most of them will unite and unanimously external.The most important thing is that Tongtian generally treats his disciples very well, so everyone respects Tongtian very much.It's not like explaining the teachings, Yuanshi's disciples, that is not only respect for Yuanshi, but more awe.

Yuanshi knew about this all the time, but he didn't want to change anything. His character is just like that. He is said to be indifferent, or disdainful, but in fact he doesn't care about everything. He only pursues strength, and most of the others are indifferent. He doesn't take it to heart, and he generally doesn't waste his brainpower on problems that can be solved by force.

In this way, over time, his disciples will naturally feel awe and fear towards him.

However, the leader of Tongtian is very good to his disciples and protects his shortcomings. Of course, there are also reasons for his disciples. For various reasons, Tongtian is not as indifferent as Yuanshi.

There is nothing between Yuanshi and Tongtian, it's just that their personalities are different.

The disciples of Tongtian also respect the four true disciples of Duobao, Wudang, Jinling, and Guiling. In the spirit world at this moment, it is the four true disciples of Tongtian who are leading several disciples of Jiejiao. The disciples of Da Luo Jin Wonderland, they are also developing in the Spiritual God Realm.

Among the human religions, there is only Xuandu. He is casual and does not have any fixed place. He stops and stops in this world of spirits and gods, and he is at peace with the situation.

In addition to the disciples of the three religions, the human race is the race with the largest number of people entering the spirit world, and they have also established forces.In addition, others, such as Asura, Ming, Tianhu, Dragon, Phoenix, Ice Spirit, Qingqiu Fox, Zerg, Demon, Scorpio, Beast, Elf, Wood Spirit The giant clan, the giant clan, etc. have all established influence in the spirit world.

In the world of spirits and gods, the individual mode, team mode, and vassal hegemony mode will also be launched soon.


(End of this chapter)

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