Chapter 196
"Gongsun Xuanyuan? Good name!"

When Yuan Shi heard the name, he naturally pondered slightly.The name Gongsun Xuanyuan may not be very good now, but in the future, it will be resounded all over the world, and its power will shake the prehistoric world.

Gongsun Xuanyuan, the son of the Shaodian family and Fubao, was originally a Gongsun, and later changed his surname to Ji, so he was called Ji Xuanyuan. He lived in the hill of Xuanyuan and was named Xuanyuan. Emperor Hongshi".

Xuanyuan unified the Chinese tribes, conquered Dongyi, Jiuli and other tribes, unified China, and made great achievements!

Throughout his life, Xuanyuan was decisive in killing and fighting, but he was the best one among the Three Emperors and Five Emperors. He was famous and shocked all peoples!
During his reign, he sowed hundreds of grains, planted vegetation, developed crops, made clothes, built boats and carts, made musical temperament, and created medicine.

Of course, these are just the life of Xuanyuan Huangdi in the future, and now he is just a five-year-old child who loves to play swords and yearns for flying immortals!

At this moment, Yuanshi thought a lot. He seemed to be able to see that in the future human race, the princes invaded each other, tyrannized the people, and fought in troubled times. Huge situation.

After thinking about it for a while, Yuan Shi stopped paying attention to other things, but turned his attention back to the little Xuanyuan in front of him.No matter how great the future is, we still have to look at the present. If he dies now, what future is there?

Little Xuanyuan is still young and needs to be cultivated well. In this way, it is impossible to say that my Yuxu sect can produce another peerless talent.

"Little guy, would you like to worship under this seat, Xiuxian asked!"

After pondering for a while, Yuan Shi said directly, with his sage's respect, if he said such a thing, if other people heard it, he would not be envious of death.

"What can you teach me?"

Little Xuanyuan didn't answer Yuan Shi's words immediately, but asked rhetorically.Although he is small, he is very smart.


Yuan Shi couldn't help laughing, he knew the little guy's thoughts at a glance, but he didn't point it out, but said directly: "Whatever you want to learn, this seat can teach you."

"Really?" The little guy's eyes lit up immediately, "I really can learn anything I want?"

"Of course! Look——" As he said that, Yuan Shi stretched out his jade hand and gently pointed towards the void. Suddenly, a huge black hole appeared in front of Yuan Shi and the two of them. The black hole evolved into a huge vortex, swallowing everything around. .

Yuan Shi stretched out his hand, and the black hole disappeared immediately, and the surrounding area instantly returned to its original state, with overgrown vegetation and rivers, as if everything that happened just now had never happened.


The little guy's eyes widened immediately, and his eyes were full of disbelief, but he was thinking in his heart how strong this person is to be able to break through the void.

"Meet the teacher!"

The little guy is also very smart. After seeing this scene, he no longer hesitated, and immediately bowed down to Yuanshi.

"Huh? This seat is not your teacher, I am your ancestor." Seeing this, Yuan Shi smiled with satisfaction and said.


The little guy doesn't understand why it's not a teacher, but a master?However, he soon felt relieved, the master must be the master, besides, if the master is so powerful, the apprentice must be also very powerful.

"Go, follow me back to the mountain to practice." Yuan Shi said.

"Huh? What about my parents?"

Little Xuanyuan hesitated, logically speaking, he should follow his teacher, ah no!It's the master, who went back to the mountain to practice with his master, but he was also worried about his parents, afraid that they would worry about him.

"Don't worry." Yuan Shi said softly, and then he brought little Xuanyuan to the human race, and explained the situation to his parents, so that they don't have to worry.

After dealing with it, he took little Xuanyuan out and returned to Kunlun Mountain.

Back at Kunlun Mountain, Yuanshi summoned Baihe Tongzi and said in a deep voice, "Go to your senior brother Guangchengzi and ask him to summon the disciples!"

"Yes, sir!"

Boy Baihe is the boy who explains and teaches, similar to the roles of Haotian and Yaochi before. However, although he is a boy, how can he be a boy who interprets and cuts? His overall strength has reached the early stage of Daluo Jinxian The realm is not comparable to others.

clang clang...

It didn't take long before Guangchengzi rang the golden bell. The sound was deep and thick, forming a sound wave that spread to the entire Kunlun Mountain. For a while, those who were practicing in their respective caves, or taking risks in the world of spirits and gods, or playing in other places , all rushed to Yuxu Palace.


In the main hall of Yuxu Palace, Yuan Shi sits high on the nine-layered cloud bed, with golden light and rays of light soaring into the sky. Next to the main hall, there is a small Xuanyuan.Seventeen disciples including Guang Chengzi stood on both sides of the hall.

Guang Chengzi and the others looked at Little Xuanyuan, even though they were curious about who this child was and how did he come to the hall?One must know that the people who can go to the main hall are all members of Yuxu Sect. Could this child be the teacher's new apprentice?But they know what to ask and what not to ask.They glanced at Xuanyuan, then looked away, and bowed to Yuanshi:

"Students, please meet the teacher, may the teacher be immortal!"


Yuan Shi nodded and glanced at everyone, only to see that Guang Chengzi had already broken through the Daluo barrier and became the first quasi-sage master among the disciples of the Three Religions.Others also had different breakthroughs. For example, Kong Xuan, who was wearing a multicolored Taoist robe, stepped into the quasi-sage with one foot, and several of the others also achieved Daluo Consummation.He couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction.

Among the three teachings, except for the Supreme Master's Human Teaching, there is only one successor, and there are many disciples whether it is to cut off teaching or explain teaching.Although they are not very good on the surface, secretly, they are also competing with each other, comparing the strength of the disciples, and no one agrees with the other.

Now Guangchengzi is the first disciple of the three religions to break through the quasi-sage besides the lamp. Although Yuanshi didn't show the slightest expression on his face, he was very happy about it in his heart. After all, no one hopes that he will lose.

"Yes, you all have breakthroughs in your cultivation, especially Guang Chengzi. As a senior brother, you are the first to break through the quasi-sage, and you have indeed played a leading role. I hope you will not be proud and continue to work hard in the future." Yuan Shi commented lightly.

"is teacher!"

It is rare for everyone to show a hint of joy on their faces. You must know that it is rare to be praised by Yuan Shi. Although they are Yuan Shi's disciples, they hardly see Yuan Shi praise anyone.

"Well, this coincides with the prosperity of humanity. The three emperors and five emperors were born. Today, the emperor has been certified. Shennong is the co-lord of the human race. He is the future emperor of the earth. When the time comes, he will be able to prove the Tao as the emperor! Discuss with the saints as a teacher." , Among the three emperors and five emperors, each of the three religions occupies one emperor and one emperor, and the teacher of the emperor should be my teacher!" Yuan Shi said lightly.

When all the disciples heard this, their faces were filled with joy, and they looked up with anticipation.

Who wouldn't want the merits of being a teacher of the Emperor?No one has too much merit. If you get it, even if you can't become a quasi-sage, you can make great progress in your own way and save a lot of time for yourself.For a person like Kong Xuan who is only one step away from breaking through the quasi-sage, that merit is even more important. Maybe it is because of that little merit that he can break through?
All of a sudden, Guang Chengzi, Kong Xuan, Fear Liusun, Ci Hangdaoren and other disciples all looked up at Yuan Shi, hoping that they could get this opportunity.

"This is Xuanyuan, Guang Chengzi, let him practice with you for a hundred years first." Yuan Shi looked at little Xuanyuan beside him, and said with a final word.

"is teacher!"

(End of this chapter)

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