My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 199 Who is the first to realize the big dream, I know it all my life

Chapter 199 Who is the first to realize the big dream, I know it all my life

"Two major benefits? I don't know... what are they?" Gongsun Xuanyuan thought for a moment, thoughtfully.

"I've been observing you since you got started. Your comprehension, aptitude, and luck are all very good. In just a hundred years, you've lived someone else's life. But after all, it's because of the short time and lack of character. It’s not as good as those monks who have practiced for tens of thousands of years.”

"I see that you will have a difficult life in the future. You will encounter powerful opponents. If you survive, you will fly into the sky. If you fail, everything will fail! For this reason, I will send you...a dream!"

"A dream?" Gongsun Xuanyuan was puzzled, he didn't know what a dream was good for.

However, before he had time to say anything, he saw Yuan Shi wave his jade sleeves, dreamy colors flashed in front of his eyes, he lost his senses, lay down on the ground... fell asleep!
In a daze, when he woke up again, he became an ordinary scholar, carrying a basket of books on his back to Beijing for the exam.

On the way, they passed a deserted temple and met a beautiful woman. After a disaster, the two fell in love with each other, and then began a tearful love.In the end, the scholar was killed by the woman's father. After the woman heard the news, she ended her life with scissors on the way to get married.

In the second life, he was transformed into a woman who was all over the country and the city, and she was beautiful, but she was lonely all her life, her parents died early, she fell into prostitution, and finally married someone who loved her, but because of her own peerless appearance, she died tragically. .On the day she killed her enemy, she also took her own life.

In the third life, he became a general of a generation. He fought decisively and fought countless battles throughout his life. He made great military exploits for his dynasty, but because of his great achievements, he was finally killed by his king.

In the fourth life, he became a fisherman by the sea and made a living by fishing all his life. In the end, he lived to be 63 years old with gray hair. He died in the sea and was eaten by fish while fishing.

In the fifth life, he became a soldier, fighting on the battlefield all his life, and finally died on the battlefield, and was pierced through the chest.

In the sixth world, he became the lord of a country, but all day long he only knew that he was greedy for pleasure, greedy for beauty, abused his courtiers, and killed loyal ones. In the end, all his courtiers went to the enemy's country, and instead led troops to attack. At the last moment, he regretted it too much, but it was too late, a glass of poisoned wine ended his life.

Earth VII, he became a domestic slave...

The eighth world, he is a monster...

Ninth, he is a stone...

In the tenth world, he became a prostitute...

No. 11th...


Reincarnation again and again, whether male or female, or grass or wood, or ants, or peerless masters, or slaves, or kings, or...

Everything in the world is constantly reincarnated in a big dream that is comparable to reality. The sinking of the soul, the confrontation of the spirit, the tempering of the soul... flowed by.

Everything looks so real, just like a personal experience, making people feel that there is no falsehood.

Until, the hundredth...

In the hundredth life, he was born in a weak tribe called Youxiong, and his name was Gongsun Xuanyuan.

He could speak a few days after he was born, his mind was quick when he was young, he was honest and capable when he was young, and he was smart and resolute when he was an adult.

At that time, Chiyou was tyrannical and innocent, annexing the princes. At that time, Shennong, the co-lord of the world, had already declined, and the tribes attacked each other.He resolutely shouldered the responsibility of stabilizing the world, raised troops from Jishui, and marched towards the surrounding tribes. With a weak force, he continued to fight and grow stronger. Finally, he united many tribes, united with Emperor Yan, and fought against Chiyou and other tribes.

But in the end, it was because of the disparity in strength that there were more defeats than victories.The repeated defeats did not make him lose or give up, but made him go one step further, arousing his inner pride. He persevered, became productive, and strengthened the country.He occupies righteousness, so more people come to join him, and his team gradually expands.

In the end, the two sides fought for the deer, and the fighters on both sides were brave and fearless, and the battle was very tragic.Xuanyuan, with the assistance of General Fenghou, Yushi, Limu, Hanyu and others, finally captured Chiyou and killed him. The princes respected him as the son of heaven, replacing Emperor Yan, and became the co-lord of the world. Because of his virtue, he was called Huangdi.

Later, Emperor Yan was dissatisfied with Huangdi being the co-lord of the world, and tried to regain his lost position, and finally raised his troops to rebel.Emperor Yan and Emperor Huang clashed and fought decisively in the field of Banquan.After three fierce battles, the Yellow Emperor won.Since then, the Yellow Emperor has established his position as the co-lord of the world, and ordered all the tribes that do not obey, to go to crusade as the emperor.

During the reign of the Yellow Emperor, the power shook the Quartet, expanded the territory, promoted killings, and made the country strong and powerful.

In his later years, the Yellow Emperor searched for immortals, and finally met a Guangcheng immortal on a small hill in Kunlun Mountains.He asked him the way of longevity.

However, Guangcheng Tianzun only answered four sentences before disappearing. Those four sentences were:

"Like a dream, like dew, like electricity, like nothing but reality, even more like dust
The great dream of eternal love can break through the reality of immortality! "

Guangcheng Tianzun disappeared, but Huang Di was stunned. Those four words resounded like a torrent in the depths of his mind, pulling him up from the endless abyss.

Immediately, one after another of information flooded towards him like a tide, impacting deep in his mind and touching his heart for a while.


The Yellow Emperor yelled, his head hurt so badly, there were countless messages rushing over at once, no one could withstand their attack.

The information of a hundred generations came back to him at once, and the reincarnation of a hundred generations had a huge impact on his heart, as if he had been enlightened, and he remembered a lot all at once.

"Gongsun Xuanyuan... Yellow Emperor... Guangchengzi... Kunlun Mountain... Yuanshi Tianzun..."

Those scenes emerged in his mind, as if tens of millions of years had passed, from bits and pieces of vague memories to gradually becoming clearer.

"It turns out that I am Gongsun Xuanyuan!" Huang Di murmured to himself.

"But, I've already woken up, why haven't I recovered? Could it has really been tens of millions of years?" Xuanyuan looked at his already aged figure, and asked with some doubts.

"No! I don't believe it! I want to wake up!"

He shouted loudly, it's a pity, but it didn't help, he was still the same, unchanged.

Gradually, he became silent, and he began to think about his own life. He reviewed the experience of the previous hundred lives over and over again, and gradually, he began to regain his indifference. In those eyes, there was a indifference that could see through everything.

After an unknown amount of time, when he woke up again, his mind became much more transparent, even more thorough.

In the samsara of hundreds of generations, I feel that life, even a grass or a speck of dust, has its own life.At this moment, the life and love of a hundred generations, the feelings of a hundred generations, all turned into a mysterious force, flowing in his heart.

"So... so." Xuanyuan murmured.

"Who realizes the big dream first? I know it all my life!"

Suddenly, a voice resounded like a big bell, reverberating endlessly in the valley for a long time.

In an instant, Xuanyuan returned to his youthful appearance again.

After a dream, I have already...woke up.


(End of this chapter)

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