My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 192 Shennong Scattered 5 Grains

Chapter 192

Xuantian became the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and immediately set off endless storms in the prehistoric.Everyone reacts differently to this.

For the human race, this is naturally the most gratifying thing. Xuantian is a human race, and now he has become a strong Hunyuan, and the status of the human race has naturally increased a lot. If other races in the prehistoric want to deal with the human race, they must at least consider it. The attitude of Xuan Tian, ​​a strong man.

Among them, races naturally respect and fear the human race, and what they fear is the strength of the human race, and what they are afraid of is that if Xuantian, a strong man of mixed origin, wants to deal with them one day, they will have no resistance at all.

The gods of the prehistoric world, regarding Xuantian's becoming the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, naturally have extremely complicated hearts. They hope that Xuantian will succeed, so that quasi-sages like them without the primordial purple energy will have a chance to become Hunyuan. At the same time, they don't want him to succeed. If he really breaks through, Honghuang will have another strong man standing on top of them and ruling their destiny.

However, now Xuantian has successfully broken through, which made them breathe a sigh of relief, but at the same time, they were a little depressed. Why can others break through, but they themselves can't. Could it be that they are really worse than others?

The attitude of the saints is a bit subtle. From the perspective of a saint, they naturally don't want someone to break through and stand shoulder to shoulder with them, so that the coercion of the saint will be continuously weakened.In fact, they really wanted to stop Xuan Tian when he broke through, but they were stopped by Yuan Shi, and no one knew why.

Xuantian's breakthrough, Yuan Shi, who is the deity, is naturally very happy. After all, the breakthrough of "Death of Me" is also of great help to him. The strength of the growth will be stronger.

After Xuantian broke through, he didn't do other things in a high-profile way. Instead, he hid like the Demon Lord of Myriad Tribulations, devoted himself to enlightenment and cultivation, and didn't encounter major events, so he usually wouldn't appear among the human race.

Among the human race, under the leadership of Fuxi, it became more and more powerful, and the number of human races also increased sharply.With the increase in population, various problems arise.Housing problems, food problems, disasters and diseases, etc., are quite serious.

Among them, the most serious is the food problem.With the rapid increase in population, the general methods of hunting and picking wild fruits can no longer meet the needs of human beings. In the human race, a large number of people will die due to food shortage within a year.

In this regard, Shennong, whose surname is Lieshan, who has grown up now, is quite concerned about this matter.In order to solve the human race's food problem, he thought day and night, racking his brains, but he just didn't think of a good way to solve the human race's food problem.

For warriors, fortunately, they already have the ability to go hunting on their own, but for ordinary people, hunting is a very dangerous thing, and various dangers will appear in the wild at any time. loss of life.Among the human race, ordinary people happened to be the most, and their food problem became the biggest trouble.

On this day, Shennong came to the wild, hoping to find a way to solve the food problem of the human race.

At this moment, he saw a colorful divine bird flying in front of him, holding a colorful nine-stalked grain in its beak, and when it passed Shennong, the nine-seared grain in its beak fell to the ground.

When Shennong saw it, a light flashed in his mind, as if something had been opened.He took a few steps forward, grabbed the Jiusui Valley on the ground, looked it over carefully, and thought of many things in an instant:

"Since birds can eat grains, can humans also? Also, not only grains, but also other plants and animals can eat them. Why can't humans eat them?"

Shen Nong thought for a while, and the door of wisdom in his mind seemed to be opened, and his thoughts spread all of a sudden, and he suddenly thought far away.

Shennong searched for some Nine Pine Valleys again, hurried back to the human tribe, found an open space, buried Nine Pine Valleys in the soil, watered them with water, and took care of them every day.Later, a piece of Jiulong Valley grew here. Seeing this, Shen Nong collected the Jiulong Valley, put it in his mouth and tasted it, and felt that it was edible, and he was overjoyed.

Therefore, Shennong quickly found the plants that other animals had eaten, and planted them according to the habits of some plants.During the planting process, many problems were naturally encountered, but Shennong solved them one by one.

In the process, he discovered that some plants can be eaten, while others cannot.For this reason, Shennong often ate poisonous things by mistake. If he hadn't followed Xuandu to learn the way of cultivation, and even learned the art of alchemy, and was proficient in elixir, he would have died already.

However, after many attempts, he finally found some useful food. Among the many foods, Shennong finally selected rice, millet, millet, wheat, and bean grains, which are the most important food for the human race.

After that, Shennong taught the skills of sowing grains among the tribes.At first, many people didn't believe it, but some people took the attitude of giving it a try, planted it according to Shennong's words, and finally got a lot of food, and human beings can eat it.

The human race is overjoyed!

Later, under the leadership of Shen Nong, more and more people planted five grains. They felled trees, harvested weeds, used stones to make various tools such as axes and hoes, reclaimed the land, and planted five grains.

Five grains solved a large part of the human food problem, and the lives of the people began to improve. When other tribes heard about this, they also began to learn from the Shennong tribe how to grow five grains. Gradually, this kind of five grains has been widely used among the human race. It was spread that most of the food problem among the human race was solved at once. The prestige of Shennong of the Lieshan Clan suddenly disappeared. Later generations honored Shennong as "the emperor of agriculture"!
Jiang's tribe also grew stronger during this period, gradually comparable to Fuxi's Feng's tribe.

Fuxi, who is the co-lord of the human race, also heard about Shennong at this time, and couldn't help being interested in Shennongda.

At this time, Fuxi has been in power for 490 years, and in another ten years, it is time to abdicate.Among the human race, there was a rule that the co-lord could only reign for a maximum of 500 years, and then he had to abdicate.

Moreover, ever since Fuxi created the innate gossip, he has been able to calculate his own future. After nearly 500 years of being the co-lord of the human race, the convergence of the luck of the human race and the luck of the protagonists of the heavens and the earth has brought Fuxi's cultivation to a turning point. He knew that he had already completed his merits and virtues, and it was time for him to prove himself the emperor.

During this period of time, Fuxi has been looking for someone who can inherit him and become the co-lord of the human race. Now that Shennong appears, Fuxi is immediately delighted.After a while of calculations, he found that he couldn't calculate Shennong's fate, he could only know that Shennong was a disciple of a saint, a great sage of the human race, and in his fate, there was a faint majesty of a glorious day.

Fu Xi immediately knew that Shen Nong was not simple, he might be the one he was looking for.

So Fuxi decided to visit this Shennong.When Fuxi came to Jiang's tribe, he summoned Shennong directly regardless of other people's excitement.

Fuxi brought Shennong into a room, and the two chatted freely, discussing matters about the human race. Most of them were Fuxi who asked questions, and Shennong answered. Fuxi observed Shennong while asking.After some answers, he was very satisfied with this Shennong clan. He was not inferior to himself in some aspects of governing the human race. In some places, he even surpassed him, especially in agriculture.

Fuxi immediately asked Shennong to worship him and call him brother.Shennong has nothing to do, after some sworn brothers, the two of you looked at me and I looked at you, I just felt that it was too late to meet each other!
"Big brother!"

"Second brother!"

"Big brother!"

"Second brother!"

"Big brother!"


(End of this chapter)

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